Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (2024)

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Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (1)[...]LIKE CABBAGE NOW...

Dear Reader...

this is not the Easter Bunny
on our cover, its Runny
Babbit... a controversial
Character that got

the Chatt staff tired

in 1979...

Now, 70 years

sin[...]you have been


BAREARTS: 14 : RITALIN: 20 cos. soon...

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (2)[...]. budohs‘fi Add ("Med we mdk “$5M”-

The episode of Ranny Babbitreprinted abové wasoriginafly published in 1979. At-that timé;'A?S didnot'hald the comma for the‘proyision »

" pf mealsvoynv campus, th[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (3)[...]AFF is 70 years old this week!
On March 28, 1934, the first issue
of CHAFF hit the stands and we’ve
been going strong ever since.[...]as changed a lot since 1934. Back
then CHAFF took the form of a few
sheets of foolscap paper, folded ov[...]enty of genteel
gossip — who danced with who at the
local dance, etc. Sounds like fun,

Things all changed though
back in the sixties when student
politics became a force for change.
Vietnam War protests and the like made their way into New
Zealand’s student[...]has been a fairly political publication.

One of the most memorable episodes in CHAFF’S history
took place in 1979, and involved the publication of a certain
cartoon named “Runny B[...]I thought I’d
write up what I actually did over the week rather than the normal
dribble that I’ve been submitting.

First off, I started the week by meeting with MUSA’s
lawyers. We discussed the legal implications of the refund of the
building levy. Upon returning to my office I answered several
emails and contacted the New Zealand Universities Students
Association abo[...]sey University. I
also caught up with a couple of the Executive and discussed the
various projects they were involved in at that point.

After that I met with Sandi Shillington, the Massey (PN)
Regional Registrar. She looks after all the student services that
Massey provides such as Learning Support, the Medical Centre,
the International Student Support Office plus a lot more. At this
meeting we discussed the Recreation Centre. Through MUSA,
students put a large amount of money towards the Recreation
Centre, so MUSA ensures that the Recreation Centre uses these
monies appropriately. The outcome of this meeting was that
the MUSA and the University are now performing a review of
the current management structure in order to make it more

Also at this meeting Sandi presented the proposed plans
for the new Halls development and asked for feedback. These
new Halls represent an important concern for students. The first
year experience for students is vital; it[...]So MUSA also
takes an active interest in not only the buildings themselves

but the implications of the construction (noise, parking during
construction, access to the site etc), how environmental friendly
these halls would be and the social aspects such as lounges and
residential ad[...]I
returned to my office and contacted several of the local students
associations about the upcoming Student—City summit. This
summit betwe[...]ry education providers, local

on strike MUSA and the Unive sity '
between them had to arrange for 80

trident, to be taken into the ity_ to
be ed Restaurantswere warn d,

Don’ t We look fine for 70 years of age?

provoked the entire catering staff to go on strike,
leaving the University to try and feed 800 hungry
hostel students. The consequence of this event was
that the CHAFF staff was .“asked” to resign.

Looking back over CHAFF’S hard copy
archives we discovered that the issue featuring
“Runny Babbit” had been removed. However, our
intrepid News Editor managed to track down the
offending cartoon (we still haven’t been able to find
the “Phantom Fartoonist” unfortunately), so, for
the first time since 1979 CHAFF brings you “The
Adventures of Runny Babbit”, which you’ll find on
the opposite page. . Let’s hope we’re not “aske[...]s will be held on
Thursday, April 1, from 6pm, at the Woolshed.
Come along, enjoy some cheap drinks, and meet the
2004 CHAFF team - Graeme, Ed, William and me,
Ann[...]a.or .nz

PS. I am pleased to report that Squishy the CHAFF Cow has been
returned safely. Our designer,[...]n her kidnap (ie, HE STOLE HER).

business and the city council looked at students in Palmerston
Nor[...]attracting more students to Palmerston North and
the importance of students to the city. The summit itself was
held at the end of the week and proved pretty successful and
consolidate[...]buses and a central
one stop shop for students.

The rest of the afternoon I spent working on the draft
MUSA~MUCESA service agreement. This agreement will hopefully
see more accountability between the two associations and ensure
that students studying on the Hokowhitu campus receive an
equitable level of service to those studying on the ’I‘uritea campus.

As well as this I worked on consolidating the Students’
Associations of Massey University pos[...]ntatives were not only maintained but enhanced
on the various college boards.

As I’ve now run out of room for this week’s column, I’ll
have to save the rest of the week for another time.

— Adam Maynard,

. whilst the exec organised buses which
were paid for by the University

This incident 0st the CHAFF

smfiamnp TMUSprmmmttum

ime and the event sparked the biggest.

; edito a1 independence of CHAFF, but

would apologise for the' issue.


Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (4)Throwing toys

Once again some mutant has attacked the
person and not the issue. Take a step back
jackass and look at what[...]ng my opinion.

Why is it okay for Maori to label
the rest of us “racist” because we critique
them,[...]anything, like that
spoilt bitch from Charlie and thethe stand-off up
north involving intimidation tactics[...]it does.

Why is it white, middle-class males
are the only demographic you can attack
without being racist? Answer me that

- Uncle Sam

Smell the urine

In response to Nick Holm’s letter about[...]Kerry, thanks

for proving my own argument, that the
fake liberalism of Kerry is 100 times more
danger[...]and that there is zero difference
between them on the fundamentals foreign
policy. Every one of the ‘differences’ you
listed on Kerry foreign pol[...]. Kerry has indeed called for reconciliation
with the U.N and America’s “natural allies”.
At the same time he fully supports the Bush
Doctrine of “unilateral pre—emption” and
the fundamentals of the ‘war on terror’. The
U.S relationship with the U.N has always
been one of total domination, the U.N either
obeys the U.S or is ignored, Kerry’s not
going to change[...]ll see how far that goes.
Contrary to myth it was the liberals who
killed the plan in the first place. Kerry has
also said he will not allow international
institutions the power to harm the U.S

3.He might have said he will open b[...]rry promised to appoint an envoy
to Israel, “to the quality of someone like Bill
Clinton”. If this isn’t bad enough he has
repeatedly stated “the cause of Israel is the
cause of America”. He supports the ruthless
and illegal annexation of Palestinian
territory now underway.

