Understanding Market Maker Signals (2024)

Traders use market maker signals as another indicator to inform their trades. We can view these signals on instruments like Level 2.

Essentially, we’re able to view the shares trading hands in real-time.

We can see how many shares and for how much money.

This data helps us paint a better picture of the market. When the picture is clear, it’s easier for us to see trade opportunities.

Most people throw money at the market and don’t look at the market maker’s signals. They ignore a key piece of data.

That means that if we can understand the language, we’ve got an advantage.

I’ve been in the market for over 20 years. I know the tricks of the trade. I’ve seen the man behind the curtain.

Understanding market maker signals separates the real traders from the gamblers.

And I’m not here to gamble.

I’m here to make money. Let’s get down to business.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What Are Market Maker Signals?
  • 2 Diving Deeper into the Concept of a Market Maker
    • 2.1 What Is a Market Maker?
    • 2.2 How Do Market Makers Work?
  • 3 Understanding Market Maker Signals in Action
    • 3.1 Real Market Maker “Signals” To Pay Attention To
    • 3.2 5 Common Market Maker Signals and Their Meanings
    • 3.3 Less Frequently Used Market Maker Signals
  • 4 The Impact of Market Maker Signals on Various Markets
    • 4.1 How Do Market Makers Move Prices?
    • 4.2 What Is Market Maker Strategy?
  • 5 Market Makers in Various Types of Trading
    • 5.1 Market Makers in Forex Trading
    • 5.2 Market Makers in Stocks Trading
    • 5.3 Market Makers in Crypto Trading
    • 5.4 Market Makers in CFD Trading
  • 6 Key Takeaways
  • 7 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
    • 7.1 Do Market Makers Manipulate Price?
    • 7.2 Do Market Makers Own Stock?
    • 7.3 What Are the 3 Major Markets Where Market Maker Signals Are Used?

What Are Market Maker Signals?

Understanding Market Maker Signals (1)

Market maker signals are numerical cues that market makers (firms and brokers who buy and sell stocks) use to communicate their intentions.

Whether it’s a buy signal, sell signal, or anything in between, these signals offer glimpses into the market maker’s next move. Think of it as reading their hand.

While some see this as manipulation, for many traders, it’s just another layer of data, another aspect of the market’s complex dynamics.

Diving Deeper into the Concept of a Market Maker

Market makers play a vital role in the trading ecosystem. They are the dealers that bridge the gap between buyers and sellers, providing liquidity and maintaining a seamless flow in the market.

These companies hold vast amounts of stocks, including penny stocks, and constantly provide bid and ask quotes.

The aim? To profit from the spread between buying and selling.

The concept goes beyond just numbers. Market makers operate at the core of market functionality, offering value by smoothing out price volatility. They’re like the grease in the engine, ensuring all parts move smoothly without resistance.

The risk they take on by holding positions helps increase trading volumes, and they’re an essential part of the Nasdaq and other exchanges.

But most people don’t know anything about them.

One of the only places you can access market makers is in Level 2 software.

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What Is a Market Maker?

A market maker is like the dealer in the world of trading.

It’s a firm or individual trader who facilitates the buying and selling of shares, keeping the stock market’s wheels turning.

They ensure liquidity by offering to buy or sell at any time, bridging the gap between buyers and sellers. The role of market makers is vital in keeping the market process smooth and efficient.

How Do Market Makers Work?

How market makers operate is a blend of art and strategy.

By setting bid and ask prices and trading with either side, they make money through spreads and commissions. They react to changes in the market, offers from other market participants, and information such as news releases.

These activities are essential in maintaining liquidity, offering buyers and sellers a platform to trade easily.

You can see them in the video below …

Understanding Market Maker Signals (3)

Understanding Market Maker Signals in Action

Understanding market maker signals can be likened to decoding a unique language.

These signals, including buy signals, hold signals, up signals, down signals, over signals, and under signals, provide clues to the market maker’s intentions. I know there’s a lot. Don’t worry, it comes with time.

Traders who can read these signals have an edge, tapping into insights that many others overlook. And vice versa, traders that ignore the signals are missing out.

For example, a hold signal might reveal a dealer’s intent to keep a position static for the time being.

Meanwhile, up signals and down signals might show trends in price direction.

These clues can be invaluable to investors and traders alike, but they require attention, analysis, and the right resources to decode. It’s not about quick tips or shortcuts; it’s about diligence, understanding the theory, and putting in the work.

While understanding market maker signals is crucial, it’s equally important to have a comprehensive understanding of other day trading indicators.

These indicators can provide additional insights into market trends and potential trading opportunities. For a more in-depth look at day trading indicators, consider exploring this comprehensive guide. It provides valuable insights that can enhance your trading strategy and decision-making process.

Real Market Maker “Signals” To Pay Attention To

Understanding Market Maker Signals (4)

Pay attention, traders. Understanding real market maker signals can be a game-changer.

These signals reveal intentions to buy, sell, hold, or even manipulate the stock price. They come in different forms, including numbers and changes in order volume.

