The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)

424 RADIO, TV, STEREO THE TAMPA TIMES, Thursday, May 19, 1977 To Place Ad. To Kill, Corf t. Adjust, Coll a72-7S00. 410 FURNITURE-SALE PETS SUPPLIES SERVICES ENGLISH Bulldog, male puo, 10 weeks, AKC, champion bloodlines, $150. 1-868-0245.

ENGLISH Bulldog puppies. AKC, chompipn background, fawn, females, $400. 1-813-294-5744. ENGLISH Shepherd pups, purebred. Excellent pets.

ioir aogs. irj. u. GERMAN Shepherds. AKC registered, black-silver, 8 weeks old.

839-2358. GERMAN Shepherd puppies, AKC, Black-Silver, stud Service, shots. 626-9719. GERMAN Shepherds, registered. Female, 5 months.

Mole, one year. Large, pro tective. 985-4052, GERMAN Shepherds, AKC, white, males. $100. i months.

223-7913, 238-5594. GERMAN Shepherd puppies, AKC, 6 weeks old. German Seiger background. 251-4407, 920-33B7. GOLDEN Retriever pups, AKC, champion, hunting quality.

Light-dark 996-2118 ofter 6PM. GREAT Done puppies. $75.00 up. Also stud service. Collins Kennel, 949-4969.

GREAT Dane, female, 3 years old, $100. Fawn. Never been breed. 935-9801 before 3PM. GREAT Dane Pups, AKC, Harlequin, blocks, merles.

Wormed, vet checked. 256-8741. After 6PM weekends. GREAT Dane puppies, AKC, wormed, vet checked, blues, blacks fawns. 949-2888.

GREAT Dane puppies, 6 weeks, AKC, blacks, sire Meistersinger. 996-3685. ALL BREED GROOMING ft SPECIAL KENNEL SERV. BY APPT. ONLY 231-8511 DAPPER DOGGERY IRISH Setter pups, AKC, wormed, shots, chompion bloodline, 685 5008.

IRISH Setter pups, 10 weeks, AKC, wormed, $40, healthy. 961-1765. LABRADOR puppies. AKC registered, 7 weeks old, $75. St.

Petersburg 381-2795. MALE Labrador, one year oia, tree. Neeas room to run. Plant City 1-752-0212. LEOPARD Chinese 8 weeks, bottle fed, $950.

932-3117. OLD Enalish Sheeodoa ouo pies, AKC registered. Cham pionship bloodline. 9 weeks. $150-5185.

(813)533-5288 OLD English Sheepdod puppies. AKC registered. Mother PARAKEETS Wanted! Coll between BAM 4PM. 621- 3163. PARAKEETS, perfect pets, green 8.

yellow. $5 to 839-2231. PEKEAPOO, 14 months, mole, white, spayed, shots, fullv housebroken. $50. 977-0201 after 4 PM.

PEKINGESE, two AKC pups, $60 each. Plant City 737-1885. PERSIANS, CFA, shots, $85 firm. 935-5418. PERSIAN Kittens, blue, CFA, $85.

Lake Wales 676-1987. PERSIAN Red McTabby mole. Registered. 9 weeks S5.UQ. HQIiaoy 938-1789, PERSIAN Kittens, $35 up.

Black, blue, and red. 839. 8583. PIT Bulls, 1 male. 1 femole, $50 each.

885 2068, 876-3752. POMERANIAN, AKC, black male puppy, shots, wored, $125. 634-2163. POODLES, 2 moles, 1 feamle. Wormed, $50 each.

626-6989. Poodles- Toy Champion Studs. Toy Teacup pups, Groom-ing. Rlchburg's 935-1329 POODLE(Toy), ready for stud service, AKC, registered, champion blood line. 985-1224.

POODLE Pups. Lovely. colors. Toy stud service. Boarding.

626-2743 PUGS, AKC. Adorable, Fawn mole puppies. Champion Pedigree, shots. 837-2318. PULIK; Rare Sheepdog, AKC, champion line.

Good health temperament. 986 1490. RHODES! AN Ridgebacks. AKC, 4 weeks. Very protective.

Call 855-9818. SCOTTISH Terriers, AKC, fender little devils, lovely for home. 839-4928. SEVERE McCall, gentle and rare bird, cage included. Moke offer.

1-688-3233. SHIH Tzu pups, AKC registered, call for appointment 886-7029. WEIMARANER pups, 7 weeks, AKC Champion Blood. Wormed. $75.

305-275-3757. YORKIES, adorable, excellent, AKC Pedigrees. $250 ond $300. 1-381-6528. YORKSHIRE Terrier puppies, AKC, excellent quality.

Plant City, 737-2401. FREE Part Labrador female, 6 mos. Must hove fenced yard. 1-752 3921. LAND Hermit Crobs, all sizes, $1.98.

Somethin' Fishy, SR580 Otdsmar. 855-6222. REMINDER Coral Reef Centre Hos Pets, Plonts, Trooicol Fish ond Supplies. Grooming Services Available. 876-4265 FREE Kittens to good home.

8 weeks, block, female. 977- 1282. FREE to good home. Wei-moraner, 1 year old femole, obedience troined. 961-8207.

FREE: Kittens. 7 Weeks old. Litter trained. Playful. 977-1059, evenings.

FREE odult female Labrador, also smoll adult female Shepherd. 677-9276. FREE To good home, only, AKC, Dalmatian, 1 year. Call 961-4335 or 920-2053. FREE Brittany Spaniel to good home, good with children.

No Hunter. 839-8571. FREE mostly Dachshund male, housebroken, lovea-bie. 885-4513 evenings or noon. FREE 5 cute kittens.

Give ta good home. 6 weeks old, 933 2792. FREE Vi Shepherd, Vj Doberman male, female one yr Need Lave ft care. 253-2197 eves. FREE, 2 year old, femole, Brittany Spaniel, 839-8571.

NEED A Faithful Friend? Look for him ot Hillsborough County Humane Society, 3607 N. Armenia, Monday-Saturday FREE Collie-Shepherd puppy, 8 weeks. Free spayed Cot, male kittens. 971-792. NEED Love? Cute puppy needs home.

223-6217. after 5PM 6 FREE puppies, Terrier I Beagle mix. Call 626 0209, after 3PM. 9 FREE Kittens, will deliver to vour home. 961-5704.

FREE dogs, Lab, Pointer, Both 5 months old. One Mixed Breed. 231-7481. FREE Persians to good home, most colors, requires loving care. 87-4400.

FREE to good home, Vi Chow and Shepherd. 2 mos. male pup. 932-9089. BOARDING dogs, cats.

Formally Wallace Riverview Kennel. Reasonable rotes. Day, week, month, or year, 477 048K PART Angara Kittens ta give away. o-4iBt; DOG Training, vour home. Obedience, ottaek, certified handler.

886-0111. MALE Litter Trained kittens. Wemed, Free. 8 weeks old. 933 3624 4 BEAUTIFUL Kittens, free for 4 beoutiful families.

Coll 971-0483, keep trying! FREE part Persian Kittens. 6 weeks. To good home. Call 839 0912anytime. FREE to good home cute kit tens.

Alter Spm only, 832-7661. HOUND dog, well-mannered, free, prefer older couple. 621-3864, 621-4323. FREE Female Puppy, mother Is Daimation. 233 1373 evenings 8, weekends.

FREE kittens, 6 weeks, lifter framed. 935-1833, oftor 5, FREE Puppies, 4 Shepherd, Vt Doberman, mother goes 100685 2547. FREE 1 beautiful Kittens. 6 weeks old. 933 1940 after 5pm or 935-0448 anytime.

FREE To good home, 2 block if male, puopies. weeks oia. 885-3896 evenings ADORABLE Black ft while kittens. 977JO02. FREE kittens, fluffy, otfr 470 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS TUNED $20 Buy.

Sell pianos. 971 0226 PIANO, used upright, Wuertz brand, plays nice, $125. Call 238-0637 Kimball Used Spinet Piano $395 Kimb. Org.Mogic Chord $795 Optigan 14 discs yui JACK HAYES Family Music 3636 W. Kennedy ph 876-1582 1 blk East ot Dale Moory WAREHOUSE SALE New Used PIANOS ORGANS SAVE Hammond-Steinway-Knabe Conn-Thomas-Gulbransen Everett-Lowrev-Boldwin CANNON MUSIC CO WAREHOUSE 417 E.

Piatt St. 229-6101 OPEN DAILY 9om-5om Eves Sun for appointment MUSIC Lessons by Berklee graduate. Guitar, voice. piano, theory. yj5-wj.

ITALIAN Accordion, 120 Base; 2 shifts. Good condi tion. $175. 645-3340. CLOSEOUT-CLEARANCE On All New Used PIANOS 8.

ORGANS SAVE $400. $800. $1000 New Grands from $2199 New Consoles from $1099 New Spinets from $799 New Console Organ $3395 New 1 finger Chord $899 New 3 Manuals $2845 ALL UNITS MUST GO NOW Reasonable offer WILL NOT Be refused during this sale Tuning, Bench, del, included THURS, FRI, SAT 'TIL 9PM OPEN THIS SUN 1-6 PM TAMPA MUSIC CO. 8443 N. Flo 933-4077 KIMBALL Baby Grand, Walnut, new, 1 week old.