5. As far as his stance on the defence
budget, remember he supported every one
of the republican’s increases since Bush
came to power[...]be necessary to maintain a strong force in
Iraq. The defence and intelligence budget
makes up something like 40% of the
national budget, and has stayed constant
since WW[...]elling you
it’s raining Nick, wake up and smell the

- Matt Russell

AGM thanks

To all the people who attended the AGM
last week — thanks heaps for coming
along. The issues that were raised were
extremely constructi[...].
I’m glad that a reasonable cross—section
of the student body was represented. It
resulted in rigorous debate and that can

only help MUSA move forward in the way it”
represents you. '

As you are aware, we ran out of
time to complete the debate on the building
levy refund. You placed great importance[...]ubus
ticket. I was listening to them last week in
the morning and they were advertising they
would be asking a question soon and giving
away one Incubus ticket to the Wellington
show. The question was to name the song
they played, and then to name composer.

Having been obsessed with The
Beatles since before I was born I recognised
it was their song Blackbird as the first note
was hit (cheers). I phoned up, named it,
and was greatly praised by the two DJ 3
(cheers). Then they said who composed
it[...]cCartney” to which they laughed at me
(cheers). The guy started telling me how
it was only a McCartney song and how
Lennon had nothing to do with it. Being the
retarded retard I am I already knew Paul
McCartney wrote the song as he sings it,
but I also know that when The Beatles were
formed Lennon and McCartney had an
agreement that all songs the two of them
wrote would be labelled as composed b[...]ow have to
tune in elsewhere to hear my favourite The
Strokes songs (cheers).

PS: I’m sure the Incubus show was great

With all my love,

Luke Anderson,

Hiya Luke,

Steve Asplin here, I was the one who
ridiculed you on the radio. It was an
unintentional ridicule as I was so surprised
that anyone at all recognised the song that
when you said Lennon and McCartney the
sheer tragedy of your incorrect answer made
me la[...]bly. I called your cell
phone and if you received the message you
got yourself two tickets to The Black Seeds.
If however you didn’t get that mes[...]bus to give
you as some measure of recompense for the
shame that I unintentionally caused you.
It’s great to hear you like the station and
hopefiilly you don’t switch the dial to hear
The Strokes on other radio stations otherwise
you mig[...]elf lost in a melee of
fiJZZ as I believe we are the only station that
plays them currently.



Sold a lemon

Maori have been sold a lemon in the so-
called “Partnership” Treaty principle. The
Treaty separated government from every—
day leadership or tino rangatiratanga.

What the left offers Maori in
“partnership” is insincere consultation on
government affairs in return for the right of
government to meddle in the every-day lives
of Maori. This is not a fair exchange and is
contrary to the Spirit of the Treaty.

What the centre—right offers
Maori is the democratic right to vote and
to lobby government[...]lliams

Suicidal cyclists

Unfortunately, this is the only piece of

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (5)[...]you. - Ed]. I would like to lay a complaint
about thethe white lines and hope you
don’t get nailed”.

I feel the only solution to this
problem is perhaps to press my accelerator
to the floor, but fear thethe sports writer kindly
shine alight on some FEMALE[...]! I’m back, after two whole
low—down weeks in the pad of that low—
down cattle—rustling mf the MUSA Design
Ed. Ugh, I feel dirty.

— Squishy the CHAFF cow

Beautiful Hayley

Dear Hayley, we t[...]d to give you a memory that
will last forever. As the other people who
photographed you have.

From the Year 2 vet nurse clan.

Note to correspondents WM[...]an sign
your letters with a pseudonym but we
need the real info for legal reasons. This
information wil[...], sexist, hom*ophobic
bullsh*t. We define this as the
discrimination or abuse of such groups
through bl[...]aterial. All this will earn
you is a fast trip to the rubbish bin.

5. Spelling will be corrected in le[...]r 300 words will have priority
to be printed.

7. The Editor reserves the right to censor

or abridge letters received in w[...]be deemed inappropriate, or simply too

8. The Editor reserves the right not to
publish letters. If this happens feel free to
come up to the CHAFF office and discuss it.

9. The Editor reserves the right to offer
people / organisations named in letters
immediate reply.

10. All letters become the property of CHAFF
upon submission.

So CHAFF -[...]... quiz


1) How old is CHAFF?

2) What is the traditional gift to given
to some one when they r[...]Dave Seville used to manage a
band called “ and The Chipmunks”
name the 3 chipmunks in the band.

6) What star sign would you be if you where
born this week, 29/3 — 4/4?

7) What creature of the Zodiac represent
this star sign? (BTW it is also the first sign
of the Zodiac).

8) The Zodiac Killer is a famous serial killer,
whose id[...]at least 7, possibly over
30 people?

9) What is the name of the hollow paper
mache animal filled with sweets that the
child whose birthday it is whacks till it[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (6)[...]ing writers & artists:

Nicholas rape inquiry

The first meeting of the Commission of Inquiry into police rape
allegations was held at the Wellington Town hall last week. It
will also inqu[...]lic servant Dame
Margaret Bazley will outline how the inquiry will run, and

the estimated 15 lawyers who are predicted to attend can ask
questions. The hearings are expected to start in May and go
thro[...]r Robertson and Dame Margaret will report
back to the Cabinet in November.

Blanket secrecy provisions in the law governing the
Police Complaints Authority (PCA) are threatening to hamper
the work of the Commission. At the meeting John Upton QC
representing the PCA, said his client wished to cooperate as fully[...]reality we
need to recognise.”

By law neither the PCA nor its office holders can be
called to give[...]respect of anything coming to their knowledge
in the exercise of their PCA functions.

Outside last we[...]Mr Upton said there was
a legal difficulty over the extent to which the PCA could provide
material to the commission. He expects to have finished an
assessment of the secrecy provisions by this week and to then be
in position to take instructions from the PCA.

Commissioner High Court judge Justice Bruce
Robertson said the PCA secrecy provision was one of two issues
that could affect the commission’s ability to achieve its timetable.
A possibility might be for the commission to receive what evidence
was available[...]edies in other places to remove any constraints.

The second issue that could affect the commission’s
timetable was the fact inquiries were under way into whether
some present and former members of the police could or should
be prosecuted, Justice Rob[...]tion to
ensure nobody’s rights were infringed.

The commission had a deadline of November 1, which
ef[...]ding sexual conduct. Justice Robertson
emphasised the commission was dealing with incidents where
complaints had been made to the police.