This is something I show all my students in the Challenge. I hold live webinars to display Level 2. Then I explain the market maker signals in real-time.

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Reading them correctly can guide you in making informed trades.

5 Common Market Maker Signals and Their Meanings

There’s a world within numbers. Here’s a breakdown of 5 common market maker signals:

  • 100 – I need shares.
  • 200 – I need to unload shares.
  • 300 – Take the stock down to get shares.
  • 400 – Keep trading it sideways.
  • 500 – Gap the stock up or down.

Understanding these signals and their meanings can enhance your trading strategy.

Less Frequently Used Market Maker Signals

While some market maker signals are common, others are used less frequently.

These can include specific numeric codes or changes in order flow that indicate less conventional market strategies. While they may not appear every day, keeping an eye on these signals can provide insights into specific market conditions and opportunities.

The Impact of Market Maker Signals on Various Markets

Understanding Market Maker Signals (5)

Market maker signals aren’t confined to one trading arena. They can be found across stocks, penny stocks, and even forex.

The impact of these signals can be far-reaching, affecting everything from price levels and ranges to liquidity and competition.

In the stock market, these signals can influence the support and resistance points, shaping how prices move.

For investors, recognizing these signals can be the difference between success and failure. It’s about looking at the evidence, understanding the reasons behind the signals, and making informed decisions.

No two markets are the same, but the presence of market makers and their signals weaves a common thread through them all.

It’s a case of connection and interplay between thousands of entities.

How Do Market Makers Move Prices?

Market makers can move prices up, down, over, or under. By placing orders and managing the bid and ask spread, they create fluctuations in stock prices.

This is not necessarily manipulation; it’s part of their role in maintaining liquidity and matching buyers and sellers. Understanding this aspect can enhance your ability to read the market.

What Is Market Maker Strategy?

Market maker strategy is about leveraging the data, research, and content to make buying and selling decisions.

It’s not just about reading signals; it’s about using them to create opportunities. A market maker will analyze trading volume, trends, and market news to make their moves.

Market Makers in Various Types of Trading

Understanding Market Maker Signals (6)

From stocks to forex, market makers are a constant.

Their presence ensures that trades happen, even when buyers and sellers are scarce. In every type of trading, these entities hold sway, providing stability and keeping costs in check.

In the world of penny stocks, market makers might be seen as the linchpin, enabling small trades that can lead to big profits. The same principles apply to other types of trading, with market makers adapting their strategies and signals to suit the environment.

Understanding these various roles requires more than just superficial knowledge; it requires diving deep into the subject, understanding each other’s roles, and recognizing the interplay between all the various parts.

Market Makers in Forex Trading

In forex trading, market makers play a significant role in providing liquidity.

By offering buy and sell signals and controlling spreads, they facilitate trading between different currencies. Understanding their signals in this arena can lead to better decision-making.

Forex trading is a fast-paced environment where scalping is often used as a strategy.

Scalping involves making numerous trades within a day to profit from small price changes. To effectively implement this strategy, it’s crucial to understand the best indicators for scalping.

For a detailed discussion on this topic, check out this resource. It provides a comprehensive overview of the best indicators for scalping, which can be a valuable addition to your forex trading toolkit.

Market Makers in Stocks Trading

Stock trading is where market makers truly shine. They provide the liquidity needed for buyers and sellers to trade efficiently.

By monitoring their signals, you can glean insights into the direction of stock prices and make informed trades.

In stock trading, momentum is a key factor that traders often monitor. Momentum indicators can provide insights into the speed of price changes, helping traders identify potential trading opportunities.

For a deeper understanding of how to use momentum indicators in stock trading, this article is a must-read. It offers a detailed explanation of momentum indicators, enhancing your ability to make informed trading decisions.

Market Makers in Crypto Trading

Market makers are a crucial part of the crypto world.

They facilitate trading in a relatively new and volatile market, using their signals to bridge gaps between buyers and sellers. Understanding these signals can provide an edge in this rapidly evolving landscape.

If you’re interested in crypto at all, make sure to watch my video below …

Understanding Market Maker Signals (7)

Market Makers in CFD Trading

In CFD (Contract for Difference) trading, market makers provide the ability to trade without owning the underlying asset.

They signal their intentions through their actions, providing insights into market trends and opportunities.

Key Takeaways

Understanding Market Maker Signals (8)

Understanding market maker signals is about peeling back another layer of the trading world.

It’s not about getting rich quick; it’s about deepening your understanding, enhancing your strategy, and making informed decisions.

From stocks to forex, these signals are a valuable resource for traders who are willing to put in the work.

Trading isn’t rocket science. It’s a skill you build and work on like any other. Trading has changed my life, and I think this way of life should be open to more people…

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Trading is a battlefield. The more knowledge you have, the better prepared you’ll be.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do Market Makers Manipulate Price?

Market makers don’t necessarily manipulate prices.