1-754- 5041, ThonotosossO; Used Wurlitzer Spinets $495 Story Clark, Baldwin, Kimball Winter, Rebuilt uprights from $299 to $599. Best slec selections in town. Lloyd Williams Piano Sales 1700 N. Dale Mabrv 879-845S Open Doily 10-6, Sun 1-6 HAMMOND B3 with Leslie. Must sell! $1995.

Call 626-1332. CONSOLE Piono. Used, beautiful tone. $450. 233-9011 after 6PM.

YOUR BEST BUY Is a Piano from Cannon's. Select from name brands. New Used Pianos In price ranges for oil budgets. Compare duality, warranty, prices you'll agree. CANNON MUSIC CO Floriland Mall 933-7564 Westshore Plaza 879-8764 Lakeland, 123 N.

Kentucky BUNDY Alto saxophone, $195. Over $400 new. 685-0156; 100 USED ORGANS "Lifetime Free Lessons" FLETCHER MUSIC CENTERS Tampa Bay- University Malls Call: 228-8780 LOWREY Organ, very good condition. First $200, takes it. 985-4365.

New Spinet or Console Piano of your choice $20 mo. If vou decide to buv later. All rental applies to purchase price. Williams Pianos 879-8455 Al Havener's Musicland Tampa Bay Center 879-5946 BALDWIN organ, 2 manual spinet, 1 octave boss, $200. 933-2260.

STEINWAY, ebony finish, slightly used, must sacrifice! 245-5041 anytime. ACCORDIAN, 120 boss, $200. Like new. 885-3410. BALDWIN 2 manual electric organ, perfect condition, excellent buy.

961-6253. ORGAN, 5 months, warranty good, rhythm, 6 voices. $350. 840-8201. STANFORD MUSIC Pianos, Organs, teachers 2107 W.

Kennedy 251-4511 JOLLY good old Upright piano, standard ivory keys. I50. Z5I-II52. GIBSON SG standard. $325.

r-enaer aeiuxe reverb, $275. 977-4508 evenings. USED Fender Leslie cabinet and speaker, needs cord, $75. 2511152. HARMONY Guitar, cose, speaker, excellent condition, $75.

254-8485. STEINWAY Grand Piano, J-45 Gibson and Guild F-50 guitar. 935-4285. STEREO Tuner, BSR turnta ble, 4 speokers. $200.

886- 7845. ELECTRIC Piano, 1 year old. rtriucr Riiuueb so xeyooaru with saftelite power speakers. $1500. 884-1593.

422 SEWING MACHINES We repair all makes. Amer, Foreign. Home 81 Industrial. Barnett's Sewing Mach. Co.

4325 W. Kennedy 872-8657 Free arm sewing mach. $99. 837-0507 SEWING Machine, New Home, with attachments. Excellent condition.

$150. 884-2669. SINGER Golden Touch, solid wood desk. $175. 884-5887 ofter 424 RADIO, TV, STEREO TIP TOP TV RENTALS 1977 COLOR 8, TVJ RENTAL PURCHASE PLAN NO CREDIT CHECK-NO DEPOSITS-FREE DELI V.

933-4041 CASH for TVs B8.W or Color Working or not. 932-7153 BRAND NEW COLOR TV'S $229 Still in crates. Super deluxe color TV's, $70 obove our cost. All channels, walnut finish. Fomous nome.

Must see. Nothing down. $10 monthly. Ask for Credit Monoger at Bill Hall's TV Appliances. (2 locations).

Northgate Shopping Center or 4485 Gandy Blvd. (Zayres Shopping Center). Nice Selection of Used Color Portables Consoles, fully guar 899.95 up 884-4084. 19" port $29.95. GE 12' LOIor $69.95.

932-7153 RCA NEW VISTA 23" COLOR TV $219 RCA 23" color console, Hon duras walnut. Originally $650. Now only $219. Nothing down. $15 monthly.

Bill Hall's TV 8. Appliances, 44BS Gandy Blvd. (Zayres Shopping Center). Choose from 0 complete selec tion of rebuilt TV's. All B8.W sets guar, 1 vr.

on picture tube, 90 days on ports FREE 30 DAY exchange privilege. Also nice selection ot Rebuilt Color sets. Area's largest TV soles ser co. ECONOMY TV CENTER 3811 W. Kennedy Tompo 8911 Terrace Plaza Temple Terrace 8, 56th St WATCH TV $5 A WK.

PH. 839-5418 Reconditioned TV's Priced To Sell Jackson TV Electronics 7117 N. Armenio 935-6108 ACTION TV RENTALS RENTAL PURCHASE PLAN 237-3308 1977 Color TV'j 8, Stereoi NO CREDIT CHECK Re-estoblish Credit Wonted Color TV ports, need not be working; Bonanza TV, Inc 236 5534 TV $19 DOWN Color TV. 25" Zenith console, like new. Balance ot $199 con be paid out 820 per month, 9 payments.

Fully guaranteed. Local credit required. Thrifty TV 4703 Nsbroska 19" SOLIO stote color TV. Perfect, $145. 977-159S ofter 5:30.

TELEVISION, 25" Zenith color Console, Walnut Cabinet, $150. 935-3531. 25" COLOR RCA, 1125. 256 7614 HARMON-Kardon citation 12 power amplifier, $195 tlrm. 89 6915, 89 8056.

PIONEER PLI turntable with Stanton etc cartridge. Cheap! VJ23S. CB Equipment. Johnson 2000 watt meter, Turner mike. $75, 621-402 CB Station, like new.

Realestic 420 MACHINERY-HEAVY EQUIPMENT NEW Trailer, Lowboy, ton sale $800. 9 ton B'x20' Sale $1300. 904-245-2468 40' Aluminum trailers $995 Garson Trailer Rentals, 3929 50tn St. Tompo Worm drive winch. 10" table saw.

Lathe. Arts 9608 Neb GOOD Used Lathes, Drills, Brakes, Shears, etc. Amen can Industrial Machinery Corporation, 4318 E. 7th Ave. lampo.

813-248-3798. ASPLUNDH LR 45 bucket truck. '71 Chevy Chosis. utility Body. New tires.

In spected. $14,750. Asplundh 8-IV21. USED Lathes, 13x48, good shooe, 16x36 old. New 10 ton punch press, new 4' leaf brake, new 24" slitter, used boigo junior edge bander Gulf Coast Industrial Supply St, Pete, 1-822-399).

DA-Cat with rake, ar blades, $3995. HD-19 Ellis Crawler with blade, excellent. $4995. Case 1000 Crawler with 4-way hydraulic blade. $5950.

Hine Warner Excavator, like new, $6985. Case Crawler with fork lift, new motor, and rubber pads, $1750. New 20 goose neck cattle trailer. less man aeaiers cost. $1995 Farmall-H, $795.

Farmall W-9 $695. Super 8 Farmall 3 point hook up and disk, jrzys. y-M f-ord with over drlvs and new 5' rotary mower, $ij95. 30 Ferguson Mew rotary mower, $155 1974 TON INTERNATIONAL PICK-UP. ONE OWNER, Lf Kb NtW $3595.

New 20' Tandem axte trailer, $595. New 5' rotary mowers S35U. DRIVE A LITTLE; SAVE alu i. bee orbit no Joe swi derskl 5 miles East ot Leesburg on Hwv. 441.

904-728-2228; after hours 728-1049. 1970 FORD Backhoe 4500, die- sel. Good condition. $6,000. 935-8812.

1-391-4886. TR9 Dozer with Hydraulic Blade. Good Running condi tion. $2500. 988-0069.

DRILL press, 3 spindle, 3 pnose, elevating table $200. 933-2260, FORK Truck, 5,000 pound yale, 1974 model, used very nine. j3u. ion rvuiion gentry sso-iva. A-C 16B Tractor 195HP Hv droulic Angle Blade, 24' tract shoes, canopy.

Very good through out. Private. 933 1528 after 6pm. 450 SPORTING GOODS Largest selection of new-used antique guns. Tampa Gun Traders.

3500 S. Dale Mabrv, Ruaer stainless steel pistols in stock. FELCO 4002 W. Kennedy Lugers P38s, 45s. Binoculars 7X35 $15.

Arts 9608 Neb. Colt Diamond back 22; 59; Colt Python; Beretta 380; Ruger 41 Mag; Hawkln kits; LVA Kits S20UP. Les' 8440 Nebr 935-1228 PAWN Shop. Guns. No.

P-25 Guardian Center. 1700 N. Dole Mobry. 879-8694. SECOND annual fishing tackle clearance.

Dealer's showroom opened to oub ic. Rods, reels. $40,000 miscella neous fishing tackle at deal ers cost. Sutton's, 11565 Ridgewood Circle, Semi nole, Fla. 1-392-549.

WINCHESTER 1894, 32WS, antiaue, octagonal barrel $200. Firm. 949-2368. SUPERMATIC Citotlon, 22, 2 barrels, 2 Clips, amo. $160.

949-2368. US Divers Aluminum scuba tank with back pack $80 961-3243. EZ-Go Golf cart, good condition. Charger Included. $295.