“Some people have written in drawing to our attention
matters where they say they were the subject of inappropriate
behaviour, but there was no reference to the police in any form. Those
matters would not fall Within our terms of reference.”

By this week the commission expected to have offices opened
in La[...]f
would include a person-or people who would hear the stories of those
who had contacted the commission and appeared to fall within the
inquiry’s terms of reference, Justice Robertson said.

Meanwhile, the police issued a statement today denying
reports that the police investigation file into Mrs Nicholas’ a[...]“Police are satisfied that they have secured the relevant
historical documentation required for the current investigation,”
the statement said. According to a police document obtained by the
Sunday current affairs television programme, the police investigation
file into Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas’ allegations has been lost
since 1997. The document, dated June 1997, says extensive inquiries
failed to find the original investigation file. Police spokesman Jon
Neilson told The Dominion Post last week that he could not comment
on the Sunday programme, but did not dispute its claims of a missing
file. ,

However, the Sunday programme’s revelation raises further
qu[...]to investigate Mrs Nicholas’ complaint against the
three policemen. Mr Dewar was criticised after the trials of a fourth
policeman accused of raping Mrs Nicholas when she was aged 14. The
first two trials were aborted because Mr Dewar gave hearsay evidence
at critical points of the Crown case. The policeman was acquitted after
the third trial.

In 1995, Judge Michael Lance critic[...]A diary belonging to Mr
Dewar, which he said was the only record of a formal interview with
Mr Shipton[...]icholas’ allegations, has also disappeared.

On the Sunday programme, Margaret Craig, a Rotorua
sexua[...]ter train on his hands and knees after being told the
train was running too late for an access ramp to[...]on to
a crowded carriage at Sturges Rd station in the West Auckland
suburb of Henderson. Although he do[...]e can
barely walk up stairs.

But Mr Dempsey said the Tranz Metro train manager
told him he could not use the ramp because the train was
running late, by five minutes, and the ramp was for people in
wheelchairs. He recalled the manager saying: “The ramp is for
people in wheelchairs — that’s wh[...]”

“I was stunned,” said Mr Dempsey, who is the Muscular
Dystrophy Association’s national fundr[...]train journey in Auckland two months
earlier when the train was running 30 minutes late.

Mr Dempsey said that when the train arrived at
Britomart Station, the ramp was put down in about 30 seconds
and he walk[...]baby in a
pushchair. Two train staff who had seen the earlier incident
apologised to him. Mr Dempsey said: “The important thing for
me is, let’s make sure this[...]disabled access. Access is
not always physical in the sense of a ramp, often it’s people’s

ACC def[...]techniques as nasal
irrigation, humming and yoga. The programmes were highlighted
last week when New Ze[...]was doing about people being
forced to go through the schemes or face losing their payments.

“(One scheme) in the Waikato requires accident victims
to undertake a[...]ddock and laugh at each
other,” Mr Peters said. The technique known as nasal irrigation
involves pouring salted water in one nostril and out the other.
The treatment of one woman with a long—term shoulder injury
included watching the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest on
video, said Mr Peters.

ACC He[...]ctive, 65 per cent or more of people
that go into the programme are back in the workforce or actively
job-seeking within three months of finishing the course,” Dr
Rankin said. “At any one time we’ll have about ‘200 to 250
people, ACC Claimants on the programme, and as part of that the
psychologist offering the programme will develop a syllabus that
involves a[...]6

attitudes. That train wasn’t inaccessible, thethe incident had begun. “If this is the way he was
treated, it is totally unacceptable an[...]sure we don’t have a

Mr Ashton said the company had trained staff in dealing
with custome[...]s, but admitted that a high number of
recruits in the past 18 months had probably left a gap in “know[...]particular group of consumers”. Mr
Dempsey said the need for extra training was reinforced in a secon[...]which a wheelchair ramp was put down for him, but the
wrong way round.

Mr Ashton was to have met Mr De[...]pulled out at
short notice, blaming publicity and the Auckland Regional Council’s
signing of a contra[...], who has begun an investigation, had
rescheduled the meeting.

After the meeting Mr Dempsey said the company had made
a commitment towards providing m[...]eceived a personal apology
through Mr Ashton from the train manager.

“He said it was totally unacceptable and basically the train
manager had made a bad call on that day.”

of the after-effects of their injury.”

People were re[...]best for them, but they were given a
choice about the components and could opt out.

“We take three a[...]al needs, helping them to get skills to return
to the workforce,” Dr Rankin said. “Humming is very much part of
the process of relaxation and we believe that it is an appropriate
component to the programme. The nasal irrigation was offered to
claimants after t[...]. It was voluntary to participate. It goes beyond the
requirements of the programme and gets into medical treatment which
was not appropriate in this situation."

The psychologist coordinating the Waikato programme
referred to by Mr Peters had discussed at some length with the nine
participants what they would like to do. The[...]oga
but it was voluntary and he understood two of the members chose
not to participate, Dr Rankin said.[...]d following individual sessions with this person,
the participants had been offered a nasal irri[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (7)The MUSA AGM was held last Wednesday, March 24. The
meeting managed to get a quorum, but only just. In fact as
the meeting progressed some people left and one had to be
asked to remain in order that the quorum was not lost.

Some questions were asked r[...]luding MUSA staff parking and Student Job
Search. The question was whether or not these deserved
the funds allocated to them. The amount spent on MUSA
Staff parking in 2003 was $1,470 and Student Job Search
received $15,002. The amount spent on the parking was
justified by pointing out that MUSA[...]ing could be seen as going some
way to redressing the balance.

The amount of money spent on SJ S was explained
by the fact that the only sources of income that SJS has
are the government and the student associations. The
government only funds SJS over the summer break and
the associations are responsible for funding it during

The budget surplus for 2003 was $444,159.
Approxiamately $300,000 of this came from the sale of four
MUSA properties in Knowles St. Adam Maynard said that
this money would hopefully be spent on the maintenance of
the remaining MUSA properties. The additional $144,000
from the surplus was intended for fitting out the new
Student Centre when it is completed.

Also the Beerfest came under scrutiny, with some
members c[...]ed and ran at a loss of $905. It was decided that the
Exec would take the Beerfest under review and decide on
its future. The $60,000 budgeted for Manawatahi (Maori
Students Association) was also queried but the members
were satisfied with the explanation for the amount provided
by Adam Maynard.