They facilitate trading by providing liquidity. While their actions might move prices, it’s part of their role, not a devious scheme.

Do Market Makers Own Stock?

Yes, market makers do own stock.

They hold inventory to facilitate trades between buyers and sellers. It’s part of their essential role in keeping the market moving.

What Are the 3 Major Markets Where Market Maker Signals Are Used?

The three major markets where market maker signals are prevalent include the stock market, the Forex market, and the crypto market.

Each one of these markets has its dynamics, but the presence of market makers ensures liquidity and facilitates the smooth trading of assets.

By understanding market maker signals in each of these contexts, traders can make more informed decisions.

Understanding Market Maker Signals (2024)


How do you understand market makers? ›

A market maker can either be a member firm of a securities exchange or be an individual market participant. Thus, they can do both – execute trades on behalf of other investors and make trades for themselves. When they participate in the market for their own account, it is known as a principal trade.

What are market maker signals? ›

Market maker signals are numerical cues that market makers (firms and brokers who buy and sell stocks) use to communicate their intentions. Whether it's a buy signal, sell signal, or anything in between, these signals offer glimpses into the market maker's next move. Think of it as reading their hand.

What is the market maker signal 777? ›

700Move the price up
777Also recognized as a signal to move the price up
800Prepare for an increase in trading volume
900Allow the stock to float and trade freely
10 more rows

How do you understand market maker quotes? ›

Let's say there's a market maker in XYZ stock. They may provide a quote of $10.00 - $10.05 or 100x500. This means that they make a bid (they will buy) of $10.00 for 100 shares. They'll also offer (they will sell) 500 shares at $10.05.

How do you understand market manipulation? ›

Market manipulation within the financial markets​​ is the attempt to influence the behaviour of others into a certain action, which may result in the loss of their capital. It is an attempt to artificially affect the price and supply and demand for a financial instrument, such as a share, currency pair or commodity.

What is the strategy of a market maker? ›

Key components of market maker trading strategies

Market maker entities act as setters of value in financial markets by stipulating both purchase and sell prices for various financial instruments. Their objective is to profit from the price differential while simultaneously ensuring ongoing liquidity.

How do market signals work? ›

Automatic trading signals are algorithm-based applications which inspect share market data and generate signals based on the parameters set by users. It helps them identify trading opportunities and make informed decisions. Some trade signal apps can even examine economic indicators and provide suggestions to users.

What are market signals based on? ›

These signals leverage various analysis techniques, including technical analysis, quantitative analysis, fundamental analysis, major economic indicators, and market sentiment. Operating on a mechanical basis, these signals generate buy or sell recommendations for the user's target assets.

What is an example of market Signalling? ›

One example is the use of a high selling price to signal high quality. This involves no up-front cost to the firm, but if the firm defaults and provides low quality at a high price, its ability to charge the high price in the future is jeopardized.

Are market maker codes real? ›

Market maker signals may or may not be real, but that doesn't mean that market makers can't have an effect on prices in the penny stock and micro-cap markets. Still, it's important not to be overly concerned with market making tactics that push the price of a stock around.

What is the biggest market maker? ›

In October 2020, Citadel Securities announced it would acquire the NYSE market making unit of rival IMC. The purchase made it the largest designated market maker (DMM) on the NYSE — overseeing over 1,500 NYSE-listed securities.

How do MM manipulate stock prices? ›


First, all maintain an inventory of the stocks their firms have underwritten, continue to trade, or make a market in. They buy and sell these inventories for prof- it. In theory, they will buy low, which reduces the decline in price per share (PPS), and sell high, which reduces the rise in PPS.

What is a market maker for dummies? ›

To summarize: market makers profit by always making a market. They offer bids and asks to both sides of the market to earn the bid/ask spread. Should they wind up with too much exposure on one side of the trade, many will use other instruments like options, futures, and swaps, to hedge their exposure.

How do you spot market makers? ›

Another way to identify the role of market makers and institutional players in market movements is to analyze the order flow. Order flow is the data that shows the size and direction of orders placed in the market, and reveals the supply and demand dynamics behind price action.

What is a market maker in layman terms? ›

Market Maker? A market maker participates in the market at all times, buying securities from sellers and selling securities to buyers. Market makers provide liquidity, which ensures investors can trade quickly and at a fair price in all conditions.

What is an example of a market maker? ›

Investors should thus perform due diligence to make sure that there is a clear separation between a broker and a market maker. Some examples of the bigger market makers in the industry include BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, and UBS.

What are the three types of market makers? ›

There are three primary types of market making firms based on their specialization: retail, institutional and wholesale.

How do market makers determine prices? ›

Market makers set prices based on supply and demand. If there is more demand for a stock than there is supply, the market maker will increase the price. If there is more supply than there is demand, the market maker will decrease the price.

Do market makers make money? ›

Market makers earn money on the bid-ask spread because they transact so much volume. So, if a market maker is buying shares on average for a few pennies less than it sells them for, with enough volume it generates a significant amount of income.


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