677-0441. POOL Table bv Fischer, piece slate, slate. 4x8. $45. 89-4408.

GOLF Bag, hand tooled. Im ported leather. New. Socri fice. $100.

855-3531. 450 POWER MOWERS Gas chopper. Power mowers main saws, mtts voua Neo RIDING mower. Sears 8 HP transaxle drive, 36" cut' Less than 2 years old. Originally $599, asking $325.

626- HUFFY rider, 5HP, 24" cut, very good, $150. 834-1331 833-3951. BRIGGS 8, Stratton lawn mower, $30; Edger $40; eve nings VJJ-55VB. RIDING mower. 7HP, 30" cut, new, S35.

834-1331, 833-3951 USED Gravely 2 wheeled tractor with mower deck, $350. Coll Frank, CHRIS- TIE'S, 877-6701. LAWN Mower 21' Toro, elec-trie start. Good condition. $75,00 837-6700.

465 LAWN GARDEN SUPPLIES LAWN sweeper, 14 bushel capacity, like new. $100. 685 1134. 469 NURSERIES-PLANTS-TREES BLOOMING Anthurlum, Ferns, very reasonable, Leonard, 4020 Seminole Ave. 233-921.

470 PETS SUPPLIES 4 SERVICES FREE to goad home, half Doberman puppies. Call otter 4, 689-4298. FREE, medium size Female Dog, 8 months. Can't keep, moving. Evenings 251-1734 YORKSHIRE Terriers.

3 pup pies. weeks, wormed, vet checked. 961-5935. Eves. FREE Female shepherd, Male part collie.

Both 8 mos. Shots, Housetrained. 839- 8813. AFGHANS, AKC, Champion blood lines, females $125., males $150., Brlndels. 1-904-726 8795.

AFGHAN Hound puppies, AKC. Excellent temperament. Shots. Show-Pet. 949-2903.

AFGHAN puppies, AKC, 6 weeks, reasonable. Sarasota 355-8110, after Spm. AIR Animal. Dally pickup delivery service to Tampo Airport. Flight kennels, documentation, boarding.

89-3210 Otc Mon-Frl 9 5. ALASKAN Molamute. AKC registered. 5 month old puppies. Reasonable.

920-S755, evenings. AMERICAN Eskimo, one year. Free to good home. Cindy, phone 920-3275. AMERICAN Eskimo puppies.

UKC, 5 weeks old, stud service. 970 325. BEAGLE Pups Also Board ing Grooming Trainingl All Breeds! 86 6912. BOXER pups, AKC, beautiful tawn block, $100. 83-3595.

CHIHUAHUA puppies, AKC. weeks, very small, $100. 961- 3961. CHIHUAHUA Heodauqrfers. Large selection of quality Young Chihuahuas.

1-754-3271, Dover. co*ckAPOO. 4 moles, fe males, 5 weeks old. $15, 884-4494. co*ckER Pups, AKC, block maies, s.

Lake wales 676- 1987. co*ckER Spaniel. Free to good home. I Yr old block, white female. AKC.

9611510. COLLIE Puppies, AKC beauti- tui, excellent health, stud service; 949-7208 COLLIE Puppies. Pedigreed. AKC registered. Smooth ond rough.

View ot 751 Secor or coll 840 301. DACHSHUNDS AKC regis tered, red, 6 weeks, shots Storted. Phone 685 2627. DACHSHUNDS, miniature. AKC puppies.

Written guarantee. Vinewolk Kennels, BrookSVllle 904-796-7096. DALMATIAN Puppies, AKC, wormed, shots, champion line, $50-uo. 855 4315. DOBERMAN, 11 months old, papers, red.

ears hove not been cropped, $125, Coll otter 7PM, 6211517. DOBERMAN Pups, Block Tan. $50 no papers 949-3507, 9710673. DOBERMAN Pinscher, block ton, mote, 7 months old, AKC registered, $100. (9041776-2132.

DOBERMAN pups! Young oduits! Housebroken! Obedient! Watch Oops! 876-6912. DOBERMAN puppies, AKC registered, reds, good temperament, left. Cerberui Kennels, 986-2922; DOBERMAN AKC Warlock puppies- Reds ond blacks with Framptonship background. Vet checked. Phone 71 2332 9AM 8PM 449 11-D 5G2 CAMPERS-TRAVEL TRAILERS '74 Coachman FD 6slpr $1400 '76 20' Nomad TT-oir $4100 '70 Colemon FD 6slor $1100 '77 Apache Mesa-Demo $2250 Brondon Camperiond 689-5827 Convert your Von into a roomy Camoer or Custom Van.

Everything for the do-it-yourselfer. Fiberglass comper tops for all lote model vans Including VW's. 4214 W. Virginia 80-1188 SUNRUNNER VANS, Inc. NOMAD FLA'S 1 SELLER 18' 32' IN STOCK SPECIAL SPECIAL New '77 18' fully S-C, shower, 3 way reefer, heater, oven, hot water.

Unbelievable At Only $3395 Dusty's Camper World 1212 W. Waters 935-8090 OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 PM 1972 Starcroft 22' Travel Trailer with air, slightly damaged. American Auto Salvage, Hwy 301, 3 miles South ot Riverview. WANTED! Campers, travel trailers, motor homes. Buyers waiting.

No selling fee. TAMPA TRAILER SALES 3000 W. Hillsboro 877-3553 NEW JAYCO $1795 8 SLEEPER TENT CAMPER FULLY EQUIPPED LEISURE LAND 236-5983, 1308 E. Hlllsboro LOOK AT THIS! WORLD'S NO 1 SELLER PROWLER AT UNHEARD OF PRICES Cobra Mini Homes From $10,995 25' CONCORD Motor Home From $14,995 Includes: Generator ft Air CHAMPION MOTOR HOMES From $13,500 Shop LAZY DAYS RV CENTER Get Quality For Less! 11028 N. Florido 932-6289 OPEN 7 DAYS '74 DODGE comper van, fully eauipped, excellent condi-tion.

$4500. 961-4743. TOPPERS WE LUV to mfg. all alum toppers for COURIERS, OATSUNS, TOYOTOS, MAZDAS ft Big Trucks too. We have FBGLS tops for SPRINTS, ELCAMINOS ft RANCHEROS.

Big Selec styles colors. Sales, Inc. Rt 584 lamajJISSOSjS DISABLED Veteran must sell 1973 Nomad, self contained, 20', tandem wheels, roof oir. 1104 E. 122nd Avenue.

18' TRAVEL Trailer, totally self contained, AC, $1395. Owner, 677-8058. YEAR ROUND VACATION SPOT One of the most beautiful spots in Flo. Quiet, scenic, wooded, river in vour front yard for fishing, swimming, or boating. 2 units lor rent, 1 to live in.

Only, $29,900. 677-8058, owner. 31' AIRSTREAM customized French Provincial. Must sell. 1-754-5041, 1-754-3310, Thonotosasso.

STARCRAFT travel trailer, self contained, Sleeps 6, 949-7295. '76 SCOTTIE. 15', like new, sleeps 4, factory air, new owning, toilet, complete hitch, electric brakes, spare tire, car mirrors, etc. 949- jiT STARCRAFT camper, sleeps 6, like new. Swinger moael, 986-3433, after 11AM days only.

18' HOLIDAY Vacationer, self-contained, AC, $1850. By owner, 626-0590. 1972 AC Apache pop-up, sleeps 6, excellent, $875. 621-1092. 42" CAMPER top.

8' bed. Insulated, padded, cabinets. $125. 886-8166. 8' TOPPER, good condition, $125.

988-6628, any evening or after 11AM Sunday 1970 SCOTTY Travel Troiler, AC, 977-6001 mornings. 1974 COACHMAN 26', AC, 1973 Chrysler, fullv equipped. Reese hitch, etc. Everything $7,795.00 10012 Alalia St. Gib-sonton.

677-082). STARCRAFT Popup, sleeps 6, pottie, stove, ice box, canvas room, $975. 685-9684. 1974 IMPALA, 23'. Good condition.

Completely self contained. AC ond many extras. Sleeps 6. $3400; 689-5898. Evenings and weekends.

580 SWIMMING POOLS LANG'S 28' round 5' deep above-ground pool. $500. 258-4261. 584 BOATS -MARINE SUPPLIES USED USED 17' Bassboat Black Max dr on trlr. Extras.

$4850 15' Manatee '75 65ho Merc New trlr clean $1995 GTI60 Glostron 105Chrysler Trlr good ski pkg $2250 Yates Bassboat 40ho Merc trlr troll mtr $1675 Lets deal! Financing avail BRANDON MARINE Mercury Soles ft SVC 685-2120 Weekdays Sot 9J 16' ADMIRAL 1973 model Bow Rider, Powered by 55hp Chrysler ft Magic Tilt trailer, new seatSi all checked out, ready to go, now only $1395. Pioneer Marins 886-0533. 418 Dale Mabry 73 SIDEWINDER 16 ft boat with Evinrude 115HP motor ft trailer $1995 ROBERTS MOTO 879-7927 22' THOMPSON 192 model Deep-V offshore fishing boot MerCruiser 160hp IO, tandem trailer. Looks runs like new, only $4400 now ot Pioneer Marine, 4630 Eisen-hower Blvd 886-0533 BAYLlNER, 21' 1975, Volvo 10, like new. Cost $9000, sell $4.800.