The budget was then accepted with no changes.

It was pointed out that there was still room for the Exec to
move within the budget if called for. Also it was decided to
gran[...], ex-President of MUSA, life membership
of MUSA.

The next item for discussion was the proposed
Building Levy refund. The Building levy was collected in
2003 in order to fund the proposed extension of the Student

MUSA Annua era

A model of the proposed extension of the Student Centre

Centre. This attracted plenty of[...]ome saying
that it is a simple decision to refund the money. Others
pointed out the expense necessary to refund the money.
Massey University provided MUSA with a estimate of the
costs involved in the refund. The estimated total was
$40,454 which is 36% of the $112,500 that needs to be

Adam Maynard[...]that MUSA is under
no legal obligation to refund the money, but that there may
be an ethical obligation. Since the money was collected for
the purposes of building an extension of the Student Centre
in 2003, and it was not used for t[...]funded. Also some members said that since some of the
students who paid the levy in 2003 would not get any value
from it then they should be refunded. Some of the members
felt that this would happen regardless of when the money
was collected and the $112,500 should just be kept till

' building eventually started. It was finally decided that the

matter had to be tabled to be properly discussed at a SGM
that will be called later in the year.

Risin demand for
student foodbanks

C[...]sociation (UCSA) president
Pete Martin said today the association had to review the
management of its foodbank to ensure it improved with
increasing demand. The foodbank often ran out of stock
and the association was working with other universities

to gain the attention of big food suppliers, he said. No one
was entirely living off the foodbank, but many occasionally
needed it to get[...]through.”

UCSA spokeswoman Bridie Harding said the need
for foodbanks was growing because student income was
not keeping up with the cost of living. Ms Harding said
tertiary institut[...]have a foodbank
at all,” she said. She had led the February formation of
the National Association of Tertiary Foodbanks, in a[...]Barry Corbett said few students had fronted up at the
central city foodbank so far this year. But staff[...]ced
an increase in winter months.

Debby Green is the Foodbank Kai Awhina for
Methodist Social Services in Palmerston North. Ms Green
said that very few of the clients identified themselves as
students, but that there were a number who used the
foodbank who were studying while also on some typ[...]about Student Discounts

(not available for or

The {Zhemist Shop
2"? Lian Street (next to “The {Doctors’ 7
in the Pak'n’Save Carpark, Palmerston North


Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (8)Army occupy concourse

Some students may have seen the army vehicle that was
on concourse last Thursday-The vehicle was brought in
to publicise the Army Open Day held at Linton Camp last

The vehicle was an Armoured Personnel Carrier.
Also k[...]e this Wednesday March 3 1

on concourse. No, not the huge powerful cars, but rather

students in their best cross-dressing outfits running

like mad around the campus. There will be prizes for the

winners and this is the opportunity for all you closet queens

out there[...]you want to!
There is a two dollar entry fee for the Drag Race

and there will also be a barbeque, can[...]fun and frivolity. All funds raised are going to the relief

fund established for victims of the February floods, so

all students are encouraged[...]fficer

Only one nomination has been received for the position

of MUSA Graduates Students’ Officer. The nominee is
Nandu Goswami. According to the MUSA Constitution this
means that there will not be a by-election for the position
and Mr Goswami will be automatically appointed to the
position. The only way that a by-election will be held is if
ten students submit a petition, calling for an election, to the
MUSA offices by 4:30 pm Friday, April 2.

Iain Galloway, MUSA Vice-President
Administration, said that the lack of nominations for this
position was a reflection of the low level of active student
participation in the running of the Association. The AGM
held last week only barely gained its quorum, a bare fifty
out of the over 8000 who are currently enrolled as internal
students. Also last year there were 919 votes cast in the
MUSA elections out of over 9000 eligible voters,[...]e reminded that "classes end this Friday April 2.
The Easter break is two weeks long with classes resum[...]eing
caught having sex with a donkey, police say. The soldier,
who was not identified, was detained for several days last
week after a young boy spotted him with the animal in an
abandoned house in the southeastern town of Gardez.
The man insisted he had no other choice but the donkey
because he could not afford to pay a dowry to get married,”
a local police officer told Reuters. The man had since been
released without charge, he sa[...]nistan men must pay at
least $3,000 ($NZ4,600) to the parents of their prospective
bride, making marriage difficult for many in a country
where the average annual income is only a few hundred
dolla[...]Palmy freezing morning, a determined group
met at the railway land last Saturday to travel to Wellington
for the international day of action against war. About

f[...]more carloads already in Wellington - all in all the Pamly
contingent was about 25. Although turnouts were not as
great as the massive February 2003 rallies against war,
thousa[...]ed in
anti-war protests and peace marches to mark the first
anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Hundreds gathered in
the Wellington’s civic square where a short rally w[...]hip—hop artists performed anti-war
songs before the rally set off to the cenotaph war memorial.
At the memorial the crowd heard Jill Ovens, long time
unionist and pe[...]r ago today George W. Bush went into
Iraq to make the world safer. Safer for Whom? Safer for
the Iraqis? Chaos reigns in occupied Iraq. While US f[...]in a “green" belt in Baghdad, Iraqis daily
run the gauntlet of bombers, insurgents and bandits. Safer
for the rest of Europe? 200 dead in Madrid because the
Spanish Government, the former Spanish Government,
supported the US-led occupation of Iraq —— against the will
of the Spanish people.”

The protest continued its way through Wellington’s
streets to the Australian, and British embassies and then
joined a vigil out side the US embassy. Speakers and
marchers alike denounced the role these countries had
played in the war on Iraq and the war on terrorism in

Approximately 300 people took part in the anti-
war protest in Christchurch. The protest included a march
from the Museum to the Cathedral, several speakers and a
mass flag burn[...]ople took to Auckland’s
Queen Street as part of the global march. Calls were made
for New Zealand to withdraw military support for the
ongoing U.S-led occupation of Iraq. Others cried for peace
in the Middle East and for an end to oppression against[...]n Iraq, Green Party MP Keith Locke said: ““In the
12 months since, Bush, Blair and Howard’s justification
for the assault has proven to be built on lies. There are no
‘weapons of mass destruction’ - other than those in the US

Campaigners around the globe also protested
after a call went out at this year’s World Social Forum
in India. The example set by Spain’s anti—war movement
inspired marchers in Italy. ’leo million filled the streets of
Rome chanting “Berlusconi’s next!” The demonstration was
against Silvio Berlusconi’s r[...]al centres.