904-683-9285. 14' MITCHEL smoll open fish Ing (1971 model) Iri-hull powered by 1971 25hp Evinrude ft troiler complete, pnly $695. Pioneer Marine, 46 3 0 Eisenhower Blvd 88620533; GLASTRON Deep-V, Oil canvas close bow Oeck, powered by 191 llShp Johnson ft brand new 197 Murray trailer, real bargain for $2495. Pioneer Marine, 4630 Elsenhower Blvd 886-0533. 16' TIDE CRAFT BASS BOAT 1974 model, powered by 193 65hp Evinrude ft frailer compare with boats selling for twice as much this one only $1995.

Won last! Plon-aer Marine 886-0533. "THE NEW" CONNELLY'S MARINE 732 N. DALE MABRY Open Man Wed-Frl Til 9 SUNDAY 1-4 NEW PHONES Parts ft Service 877-8031 Soles 872-1574 18' GLASTRON 1974 this Is the IB6 swinger model used less than 0 year, Has 0 135 Evinrude ft Murray troiler. Sold new for over $6,000, it's now on sale for only $4400. Come to Pioneer Marine, 886-0533.

REGAL 21' 10 Merc 188, 250 hours, VHF rodio, WL recorder, $7000. 932-293, 176-J641. Glostron Robalo Ronger Twin Rivers Marine Sales Crystal River 904 795 2022 HOUSE BOAT ond trovel trail-" er combination. Goes on land or water. 677 6961.

DELUXE 1976 Sea Ray 220 uvermgnter 188 MerCruiser, hardtoo. full convoss, trim lobs, VHF, depth, composs, galley, head. $12,300, 961- 7826. 1971 WESTWIND; 22' Cuddy caoin, (ooaea, accessories. 165 MerCruiser, tandem trailer.

$3200 cash or $2,000 ft trade for car, pickup, smaller boot. 626-8044 days, 235-3481 evenings. bass Buggy New 1977 15' YATES Boss boot Kig. 40ho Merc electric. Magic Tilt Golvanlred trailer, All for only $7390.

Bonk financing up ta 48 Months. SEALS MARINE "Serving Your M2 Years'" 4500 N. Nebrasia 2.18 8465 Weekdays 8 5:30 Sat 8 1 ZENITH 25" color console, Panasonic 21" block ond white, combo, $100 each. 996- 3685. ZENITH color console.

25" picture, excellent condition, sacrifice $130. 837-5193. 25" QUASAR, $125. Also Ze nith white French Provin cial, remote control, needs work, $40. 884-0593.

TV $14 DOWN Color TV. 22" RCA toble model, like new. Balance of $149 can be paid out $15 per month, 9 payments. Fully guorameea. Local credit re quired.

Thrifty TV 4703 Nebraska NEW 1977 Zenith color TV's, 10 obove dealer cost. Laz zara's Radio TV, 4124 Armenia, 877-4511. MOTOROLA color, 25" picture, works good, $90. 837-5193. SALE-SALE-SALE New 1977 Zeniths.

150 Sets. See us or we both lose money Jackson TV Electronics 7117 N. Armenio 935-6108 STEREO, cabinet, AM-FM, 8 track, Garrard turntable. $200. 681-2515.

TV $9 DOWN Color TV. 21" Zenith Console, like new. Balance of $129 can be paid out $20 per month 6 payments. Fullv auoron- teed. Local Credit Required.

inrmy iv 4703 Nebraska 2 UTAH, 3-wav, air suspension speokers $75. Phone 839-4948. 426 PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT RELOCATION SALE! IN PROGRESS UNTIL WE MOVE LATE THIS SUM- MER-Come in Enioy Great Savings! Tampa Photo Sup- Ply, 419 e. Ellamoe, 229-2869. BUY NIKON, LEICA FELCO 4002 W.

Kennedy PHOTO HUT 839-7189 Ektochrome E-6 processing Pushing to ASA 1200 ovoil. YASHICAMAT-124. 80 milli meter F3.5. $65. 949-2368.

430 OFFICE EQUIPMENT BIG SAVINGS Office Furniture Comm Equip 2008 Kennedy Olivetti Programma 101 com puter. ART 9608 Nebros ka. IBM typewriter rent $24 Mo. Copy Mach $35up. Tampa Business Machines 839-1004 THE OFFICE MART STEEL Secretarial Desks $39; Used steel Desks $59 ta $89; Arm Swivel Chairs, steel $49.

Steno Chairs $20 to $32. A-grade used files $59 to $95. New folding Tables 72x30 $39; 96x30" $59. New 4 drawer files full suspension $69; New Walnut wood Desks $145; 72x36" $175. Folding Chairs $7 each, New Steel Desks Formica top $119.

Many closeouts on rental furniture. OVER 200 Desks in stock Open Saturday A.M. 2710 E. 7th Ave. THREE IBM Machines, must sell now! 238-5685 after 2PM.

MINI COMPUTER BURROUGHS L-8800. Excellent condition. Great potential for accounting, bookkeeping, povroll. Demonstration can be arranged. Have installed large computer.

Need to move immediately. Tampo, 223-7441. DESKS, chairs, files, Big discount! Allstate Office Products, 1605 E. Hillsborough, 238-9571. PITNEY Bowes postage mster, $30.

Desks $50. Secretary chairs $50. 877-9494. SELL, RENT, REPAIR, BUY TYPEWRITERS, ADD MACH Check Rental Purchase plan FLORIDA TYPEWRITER 2906 W. Kennedy 879-0633 432 COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT COMMERCIAL Stove, $100.

Commercial coffee maker, $75. Built In oven, $25. 20 Plastic stack chairs; $10 each. Call 949-1964. TWO Reach-In commercial refrigerators, compressors, everything for $200.

904-796-2179. RESTAURANT Choirs, co*cktail tables, bar stools. New; reasonable. Samples ot Waters Flea Market, Booth 150. 932-9051; 886-6401.

HIGH volume Ice maker, cubes, flakes. 4 merchandise freezers, cost over $6000, asking $2495. 1-849-4835. I-847-5427. CARPET storage shelving for warehouse.

879-8050, or 879-8240. 12' PRODUCE Display case 8. compressor, flourescent lights mirrors, excellent condition. $450. Evenings, 920-3383.

CARPET Cleaning, drying racks, $600. See at 4013 W. a ugo or call 879-8050. COMPLETE Ludlow outfit, small mats, cabinet, sticks, miscellaneous. 988-4819.

SCOTSMAN Ice machines. Sole, rent. Reconditioned and warranted. Reasonable. 89-9840.

WE buy, sell lease Restaurant, store, bar equipment. Gore's, 225 N. Kentucky Lakeland. 1-686-5101. 435 STORE FIXTURES-EQUIPMENT COMPLETE line of deportment store fixtures.

Excellent condition. Reasonable. Monday-Friday 9AM-12 Noon 935-9982. PORTABLE SIGN 5'XIO' WITH 300 LETTERS $295 PH. 949 2253 TWO Vendmoster vending machines, cost $1160, sacrifice both $500.

876-2221. NCR Cash register, receipt detail, excellent condition, fully guaranteed. 920-3253. GLASS showcases $50, 4' long units steel woll shelving, $50 each with shelves, Monarch string, tag ond gum label marking mochine $50. 877-9494.

BOOTHS, Tables, refrigerator, updralt, tryers, handrails, and shoke machines. Etc. Jack Paxton, 254-7461. 440 BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Econo Studs 8' ea 59c 10-12-14 Ilnft 12c 1x4 Stripping tin ft 6c BELMONT LUMBER CO 30 St. E.

North Boy PH. 238 6449 PRESSURE TRTED LUMBER Best volue, doors $3 50 up Workmons Surplus 986-2363 SPEND-LESS BUILDING SUPPLIES Vt" CDX Sheeting Plywood 4' Chain Llnk-50' rolls, per roll $2595 12200 N. Nebraska 971-5387 (3 Blks N. of Fowler) OPEN Mon Fr 8 5 Sot 8 3:30 'Se Habio Espanol' J3 LiYl 1 1 Masonite siding $7.99 Hondi-man 6022EjColumbus SCAFFOLD frames -1000. 6 6 "7 walk thru type with acces- r-H inc ail LunKtic ory mixes (iickm sweepings) $1.05 bag.

Phone 621-2427. WHOLESALE TO PUBLIC BRICK BAG CEMENTS I NC A I DB (tJC K832- 2061 SAND, gravel bags, 710 Bell 223-6882. Harold Ricktfts Boa Comoonv. 445 POWER TOOIS 6 lomer 10' bond sow, Air compressor Art's9608Neb. FACTORY Close out, VhP router regular $60.

now $30. Rockwell, 4538 W. Kennedy. 877-9585. 449 MACHINERY-HEAVY EQUIPMENT NEW AIR COMPRESSORS 2HP 1ST.