A mass of anti-war protesters packed the streets of
London. Exactly one year after the invasion of Iraq, 100,000
people came to tell Tony Blair that the movement is here
to stay. They stretched from Hyd[...]g
that it filled 45 blocks through Manhattan and the start
of the march almost merged with the people at the end of
demonstration. Sue Niederer, whose son was one of the
US soldiers killed in Iraq, told the New York rally, “What
did he die for? For a cou[...]us, that doesn’t
want us there. We should bring the troops home and
topple Bush.” There were some 5[...]o, 20,000 in Los Angeles and 10,000 in Chicago
in the regional demonstrations. Half a million marched in
cities across Spain, in the wake of the anti—war vote that
drove out Aznar from government. The marches included
300,000 in Barcelona and 100,000[...]sts in Canada, Greece, Germany, India, and across the
Middle East.

Aviation school wings back to city[...]ed — at
Palmerston North. It was earlier feared the internationally
promoted school would be lost to Auckland. But this year
the school is in transition to base all flying at Pa[...]nagement and maintenance, all aviation courses at the
Turitea campus.

The move has come about because growth plans
based on[...]. Last year consultants recommended
consolidating the operation on the Turitea campus and the
Flight Systems Centre at Palmerston North Airport. That
recommendation was taken up by the university council
and is now under action.

Paul[...]ege of Business and now acting general manager of the
restructured School of Aviation, said the Ardmore operation
will continue through this year[...]r courses. It will then be closed. All staff have
the opportunity to move to Palmerston North, he said,[...]ng looked at,
and there will be no sudden leap in the number of Massey

planes at the Palmerston North Airport flight centre. Thethe
operation is compact, the flying at Milson just minutes from
the campus, Palmerston North Airport has all the air traffic
control systems for international traffic, the school will be
close to its parent College of Bus[...]Palmerston North are better than Albany’s.

The decison to open up there (Auckland), at the
time, seemed a reasonable one but it didn’t quite work out,”
Dr Toulson said. “I suspect the main reason is that Ardmore
is some distance from the university, and in some respects
maybe we grew too big, too quickly.”

, When the Auckland move was made, the prospect
of Palmerston North losing the school was raised. Then—vice
chancellor James McWha said the move was market-driven,
and the school would go where the demand was. The
possibility of that scenario being reversed emerged last year,
when the consultant recommendation was revealed.

The university has put a lot of resource into
this plan, and is very committed to improving the school’s
success,” Dr Toulson said. “I think the future looks really
good for the school and I’m confident it’s going to work[...]student leaders (MUSA) and Residential
Advisors, the new Halls development proposal was
outlined. Stud[...]feedback from students had been
incorporated into the concept designs prepared by the

It is anticipated that the new Halls proposal would
be presented to Council shortly and that, if approved, the
first Halls could be available for occupation in February

Of particular note was the intent to build the ,
new Halls on a central site, close to the Campus Heart.

A pedestrian boulevard would link the Halls to the new
Students Centre and Campus Heart. Significant trees

had been identified for preservation and the potential for
common outside spaces for student activities had been
considered. The design aligned the Halls in such a way that
each room would enjoy sunshine for at least part of each
day that the sun shone.

The concept provided for common rooms with
kitchen fa[...]ms would be served
by shared bathroom facilities. The possibility of en suite
facilities was raised. Th[...]udents expressed an interest in being involved
in the development process and raised questions about
student safety and noise during the construction period.
Students were advised that the current Food and
Accommodation Committee would constitute the user’s
group to allow students input during the development of
the project. Any concerns raised by students would be
considered as part of the process. MUSA representatives
were also invited t[...]Student
Services declared that she was excited by the prospect of
being ab,le to provide student[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (9)[...]court after commenting on a case which was before the
Family Court. In a reserved decision released thi[...]ference in and criticism of a Family Court case.

The charges were laid by Solicitor—General Terrence[...]r public statements Dr Smith made last year
about the case, which related to a custody battle over a ch[...]rt proceedings are supposed to be confidential.

The conviction raised the prospect that Dr Smith
could lose his seat in Parliament. Under the Electoral Act,
MPs must automatically resign from[...]term of two or more
years. There are no limits on the jail terms or fines which can
be imposed for contempt of court.

Clerk of the House David McGee said he had no
comment when app[...]n Hunt also had no comment, his spokeswoman
said. The justices said the issues of penalties and costs were
“for further[...]ed a father
absconding with his child and ensured the case was heard
by the Family Court, his lawyer, John Upton QC, had told
the High Court in Wellington in his closing submissions last

Mr Upton also said at the time that Dr Smith’s
comments on the case, even if they breached Family Court

confidentiality rules, could not amount to the serious offence
of contempt of court. However, it[...]ppen
again, he said.

“Dr Smith’s conduct was the antithesis of contempt.
Not only did he dissuade the parents from not going to court,
he positively en[...]charged with
contempt after reporting details of the case. For TV3,
lawyer Clare Bradley had argued that a conviction would
curtail freedom of speech and the freedom of the media.
In broadcasting its programme, TV3 was scrutinising an
exceptional case in the public interest, she said. It had
ensured the individuals involved could not be identified. RNZ
had already broadcast details of the case so TV3 thought that
opened the way for its coverage. There was no evidence that
the TV3 programme had influenced the Family Court or that
it had deterred people from taking their cases to the court,
she said.

For RNZ, lawyer John Tizard earlier told the
court it was legitimate for the broadcaster to raise public
concerns about the case. There would have been no contempt
charges i[...]ppearing for RNZ, lawyer Sandra Moran said during the trial
the fact that Principal Family Court Judge Patrick Mahony
chose to be interviewed showed the case raised significant
issues. There was no sug[...]New Zealand’s
broadcasts had any influence on the participants in the case,
she argued.

Research comparison with UK universities

‘unlawful and flawed’

The authors of a report who used data collected from[...]o make comparisons with
Britain acted unlawfully, the High Court in Auckland was
told last week. Auckla[...]oria University
are seeking an injunction against the publication in full of a
Tertiary Education Commi[...]on a new system
ranking tertiary institutions by the number of advanced
research degrees completed, and the amount of external
research income earned.