1PH, 30g $369 3HP 2'ST. 1PH. 60g $923 3HP 2ST. 3'PH, 60g $826 5HP 2ST. 1PH, 60g $88 CUD OfCT 1DkJ in eel 10HP 2ST 3Ph! lOg $1306 nave omer sizes in stock Also used rebuilt units Compressed Air Products Inc Tpa 676 8177 Mulb 425-1133 BUCKET Trucks, Cherry Dirmr Int.

th KEMPU)'nM0J0RS8794J86 Air Compressors new used "epuiri, dvcx specially Co 877 Master 500 FRUITS VEGETABLES BLACK Eye Peas. $4.50 hamper. Riverview, 677-5901 STRAWBERRIES. U-pick. quart, your container.

Open Sunday. Bethlehem Rd. In Dover. South of Hwy 92 to umiker neias. 1-752-3082.

STRAWBERRIES, CORN PEACHES Strawberries, you pick. quarts $1.00 or 35c auart. All containers furnished. 200 acres, plenty for everyone! See the wide display of produce at our stands featuring tree ripened peaches, sweet onions and silver queen corn. Bring containers for corn.

Already pulled; $4.00 bushel. FULWOOD FARMS Hwy. 301 So. 2 miles north of Sun City Center. Strawberries and onions also available ot our Plont City farm.

1-4 to Branch Forbes exit south, right on Glen Harwell Rd. Both forms open aays a week. FORDHOOKS. White K. soeck led Lima beans.

Fancy vet low sweet corn (worm free) Start Friday 20th. G.C aeweii sons, vairico. BLACK Eyes, shelled. Plenty snapped! Ready for freezer. $2.00 quart.

Delivered; $2.25 auart. 5 Quart minimum 685-6163. 503 MEATS-FISH COME fishing or buy. Perch, catfish. Pigs for barbecue 510 FARM EQUIPMENT TRACTOR Ford Jubilee, ex cellent condition, $1600.

879 5436. FORD mowing tractor, 3PT Hit, power take-off, $995. 621 598. GRAND Opening ot this areas newest international Har vester Agricultural Dealer Large discounts (15 to 25) on oil Items In our "Get Acauainted Sale" May 17 thru 20. If you need farm or lawn and garden eauip-ment, this week Is the time to buy ond save oo ou ond see us! Central Florida Tractor, Internationa Har vester Equipment, 20 miles south of Adamo Drive on US Jill.

6J4-5563. 525 LIVESTOCK-SALE ATTRACTIVE Thoroughbred fijly, dark brown, good oisppsition, sound. $450. 4603. APPAL005A mare, regis tered with tack.

No bad habits. Needs good home. S.iUU. 884-4068. FREE REMOVAL "LIVE OR DEAD" HORSES and Cattle, Prompt service.

Jen, 634-3881 FERTILIZED PANGOLA HAY $1 in stack, $1.50 in barn 11720 Sheldon Rd. 932-1032 HAY, Canadian Timothy, good ror norses, also cow hay 68V-I5UV. HORSES BOUGHT SOLD CASH for livestock at vour place Alien Parker 986-1445 PIGS, five to nine months Must sell entire stock. 920- 5873. PINTO More, $300 with lock has been riding teenagers ZJV-UZ4.

INrMVinilAI naaHe 1 grade or registered, priced reosonapie. oz-ouiz. AMERICAN MADE SADDLES Brand new 15" tooled. Retail $159 NOW 677-6012 WE Buy cattle ft all other types of livestock. Cash at your place.

689-1788, 689-1870 Double Bred Leo Mare. Good out Pleasure Horse. Hillbilly Stables 677-0859 Pasture horses, cows. Full board. Mo.

free. 986-1202. Good Selection of Outstanding horses for sale. Hillbilly Stables 677-0859 PASTURE For Rent. Good fences, lush green grass.

1-381-1817 evenings. DIEZ BROS FEED 949-5262 Retail Services at Wholesale Prices. ONE registered thoroughbred stallion, bay with black point, 16 hands, $600. 681 3207. CHESTNUT Gelding, 15.3, ex cellent pleasure horse.

Cog gins negative, $350. Evenings 920-3482. LARGE herd. Registered Brahman cows, heifers ond bulls. Days 1-461-1256, Nights (9U4I56-5JU8.

8 YEAR Old registered fhroughbred gelding, excel lent disposition, 16.1, dark bay, showing flat and over fences' (813)683-0269 ofter 2pm. V4 REGISTERED Arab mare. Rides Western, English 5600. 879-3438, Nancy. WANTED Burlap ft (poly) Baas.

Rlcketts Bag Corp 4008 W. Alva, Drew Park, Tampa, Fla. 876-2474 WANTED to buv. Cattle or Calves of all kinds. 689-9250 BEAUTIFUL Vi Arabian.

Vj Quarter Gelding, 2 yeors. 961-8696 nights BEDDING Straw; Hay. Hay Baling. Cooslal, Collie grass Planting. 1-52-VJZI.

3 YEAR old Registered AOHA mare from Eagle Man, $1800. Also part Arabian mare Good for children, $300. 223- 5439, 689-8022. BLACK Angus Cows calves. 1 Hereford Bull; 949-450.

21 RABBITS, cages, $100 or $5 each. 886-398. Want Riding Horses, Broad Mares, colts, Trailers, Tack. Sanders Form 67-6071. 540 POULTRY-SALE ARAUCANA chickens, fancy bantams, pigeons, turkeys, ducks.

11307 Pine River view. 677-5843. MALLARD ducks for sale 986-2406, Thonotosasso area. Recreation 550 599 560 MOTOR HOMES Vacation Specials 19' NOMAD Trovel Trailer (Air, 6 Sleeper) 21' WINNEBAGO Motor Hm (Air, 24' CHAMPION Motor Hm (2 Airs. Gen.

18.000 ml) 25' BANNER Motor Home 2 Airs, Gen, 20,000 ml) 25' ITASCA MINI HOME (2 Airs, Gen. 12,000 ml) Bay Pines Trv Center 9293 Bay Pines Blvd 397 4711 Across From Bay Pines Hosp St. Petersburg, Fla. GLOBE MOTOR HOMES APOLLO ft LANDAU BLUE BIRD wanderlodge TRAVCO SUPERIOR ALSO NICE USED COACHES! 4601 Gandy Blvd. 837 2481 WvTl CENTER" DEALER FOR KINGS HIGHWAY PACEARROW FLAGSHIP COBRA 5198 34th St US Hwy 19 ST PETE.

FLA 522 6611 TAMPA, FLA 224 0071 1977 AMERIGO 22 Mini Motor Home. Only 2000 mi. Fully eapt includ. Gen. $15,900.

TRAVEL CENTER 5198 34th St. N. US Hwy 19 5T. PETE, FLA 522 6611 TAMPA, FLA 224-0071 SAVE 1977 31' Klnos Highway, Exec utlves Demo Has Every Possible Luxury! TRAVEL CENTER 5198 34th St. US Hwy 19 ST PETE.

FLA 52211 TAMPA, FLA H'll RENT a private motor home. OWNERS RfcNTAL. 666J 192 AVCO Motor Home, 28' Fully loaded, will trade 237-394. RENT, 20' Miniliner. $700 000 Week, txeeuentt uwner.

685-1037 Evenings, Weekends. 75 GMC Glenbrook, 26', lood-ed $21,500. Owner, 1-446-8501, weekdays 9 5. 1974 MOTOR home for rent. Sleeps 8.

self contained. 920- 6307. RENT Me! Beautiful 1975 32' Molar home. 884-1)33 or 73 SUPERIOR 25', sleeps 6, excellent condition, low mileage, fully eauipped. (8131686-1212 Of (813)858- 106.


239. 8-5. 400 ARTICLES FOR SALE BEADED wedding dress. Size 9, 2 lace veils. $75.

872-6746. Solo Loveseat chair traditional, Herculon, set $298. 837-0506 Early 20th Century Walnut Twin Bedroom Suite in Prime Condition and other Fine Traditional Bedroom Furniture; Unique Oak Corner Whot-Not Stond: 2 Handsome Weiman Leather Top Mahogany Commodes Many More Troditionol Occasional Tables: Large Victorian Walnut Secretory; Unusual Fancy Mahogany Vitrine Table; Chinas Buffets; 2 Excellent Ducan Phyfe Dining Tables: Oriental Rugs; Variety of Desks; Many Interesting Foot Stools ft 2 Warehouses select used Antique Furn. HOUSEHOLD LIQUIDATORS, 4108 W. Alva.

10-5 Wed thru Sot. 876-5209. "OUR 19TH YEAR" Carpets 9x12 S29; larger sites. Unclaimed Freight, 3616 S. Dole Mabry Auto Air repaired while-u-wait Terrell White 2120 S.

Mac-Dill 253-0654 Recliners New $49 up Unclaimed Freight 3616 S. Dole Mobry Must dispose Sofa Beds 168 Royal 2817 S. MacDill 839-8257 FACTORY CLOSE-OUT 10x20' Aluminum potlo-carport $99.95. Screen rooms sheds window awnings anything aluminum 2'nds Vi price sheets colls, various sizes colors. U-get lowest prices In Flo.

Deolers welcome. Open 7 days Mon-Sat 8-6 Sun 1-6. Daly Aluminum. 7 mi no Of Clearwater on US 19. 229-2230; 949-1014.

Must dispose 12 sets ful sz. bedding innsp S58 set Royal 2817 S. MacDill 839-8257 WATERBED5 COMPLETE FRAME LINER PAD $49.88 BARGAIN WORLD 4004 FLA OPEN 7 DAYS 10 ta 6 Twin Innsp. set fr. $56 Royal 2817 S.

MacDill 839-8257 DINETTES Chrome 1 wood set. 837-0506. High Riser wMatt's $118 Royal Discount Bedding 2817 S. MacDill 839-8257 Maple BR dresser, hdbrd. Chest $99.

837 0507 3000 watt light plant $250. Drill press. Arts 9608 Neb. BEDDING $19 ea. pee.

up 837-0505 Dir. Bunk Beds I'spg Mart's $118 Roval Discount Bedding 2817 S. MacDill 839-8257 Pit groups-fur, Herculon-498 UP. 83-U505. HOUSE 8.

Yard sole. All elec trlcal, TV's, stereo's, speak ers, working ft non working. Hundreds of good things. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 2002 Clarice iir.

mo-umj. king hed. frame. Brass HB. Lett in LA-assume bal.

of $361.92. 837-0505 WIZARD sewing machine, $100. Dinette set, $60. 238- 3429, after 4PM, U.riil,nnnn RD I aft LA. Assume bal.

of $309.92. 837-0505. 240' Of 4' GALVANIZED Fence. Ralls posts Includ ed. $200.

872-6862; QUEEN bed, frame, HB. Left in LA. Assume bal. of $143.94 837-0505 ROUND cherry dining table, $150. 11 Interior doors, $35.

988-3081. 4 CUT RATE PLUMBING Formica Tops $3.75 ft, 3 pc bathrm set $89.50 complete Sol's Trading Post 3822 E. Broadwoy 243 2411 WOOD Ice Box, good Condi tlon, $195. 935-5685. ANTIQUE Choir, $15, Mirror $10, Girls 20" bike $15 e7-4400.

REALISTIC TRC-5S Base station. Astro Plane antenna. $185. 689-7765. 1 TON '67 Ford, 69 Motorcycle, 8x24 trailer, 15' trailer, olr compressor, 6' of scaffolding.

961-6713. USED commercial carpet for sole. Make otter, can y-7717. POOL Table 550. Pool table, $50, needs felt cover.

677- 5178. 1 RACING Carts ft Acces sories, Electric Self Cleaning range, Frostfree refrigerator freezer, matching toilet sink, two tons, professional boxing gear, barrel furniture ft tow bar. 935-263Z. LIVING Room $75, Woterbed $100, Lamp $10, dishes $8 91-284. STEREO $120, Coleman ice chest $10, animal carrier $10.

971-2874. LADY'S dresses, shorts, blouses, sizes II, 12. Every thing $25. 985-1619; OPTIGAN orgon, $120. Leath.

er convertible sofa, $50. 885-1997. ritliHiHT Oti'opeci Matt $29 pee Dinette J4 9 Chests $J9 837-0505 3616 5. Dale Mtbry TAMPA Preparatory patio sale. May 21, 9-4.

Electrical Building, 300 North Blvd. SALE. Riding mower, $75. Gas dryer, $45. Wrought iron jailing, $20, 110 Adollo.

8' GLASS Sliding doors, $75. 2 refrigerators, one dryer, as $25 each. 885-2436. LADIES Golt ClubsBag, $100. Fur Stole, $50.

886-2118 evenings. COLEMAN floor furnace, 20' pipe, 110 gallon tank, $100. 234-9221. WILL buy vour appliances, air conditioners. Working or not.

626-3754. GREEN shag rug, pad, 9x9, excellent, $40. 877-7128. PAIR photographically enlarged Italian prints, gold frames, $50. 877-7I28.

CUSTOM draperies, green open weave, 154x94. $50. 877-7128. AC-DC Comocr refrigerator. Al condition.

$125.00 961-1634. SPINA Bifida giant sidewalk Sale, May 19th thru 21st. Donated articles welcome, 9 to 4. Wmn Dixie Building 2811 W. Kennedy.

REBUILT Used Bicycles, 20" $32, 20" $38, 2 10 speed $45, $65. 87-7290. SONY 8 frock player, recorder. $50. Raleigh 3 speed bicycle, $75.

988-5343. LONDON Fog Maincoat $45. Barons Suit $30, size 42. 247-1090 SAMSONITE and American Tourlster luggoge. 686-7845.

ARROW PAWN SHOP 1104 FRANKLIN KITCHEN toble ft chairs, marbletop co*cktail table $20; 961 1657. USED CROSS TIES 621-7534 LAWN mower, $55. Dresser, $35. Typewriter, 3542. CHURCH Pews.

Solid Ook. Excellent condition. 39-8', 36 18 26-12', 1914', plus accessories. Also 20-20' Solid Maple with Green velvet cushions. Will sell oil or port.

Orlando 305-656-3505. Mr. Varion. 8 USED TV's, need repair, oil for $35, 971-2962. SEARS WAREHOUSE OUTLET STORE Floor Samples Used Scratched Surplus Mdse.

Men. thru Sal, I te 5 M. 1820 Mosiere Id. oH US. 301 South in I mux Tempi bidmtriel Mc.

626-6601 401 AUCTIONS Auction lues ft Sat 7 30 Sell-Trade, consignments. 1137 7tth St 5 Ploza, 621-299l New hours. AAA Flea Market now ooen Frl nights. Frl 9-9 Sat 9 5 Auction Frl nights 4 Ml $. Hwv 60 on U541 (50th St So Tpo).

Auction, 5611 Broadwoy. Every Fridov Sundov night storting at 8PM. Open dally. Consignments Wellcome. MJOlllj 677.1m GENERAL merchandise.

Florida oldest and laroest dealers auction. Evkry Tuesday, Horn, 1536 KcVth-leen Road, Lokeland, 1 mile I 4 en A 686 7997 40? ANTIQUES 24 Antique ft Craft Shops In Ouaint Ctaar Factory Ybor Square Nostalgia Mkt Sat Sun 9th Ave 14th St BUYING: Complete Estates Highest prices. 935-9361 REFINISHING CLASSES Bring your furniture piece. Supplies usea i-urnuure Home Decorator Paints DeJonge's Finishing Touch 511 S. Howard Avenue 251-6882.

251-4476 CASH for Antiques, furniture Anything ot value 884 bio Underground Tampa Fleo Mkt Fri sat sun to i 6400 E. Columbus 626-0847 See: Household Liquidators ad under articles tor sole TOP VALUE FLEA MARKET Corner Waters Anderson Rd OPEN Sat Sun 884-7810 Oriental Rugs Antiques Wanted. Tompo, 227-3401. 51, Petersburg, 822-609. Buying Antiques, turn, fine China 935-6825; 932-7328 OAK Vanity, Server, lady's desk, dbl brass bed, rolltop desk, sideboard, shaving stand.

689-3640. ANTIQUE SHOW-SALE CURTIS HIXON AUDITORIUM MAY 20-21-22 FRI. SAT. 1PM-10PM SUNDAY 1 PM TO 6 PM ADMISSION $1.50 VICTROLA, hand crank up right, original working con riitinn Trnp fflllprtnr's Item Also Helsv Glass, etc. 685- 0298.

WITH Ad 20 Discount, Glassware, Silver, Pictures, Kirton 2717 w. Kenneav. BEAUTIFUL Chippendale Table, with leaves. Small Marble top toble. 949-7635.

OLD RA wall silent clock porcelain face-pendulum. $175. 238 0787; BUY Furniture, antiaues and oriental rugs. Call anytime 839-8053. NUMEROUS antiaues.

For in formation and appointment, call 886-0408; LIBRARY Desk $40. crank phonograph $50. Antique camera $40. 831-2403. MAHOGANY Buffet, 100 years old.

$400.00 Call 932-2132 tar appointment; WE Buv Oriental Ruas. High est price. 1-726-7420. 1-725- 6439, Ask victor. RMV.tpll nntiaups.

hooks, col lectlble postcards. Red Horse, Ybor Square, every day, 10-5, 244-2JI. HUMMEL FIGURINES Cash Paid. Eves. 876-5570.

405 ART PAINTINGS-Orlg oils, $14.95 up-for any decor, taste. Art Boutique Horiiana v-ou Finding cosh buyer tor the items you'd like to sell is easy Just let our readers know what you have tor sale with an ad in Classified. 406 JEWELRY CASH IMMEDIATELY For DIAMONDS, Fine lewelry Gold-Sterllng-Pocket watches Be sure 10 bet our utter A. TIFANEY 935-0183 VERY unusual and attractive gold nuggets mounted on ring and matching Man's watch. Appraised value $2,000.

Make offer. (813) 782- 7598 Zephyrhills, leave num ber. 407 DIAMONDS CALL ANYTIME: I will buy lewelry, diamonds, silver Best prices-Cash! 985-2891 CASH IMMEDIATELY For DIAMONDS, Fine lewelry Gold-Sterllng-Pocket watches Be Sure To Get Our Offer A. TIFANEY 935-0183 Arthur Yotes Si Son Jewelers Buys, Sells Trades previously owned estate lewelry of all types. 2202 S.