The rankings will be used to allocate research
money to universities. The new formula is called
performance-based research funding (PBRF). The TEC’s
300-page report was to have been released[...]23, but has been held up by legal action taken by the

Counsel for Auckland University, Julian Miles
QC, told the court hearing that the case was not about the
university being concerned about a fair comparison with
others, or freedom of speech. It was about the TEC acting
unlawfully in a public law sense, and the offending material
was an appendix in its report that used the data provided
by New Zealand institutions to compare them with those in

Mr Miles said the TEC implemented a three—year
exercise after extensive consultation. The aim was to measure
the quality of research by individual academics in New
Zealand so government funding could be allocated based on
the outcome of that process. However, at a “very la[...]nd University was “surprised” to
be told that the large amount of sensitive data it had provided
to the TEC would also be used for “a completely different

Mr Miles said it was “unlawful to use the data for
a different enterprise” and the university would not have

provided thethe methodology adopted for thethe outcome
was likely to cause reputation and financial damage to
the institutions that had provided the data. University
of Auckland Vice—Chancellor Dr John Hood said that the
universities had no problem with the publication of the report
as long as the international comparisons were withdrawn.
“We are only taking this action to challenge the appendix
and four related paragraphs which we bel[...]ctoria University of Wellington, said it was with the greatest
reluctance that both universities had decided to take the
extreme step of initiating legal action."Vice—Chancellors
have objected strongly to the inclusion of this information
in the report since we were notified by the Commission of
its intentions two weeks ago and ha[...].

Massey Vice—Chancellor, Judith Kinnear, says the
university is keen to see the PBRF funding results released
by the Tertiary Education Commission as soon as possible.
Prof Kinnear says the primary purpose of the assessment is
to allocate funding based on a univ[...]hange, intended to boost research activity...”

The court has reserved its decision. The Tertiary
Education Commission has postponed the full release of the
report until the court’s decision is known.

Richardlarke testifies before the commission

Former US terror
chief slams Bush

A former White House security expert has charged the
Bush government did not consider terrorism to be[...]re 11 September 2001. Richard Clarke
said that in the first eight months of office, the government
considered terrorism “an important issue, but not an urgent
issue”. And he said the invasion of Iraq had “undermined"
the US-led war on terror.

Mr Clarke was testifying before the US commission
examining the 2001 attacks on New York and Washington.
He began his evidence with an apology to the relatives of
the roughly 3,000 victims of the 11 September attacks. The
US government had failed them, he said. In his te[...]rke — who has faced a barrage of criticism
from the White House over his claims - said Iraq was the
reason he was “strident” in criticising Mr Bush.

“By invading Iraq, the president of the United
States has greatly undermined the war on terrorism,” he
told the panel.

Mr Clarke also criticised the FBI for not passing on
information that two known al—Qaeda operatives were in the
US weeks before the 1 1 September attacks.

“I had been saying to the FBI... that because of
this intelligence that som[...]g - that they should
tell us anything that looked the slightest bit unusual,” he
told the panel. “I would like to think even without bene[...]Reagan
to George W Bush. He denied claims made by the White
House that he was working for Mr Bush’s rival in the
November presidential election, John Kerry.

The White House has said that my book is an
audition for a high—level position in the Kerry campaign,” Mr
Clarke said. “So let me s[...]nder oath, that
I will not accept any position in the Kerry administration
should there be one.”

Ear[...]e efforts by his agency to tackle terror threats,
the CIA had no prior warning of the 11 September plot.

“We didn’t steal the secret that told us what the
plot was,” he said. “We didn’t recruit the right people or...
collect the data, notwithstanding enormous efforts to do



Asked by the panel why the CIA had failed to
prevent the attacks, Mr Tenet said:

“We didn’t integrate all the data we had properly,
and probably we had a lot o[...]bout maybe we would have
had a chance.”

Later, the US Deputy Secretary of State Richard
Armitage defended his government’s record. Asked whether
the government had envisaged planes being used for a
domestic attack, he told the panel:

“I just don’t think we had thethe Bush team, Condoleezza Rice,
that she would spend[...]than anything
else. “I did my best to emphasise the urgency I felt,” Mr
Berger said.

This is the eighth public hearing held by the bi‘
partisan commission, established in 2002. In a preliminary
report on its findings so far, the commission said the
Clinton and Bush administrations were too slow in[...]o direct military action as a
way of dealing with the al-Qaeda leadership.

-BBC News

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (10)[...]to claim career—best figures of 11-180, whilst the
batting of ‘Pigdog’ Styris and Chris ‘F‘udge’ Cairns provided
theabackbone for the lop—sided victory. A barrage of sixes
by'Cairns and Jacob Oram was my highlight of the game.
Cairns is now officially in the upper echelon of all—time
great all~rounders.


The feel—good story of the season. The Bulls’ bruising
forward pack minces opponents i[...]it. It’s a pity their
PA announcer is a nonce.

The French rugby team:

Fresh off a 31-0 drilling of Scotland - AT MURRAYFIELD

- the Frogs are playing at their exciting best to sit at the top
of the Six Nations ladder, on 8 points from 4 matches. The
big test is this week though, as they host World[...]certainly can wield a stick with some skill,
and the 5-1 dorking of Ireland showed their intentions of
qualifying for the Olympics were not to be taken lightly.
A win over the Ukraine leaves them needing a draw with
Germany t[...]d leadership from Stacey Lambert and Kent Mod,
or the speed and athleticism of Jonathon Southey, the Jets
haven’t put a foot wrong, winning three from three to lead
the NBL.



A very disappointing start to the season, as if the early loss
of Monty Betham wasn’t bad enough. T[...]ge side.


Same sh*t, different year. The Sharks are proving to be no
easy beats on the road with wins over the Highlanders, and
now a one-pointer over the Canes. The semis from last year
are a distant memory.

Andrew Mulligan:

Who? He’s the annoying dimwit who doesn’t know sh*t
from clay[...]than
at a Celine Dion concert. To be fair though, the “gestapo”
on the gates stopped a blind man from taking his cane in[...]rsten:

He scored two more runs than I did versus the Black Caps,
with 1 followed by an impressive 1 in[...]much every major series.

Malaysia played host to the second round of the
F1 Championship. After the rather pedestrian start to the
season in Australia, it was hoped that there would be a
bit more excitement at Sepang. After the first qualifying
session it was clear that Renault were hoping for big things,
setting the two fastest times in the session. Unfortunately
for them the first session counts for very little. The second
qualifying was more towards the normal status quo,‘ with
Schumacher snatching pole once again. However the
Jaguar of Mark Webber was in hot form, earning himself
a spot on the front row. It was not Alonso’s day though,
having to start from the back of the grid due to a little
excursion onto the grass. Under the new rules he was
allowed to change his engine wit[...]poor start, with almost every car passing him by the first
corner. Surprisingly everyone got around the first corner
without any incidents. Then the rain came, and then
left again as quick as it had[...]acher ended up puncturing his tyre
sending him to the back. This then was followed by a spin
a little l[...]put to a
stop though with transmission problems. The Ice Man then
lost his cool, giving a track marshal a shove as he left the
track. Meanwhile everything was pretty much status quo at
the front of the field. Michael Schumacher was well ahead,
while[...]back into fourth position.
Schumacher easily took the win, with Montoya in second.
BAR driver Jenson Button took out third, his first ever

The IRL headed out to Phoenix for the second
round of the season. Scott Dixon was back in good form
joining team mate Darren Manning on the third row of the
grid. The excitement level of the race was right on par with
an 8 o’clock lecture on a Friday. The benefit of recording
the race to watch afterwards is that the fast forward button
can be used at regular interv[...]n diligently worked his way up
to second place as the race drew to a close, having a few
opportunities[...]n. However
Dixon had to settle for second, behind the dominating
Kanaan, who pretty much led from start to finish. Next
month the IRL heads to Motegi, Japan, the last race before
the Indy 500 in May.

Wanna go to the snow?

Join the Massey
Snowboarding Club and
you could be heading off to
Mt Ruapehu - for free!
The Massey
Snowboarding Club is
giving all new and existing
members the chance to win a season pass at Mt Ruapehu.
If you’re not already a member come up to the MUSA office
(above the dining hall) and pick up a membership form.
You will need to have joined by April 2 to go into the draw.
Winners will be notified by e-mail and will[...]rize. Prize
cannot be exchanged for cash.


The V8 Supercar season finally got properly
underway in Adelaide with the Clipsal 500. Marcos
Amborse was in dominating form, taking out both races.

In the first race Greg Murphy was the best placed Kiwi
coming home in fourth place. The race wasn’t so good for
Paul Radisich and Simon[...]that weekend Was
over, collecting another DNF in the second race. The ‘Mr
Consistent’ award for the weekend would have to go to
Steven Richards, finishing second in both races, both times
behind the other ‘Mr Consistent’ Marcos Ambrose.

Auckland driver Jonny Reid has secured a drive
in the European Formula 3000 series. Reid will race for
British based Village Motorsports. Reid won both the
New Zealand Grand Prix and Formula Ford championship
in 2002. Formula 3000 is certainly a step in the right
direction, especially if an aspiring Fl driver. Despite its
name F3000 is probably the second strongest open wheel
series in Europe, behind Formula 1.

During the semester break there’s a host of racing
action. This includes the Propecia Rally of New Zealand,
the debut of F1 in Bahrain and V8’s at Easte[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (11)’ ' .FEATURE... '

The Murder 0? Jesrs

An execution

Firstly, the crucifixion of Jesus actually happened. It
is we[...]represents that makes it important.

Secondly, at the superficial level the crucifixion of Jesus
was the torture and murder of an innocent human being. At a
deeper level, the crucifixion of Jesus represents the culmination
of the battle between good and evil. The players were Jesus (the
only Son of God) and Satan (a parasite of good, God’s adversary).
Every battle has a winner and loser. At the crucifixion of Jesus,
evil appeared to be the winner as a good man died. (Satan
probably licked[...]volt
with his tridentl). However, being blind to the forces of goodness,
Satan did not realise he had just handed the full and final victory
to Jesus on behalf of God.

This is best understood at the level of the need to
balance both love and justice — the governing principals behind
the laws of life (and New Zealand). Love without just[...],
and those receiving love alone will not receive the discipline
required to achieve in this life, beca[...]ions of love and justice.
How could any team beat the opposition, if they are not required
to practise[...]God’s son, Jesus’ crucifixion could satisfy

the requirements of justice for all of human kind. Because the

Storytime for boring leCtures

Late one evening[...]wed
up, and with him a gang of ruffians, sent by the high priests,
and leaders, brandishing swords and clubs. They led Jesus to
the Chief Priest, where the high priests, religious leaders, and
scholars had gathered together. The high priests, conspiring
with the Jewish Council, looked high and low for evidence[...]“So what do I do with this man
you call King of the J ews?” The crowd yelled, “Nail him to a
cross!” Pilate objected, “But for what crime?’> But they yelled all
the louder, “Nail him to a cross!” Pilate gave the crowd what it
wanted, and turned Jesus over for whipping and crucifixion.

In the morning the soldiers brought Jesus to a place
known as Skull Hill and nailed him to the cross. When he had
hung there for some time, Jesus groaned out of the depths,
crying loudly, “My God, my God, why hav[...]reath. Later Joseph, a highly respected
member of the Jewish Council, came. He was one who lived

Herod, we have a problem...

What are the odds... one in 10 billion? It’s not something I[...]back to life after three days of
down—time. But the frequency of an event is not always related to
its probability. Especially when the Almighty is in the equation.

That’s right, we’re talking about the resurrection of
Jesus. Surely the most unbelievable, yet foundational proposition
of the Christian faith. In fact, one biblical writer sai[...]right on this point, then we may as shut up about the rest of
it and call it a day. I guess it was easi[...]use
in his day you could go next door and talk to the people who
actually saw Jesus alive and kicking after the crucifixion. They’d
be saying, “Oh you mean[...]dinner
last Thursday.” And this guy, Paul, had the benefit of a full on,
3D—glasses style encount[...]r a good day or- two. It happened while he was on the way
to arrest some of these crazy new followers of Jesus, who were
identified as threatening the peace of the religious establishment.
What an unlikely person, to carry the very message he was trying
to wipe out to start with! But that’s what happened. He started
off as the pioneer of executing Christians, then met the risen
Christ and became one of them!

The changed lives of Paul and the early disciples ,
provide good evidence that some[...]had happened in
Jerusalem. It must have confused the residents of that city to see
the disciples, who had just had their leader killed p[...]s life to achieve this end.
This is summarised in the quotation “For God loved the world so
much that He gave His only son (to die)[...]ot die but have eternal life” which is found in the Bible in
the Book of John, chapter 3.