Dale Maorv, Z53-2I64. 2 MEN'S diamond rings. 16 cluster diamond (1 carat) ft one solitaire (carat plus). 238-5952. STAMPS COINS BOOKS CASH for Coins, Stamps, Diamonds.

Silver 290-315 Roberts Stamp Coin Antiaue 1545 5. Dale Mobry 251-1398 We Pay more. Coins. Stamps, Silver 300-325. NE Coins, P.O.B.

20925, St Pete 33742; Ph 1-576-3522. Will travel UNIQUE Collection Call soon, Market Is highly speculative, 935-4710. STAMP Collection, uncan-celed plate block, singles, Stamp olbum, $65. 949-2368. 410 FURNITURE-SALE Largest-best selection of qual ity used furniture in town Penny Pinchers 16516 Florida Open 9-6.

4 drawer chests, from $15. Box spring 8, mattress $15. Cor-ner sofa with table, $45. Dinette suite with 4 chairs. $75.

Bay Mart, 6517 N. Ar menla, 932-8656. ANTIQUE Jenny Lind twin bed. New mattress. Excel lent.

$125. 238-0787. EARLY American couch, matching chair, coffee table, $45 ail. 681-334. SOFA-bed and chair.

$75. Block recliner, $30. Cherry coffee, $25. Chest-drawers, $15. 886-2944.

5 PIECE bedroom set. Good conditi on $200 total. 988-0121 2 BEDS, mattress ft box springs, sofa, chair, Never USea. 935-3661. DINING Table and Chairs.

$40 00 112-D S. Delaware. TABLE, Barrel, with 5 chairs, $150. 985-4929. FURNISHINGS 2 bedroom apartment Including plono.

B86-9U50 Days, 884-4436 evenings. KINGSIZE Bedroom Sult-SSO. Corner Group 145. Custom 837-1832. BEDROOM Suit, Solid Pecan, triple dresser, hutch mirror, si 40.

Floral Sofa-bed, $60. 837-1832. BOOKCASE $17; toble, choirs $56; TV credenza $40; night stand $17; end toble $10 886-9744. DINING Room suite, couch, oearoom suite, double bed mattresses. 932-9645.

ANTIQUE Cane back living room suit, dining suit 301 W. 2 CUPBOARDS, oiled walnut cone door, excellent, $100 eacn. 949-4573. COLONIAL Maple drooleaf dining room table. Excellent condition, $90.

837-3930 BLACK Naugahvde Medlter- ranean style sata-recliner, llkenew, $185. 935-9343. "the waterbed ROOM Formerly Beanbog ond Wo terbed store. 9017 N. Fiondo Tompo, Northgate Shopping Center.

Largest selection of Woterbed furniture in the area, 932 8276, NEW Sofa and chair set, must sell. Moving. 8150. 971-5961. SINGLE bedroom set, almost new, $120.

Coll 885-1997; DOUBLE bed, $35. Dresser, mirror, $35. Love teat, $3. 935 6452. TWIN bedroom set.

Mat tresses, box springs, dresser. $100 compleie23Sj2600; LIVING, dinette, double-twin bed suites, end tooies. J6IJ Cleveland, t-4pm, Saturday, Sunday, 932-5774. thurs start FRENCH Provincial bed ft dresser, perfect condition. $200 total.

961-6253; ASSORTED Furniture for sale. Excellent condition. Coil evenings 876 2619. LOVE Scot and Sofa, $350 or best otter Wt years old. $900 New.

886-3714 otter 6PM. OLD Jenny Llnd Spool bed tsingiei retinished, $40. 988- 1217. MAHOGANY triple dresser, 2 end tobies, headboard, king sue bed, excellent condition, $875. 238-2242.

TRADITIONAL dining room, toble ft six choirs. Excellent condition. 961 0943. WHITE formica dining room toble, glass ft chrome bookcase, $110 or best otter. 238-2242, BROYHILL Couch, Orange ond red plaid.

8150. 186-7845. BUSINESS Executive moving. Must sell all home furnishings. As soon ot possible.

fill oi- 470 PETS SUPPLIES SERVICES FREE Pekingese, 4 years old, prefer older couple. Week ends and evsnings only 248-3372. BEGINNER'S obedience classes starting May 23rd. tail 2JV-IZ56. FREE Vj Siamese young soavea cot, nas snots.

VBb 3426. 495 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED 55 Gallon drums with detachable tops. 247 Jlz, jack Lambert. farmer'! Market 500 549 500 FRUITS VEGETABLES RUSKIN tomatoes veaeta bles, fresh from our farm to you. Artesian Farms Vegetable Stand.

Hwy 41 North at 2tn Ruskln. WESTERN Beef Sale. Sides lb. Hinds, lb. Cut, treezer wrapped free 026-86 i FARMS Ripe tomatoes, you pick.

Big Bend Rd and 41. Powell Rd ana 41. YOU PICK Ruskin vine ripe tomatoes Hwy 41 at 27th Ave, north of Ruskin. Follow Artesian Farms sign or Inauire a vegetable stand next ta Bll gore Fruit. IRRIGATED sweet corn.

Easy access from 1-4, Plant City Sam Allen Road, Carl Wil Son, 813-52-6505. COMFREY, 42 plants, gallon cans, i tor ts.uu. use as food arinx. eerier Heaitn. vbs ill 2.

STRAWBERRIES, vou pick Bring container. 3 ats. $1.00 Go 1-4 to Mcintosh Exit, turn South, first road left, first tieia. D. L.

Newsome, 752 9258. No Sundays. TOMATOES Spencer Forms Inc. Turn left on Northside ot railroad. Wi mauma.

BLACKEYED peas, you pick $4.50 hamper. Come out highway 92 to pea sign at t-ritzke Koaa, turn north two miles to Vickers sign, V. vickers. HAVE You-PIck Strawberries, plentiful, 3 ouarts $1.00 Fancy Forms, Inc. 92 East out of Plant City, to Wiggins Road.

South on Wiggins 3 miles to corner of Wiggins ana Kice Road, springhead oring own container. TOMATOES. Go south on 301 two six tenths miles past 674 to Soffold Rd. turn east, go across railroad to Pitts Farms on left, phone 634- 2797. YOU Pick, Black eyed peas $4.50 bushel.

Snap beans $3.00 bushel. 301 South to 674 1 mile East to W. Lake, South Vl mile. 634-1312; 634-1565. FRAN Berry Farm.

Strawber ries. You pick. 25c auart Your container. 3 mile south of SR574, on Dover-Sidney Ka. oienn Williamson.

1-52- 140 VCI I nill r-l lagher 1 mile south of 3B uuver urea. PEAS, new field, lust opened, plentiful. Also ripe tomatoes, plentiful. 2 miles east of 301 on 674, Lennord Brothers Farms. Information at Blzzy Bee grocery.

RIPE tomatoes, you pick, Hwy. 301, 3Vi miles pf Sun City Center. LOOK FOR OUR SIGNS Council Farms Inc. SQUASH, Bell Pepper, cob bage, onions, okra. YOU PICK BLACK EYED PEAS.

First pick Friday 20th. Open daily. Ft. Homer Farm, 3 miles south of us 301 on Ft, Hamer Rd In Parrish. 1-776 1458; 1-776 1854; 1-776-1374.

OlDEC ft. OIMVC TPIPI I Pnrm Cwtrn nlan. titul and Extra Big. Go east on 674 from Hwy. 301 then, South on Westlake Dr.

Vi mne. TOMATOES! You pick, 674 9th St. southeast. Ruskin turn south at St. Johns Episcopal Church.

YELLOW Sweet Corn, excel lent quality $3.50 bushel picked. Call 689-5484 to place orders. Albert Crosby Crosby Rd. Valrlco. CANNING cans for sole.

No. 2. etc. for all vegetables. Ooen weekdays 8-5.

Satur day 9-11. Riekes Container CO. 229-7916. CONCH peas, $5 bushel. Bring containers.

Highway 92 to Mcintosh Rood, turn south one mile to Vickers sign, Carroll Vickers, Plant City 754-144. GEORGIA Peaches; 3 pounds $1.00. Texas red onions, 5 Lettuce, 3 for $1.00. Eggs, $1.59 flat (2'i dozen). Butter beans, 39c pound.

While Supplies lost. Farmer John's Market, 238- 9695, 3001 E. Hlllsboro. LEIGHTON Farms. Yellow white sweet corn.

Hwy 574 at east city limit sign in setrner. YOU pick Butterbeans. Go mile East of Seffner on Hwy 54, uarco t-orms. KUSHMER Farms, 3 miles south Glbsanton 41 South Vegetables all kinds, only the best. 9AM-6PM.

Watch for signs. RIPE TOMATOES YOU-PICK WOODALL Farms, mile north of Big Bend Road on us 41. YOU Pick vine ripe tomatoes, .10 cents lb. West Shell Point ft 22nd St. Silver Queen Corn.

Ruskin, McCaul Farms. YELLOW SWEET CORN $3 PER BUSHEL. 2 Blocks South of traffic light off Hwy 54 in Dover. WHITE SWEET CORN SILVER QUEEN. S3.

50 per bushel. 2 blocks South of traffic light of Hwy 574 In Dover. CORN, white ft yellow, 6 cents ear. Pulled hourly-no wait ing. Ripe tomatoes, Henry Almond Forms, 11 miles south of Riverview, on High- way 301, turn east on Bill Tucker Rd follow signs 634-5528.

YOU Pick Tomatoes, white ft yellow Corn, Cantalopes Ray Ounkel Farms, south on 301 to Highway 672, east 2 miles. SWEET corn, already picked. $3 per bushel. 3 Miles south of Plant City off Rd 39 on Johnson Rd. HENRY ALMAND FARMS CORN, (60-65 ears per bushel) TOMATOES (ripe pink), Black -eye conk peas, beans, lopes, okra.

1 1 Miles South of Riverview on Hwy. 301, Turning East an Bill Tucker Rd. FOLLOW SIGNS. PH. 634-5S29 -634-5528 -634-6220 Call for reduced prices INTERSECTION 301 8, Big Ben continue South 310 mile on 301, turn east.

Corn. You pick peas. RIPE TOMATOES You pick. IV7 miles south of Gibsonton US 41; east on Symmes Vi mils; 1Uj miles south ot Riverview; west on Svmmes Rd. 2 miles.

Voget Fo ms Pick, white and speckled butter beans, $4 50 bushel. Edwards North of Turkey Creek. 1-737-2212. ORANGES ond Grapefruits. $2.75 and $2 25 -per bushel.

Sweet ond lulcy. Call 949-4336. FRESH Green Beans, picked ft snapped. Picked fresh, Monday thru Saturday. $5 per bushel, Roy Pippen Forms.

Highway 3 South, 1-752 6111. SUNREO NECTARINES You pick. Field opens May 14, daily 7AM 6PM, 25c LB. Exit 1-75 on SR 41, 2 miles E. to SR 575, Vh mile N.

on 55 or i miles NW ot Dade City on SR 41 to SR 55 904 567 6971. BELOW WHOLESALE Hickev ft Preiser saves money becouse our furn vou niture 1 Rooms of Furn. $299.50 Sofa ft Chair. Ilra rnAr TU $75 $150 Many Dining Bedroom Items unoer Come See Much More 110 S. Franklin St.

$50 STORE-Display. $15 Mo. 5 Pc Coloniol Liv. Rm. 5 Pc.

Traditional Liv. Rm. 5 Pc Modern Liv. m. Your Choice 689-8189 CHRISTIE': HERCULON Chair, reversible cushion, excenenr.

o' 0417 after 4PM. UP TO On Furniture Bedding. Guaranteed lowest Prices ANYWHERE. E-Z Credit. PAYLESS FURNITURE 10013 Hebrasiii 971-0250 5919W.Hillsboro884-.9il Open Doily 9-1 12 to 6 Sun.

414 FURNITURE WANTED FURNITURE, Miscellaneous Roomful, houseful. 626-4557, 248-6653. Also Antiques. Cash For Furniture Misc Call AAA Service 677-9426 WILL pay top dollar cash for good clean furniture. 626- 2612.

Bay Mart Furniture wants to buy clean used furniture, 932-8656. TOP cash for clean furniture and appliances. 14818 N. Ne braska. 971-8464.

Cash Paid for Your Furniture 67-0400; 621-2991 WE pay more. Furniture, ap- pliances, TV'S, odds and ends. 932-1230. EX-GI Just storting business needs furniture, appliances, TVs; 932-6878 416 APPLIANCES KENMORE Washer. Clean, immacutata condition.

$100. 681-1928, 241-6391. Northern dealer went bankrupt, so vou con really save on color TV s. stereo washers, dryers, refrigerators. Once-in-o-llfetlme buys on new, used, scratched, trade-ins, repossessions.

All for nothing down, smalt monthly pay. ments. Ask for Credit Man- oaer at Bill Hall's TV Appliances. (2 locations). Northgate Shopping Center or 4485 Gandy Blvd.

(Zoyres snooping center). REFRIGERATOR 15 cubic foot, goad condition, $75. 626- 354. SAVE GE washers ft dryers repos sessed. Super deluxe, all porceloin, loaded with features.

Original washer dryer. List price $450. Full balance $198.67. Nothing down. $10 monthly.

Ask for Credit Manager at Bill Hall's TV Appliances. (2 locations). Northgate Shopping Center or 4485 Gandy Blvd. (Zoyres Shopping Center). SEARS upright freezer, 16'.

Runs like new. $125.00. 1 3762. BANKRUPT BUILDER CANCELLATION Bankrupt builder cannot ac cept delivery of 50 Fngidaire Frostproof 17 cu. ft.

refrlg erotors. Compare at $500 Our sacrifice price $298.97. Nothing down. $15 monthly. Ask for Credit Manager at Bill Hall's TV Appliances.

(2 locations). Northgate Shopping Center or 4485 bonav Blvd. uavres snapping Center). KENMORE washer. $75.

Dryers, $70. Rebuilt. Re built, guaranteed, delivered. 935-6893, 996-2891. FRIGIDAIRE ronge, $85.

Apartment size freezer, $60. 682-6036 Lakeland. GAS Stove white, excel lent condition, looks new, $75. 837-5193. ELECTRIC Stove, Frigidalre, too oven, stainless steel, perfect, $145.

837-5193. DISHWASHER, Kenmore, $100. Automatic washer, all cycles, $100. 237-6944. KENMORE electric dryer.

perfect condition, looks new, $B5. 837-5193. REFRIGERATORS, Rebuilt, $25. Air conditioners, $10, plus parts. Drake's Service Center, 5519 W.

Hillsborough, 886-555. GENERAL Electric 30" Ronge, white, excellent con, dition. $75. 886-1090 Eve nings. AUTOMATIC Washer.

$50 Automatic Dryer, $65. All cycles. 241-681. GE automatic washer, all cycles, excellent, like new. $85.

837-5193. MICROWAVE Oven, like new. $200. Coll 886-8166. REFRIGERATOR, apartment size, white, works perfect, $65.

837-5193. EIECTRC ronge, Frlgidaire, jq wnne, perfect condition, $110. 837-5193. WASHERS, dryers, stoves. Rebuilt-guoranteed.

Armen ia Appliance Exchange. 7519 N. Armenia. PAY Too for used appli ances. Coll evenings, 679-1226, 884 0272.

REFRIGERATOR, Westingh- ouse, 14 frostless, perform-once and appearance outstand Ing, $100. 234-2231. WHIRLPOOL 00s dryer, 5 cycles, 3 temperatures, ex cellent, $165. 236-3591. ELECTRIC stove, Sears, dou ble oven, like new, $180.

837-5193. GE Refrigerator, 2-door, avo- caao. reflect condition, $135. 837-5193. KIRBY with oil attachments.

1 year old. Paid $550. Must sell, $200. 86-3817 or 870-3933. PORTABLE dishwasher, 1 year old, excellent condition, $100.

985-4773. FREEZER, Kenmore, 16 cubic toot Upright, excellent, $175, 253-3243. 418 AIR CONDITIONERS GOOD USED AIR CONDITIONERS For Sole. Coll 932-4081 12.000 BTU, excellent, $100. 18,700 BTU, excellent, $150.

2211 E. 71h Ave. STUDENT needs used olr con ditioners tor school repair work. 251-5368. FEDDERS 18,500 BTU AC, excellent condition, $150.00.

885-3524. LARGE 220 Volt, $115. 115 condition. Volt, $85. Good 237-6944.

ADMIRAL, 9000 BTU Excel lent. $75. 985 4365. FRIGIDAIRE Air conditioner, excellent condition, 26,000 BTU. $150.

36" Attic Ian, $50. 233-1981. 5,000 BTU, $60. 18,000 BTU. $140.

Both excellent condition. 137-3683. 8,000 BTU Amana, $100. 18.000 BTU Among, $200. 870 1580.

RCA Whirlpool air condit ioner, 6,000 BTU. Heats, cools. $100. 233 8301. KELVINATOR 17,000.

$100; Hotpolnt 5,800, $60. Both are Superb. J34 2231. 11,000 BTU, 115, $90 15,000 BTU, heats, cools, $110, 881-7716. NEW Central electric heat ft oir, spilt system, Vi ton $150.

2 ton $300, IVi ton $20, I ton $230.933 6467. 19,000 BTU 230 volt, good con. dition $175. 420 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Organ Piano Class Lessons Adults ft Children CENTRAL MUSIC K-MART PLAZA 8221 N. Florida Ave 933JS3S Spinet piono $379.

870-0488 toned pher't 4233 nned You must hear to beiievel Fomous Gulbransen Organs All models in stock. New ft rebuilt pianos, Used organs from $200 ud. Guaranteed Tompo Christian Supply Inc W. HlllSbOrO 69 67 Organ, Kimball Swinger $695 3'onecipner. 4733 Kenneav 'Yamaha Amp.

Sale Save radio, antenna, SWR $200. "1 IIV? tionate, 3 moles, 1 femole..

The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.