In summary, the execution of Jesus by crucifixion, allowed
good to finally defeat evil while satisfying the twin demands of both
love and justice. Through the death of one man, all of mankind could
live forev[...]come to him.

- Nathanael Harris

expectantly, on the lookout for the kingdom of God. He went to Pilate
and asked for Jesus’ body. Assured by the captain that Jesus was
dead, Pilot let Joseph tak[...]roud, placed him in a tomb that had been cut into the rock, and
rolled a large stone across the opening.

Very early on Sunday morning (three‘days after the
crucifixion), some of Jesus companions went to the tomb. They saw
that thethe One they nailed on the cross. He’s been raised up; he’s here no
longer. You can see for yourselves that the place is empty. Now go on
your way. -

The eleven disciples were eating supper; Jesus appear[...]had seen him raised up. Then he said, “Go into
the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good
news to one and all. Then[...]hem, was taken up to
heaven. .

(Abridged from “The Message”)

jumping up and down about the fact that he was alive again. These
people were transformed; they couldn’t contain their excitement, to
the point where observers thought they had been drinking heavily at
nine in the morning.

It’s not like there was anything in i[...]ocks. Not a nice way to go. But unfortunately for
the religious authorities, membership of this new cult grew faster
than they could produce the stones, and now we have this thing
called the church.

So is that it? A nice history lesson, or[...]ory
replete with executions, and public stoning, (the sedimentary type,
not herbal). What were these crazed folk so excited about?

The new life of Jesus Christ meant so much more than being
able to see him again for one last yarn. It was the final proof that
he was indeed who he had said he was, the Son of God. Of all the
founders of the major world religions, it was only him who claimed
to be one with God. He was also the only one who didn’t stay dead!
When we choose t[...]scribing to some
profound teaching, but following the living Teacher. He is passionate
about giving us new life, the same life that brought him up from the
dead. If only we would come to him, and as[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (12)(DNIE YEAR 0N

One year on from the March bombing I hope there is one
thing we can all agree on: the US and British invasion of
Iraq had about as much[...]ld be both shocked and awed if anyone (other than the media) is still dignifying
Bush and Blair’s pit[...]nce failure” excuses with any credibility. Even the neo—
conservatives are embarrassed (that takes a lot). As for “democratising” the Middle East,
well, the only way you can believe that is through wilful ignorance. And yet, on this 12—
month anniversary of the “war for liberation” the global media is still gibbering on about the
move to ‘democracy’, the ‘mistakes’ made by the CIA and M15, the strategic brilliance of the
initial campaign and the fall of Saddam. In other words, everything and anything except the
real plight of the Iraqi people.

I’m writing this article for tho[...]MATT RUSSELL

is currently eventuating in Iraq is the brutal suppression of the civilian population while the '

US military dictatorship transforms the nation into an American client state. So let’s[...]nd see if Iraq is any freer now
than it was under the Hitler of Baghdad.

The March invasion was executed through a strategy of complete domination
aimed primarily at the Iraqi civilians, and was predictably brutal and indiscriminating.

The euphemism “shock and awe” was coined by ‘defence intellectuals’ inside the Bush
administration, but as a terror tactic - the idea being to totally demoralise your adversary
t[...]vasion of China. His own version was to slaughter the
entire population of cities that opposed him, while merely enslaving the cities which were
sufficiently ‘awed’ to cap[...]n 1945, Harry Truman ‘shocked’
and ‘awed’ the whole world by incinerating two densely populated cities with atomic
weapons, ‘awing’ the Japanese Emperor and the High Command so much that they realised
even suicidal resistance was futile.

During the March bombing 240,000 cluster bombs were dropped on Iraq. During
the first two days of the war Baghdad alone was smashed with approximately[...]for 48 hours. In addition, at
least one third of the bombs dropped on Baghdad were ‘dumb weapons’, despite suggestions
from the white house that 90 percent of all munitions woul[...]guided. Over
10,000 civilians were killed during the initial phase, at least another 8,000 wounded in
Baghdad alone. Civilian infrastructure was a main target of the bombings. Bridges, power
stations, sewerage treat[...]ble, with expectedly devastating consequences for the
general population.

The ground campaign was equally virulent. One example from many is the now
infamous battle along Highway One on the western bank of the Tigris where Saddam’s
conscripts fought off an American tank column for 36 hours, the US tanks spraying
shellfire down the motorway until every vehicle, civilian and milita[...]bert Fisk, an independent correspondent described the scene. “I walked the
highway as the last shots were still being fired by snipers, peering into cars packed with
the blackened corpses of men, women and children. Carpets and blankets had been thrown
over several piles of the dead. In the back of one car lay a young, naked woman, her per[...]by fire, her husband or father still sitting at the steering wheel, his legs
severed below the knees... It was a massacre”. The latest conservative estimates on total
Iraqi casu[...]from 22,000 to 55,000. Speculations on maimed and wounded go
from twice to three time that number.

Similar[...]in Japan, but
also to send a message of power to the allies, Britain and Russia. In the same way, the
hammering of Iraq was a message to other potentially recalcitrant powers in the Middle
East, and indeed, the whole world. This is imperial communication: let them be as angry as
they want, as long as they know who’s the meanest, toughest son of a bitch on the global

But if “shock and awe” was a strategy aimed at shattering the Iraqis’ will of
resistance, allowing the subsequent colonisation to progress more efficie[...]capture resistance has been intensifying, as has the coalition forces’ brutality
of suppression. Human Rights Watch recently described the occupying forces as “out of
control and rapacio[...]mpunity. Iraq must be starting to look a lot like the Gaza Strip.

At present the CIA is carrying out a kind of re-Nazification of[...]o effectively do unto America what
they did under the Baath regime. Thethe face of massive unemployment
(about 70 percent of the population is without work). With typical GI blun[...]we are here to help them”.

Meanwhile, head of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) Paul Bremer[...]has imposed massive media censorship and
replaced the old Iraqi Ministry of Information with the newly named Iraqi Media Network
(IMN). The CPA “administers” the network and Bremer “reserves the power to advise” the
IMN on any aspect of its performance “including[...]ly false and calculated to provoke opposition”. The CPA has also
issued a decree called “Public Inc[...]oting or
damage to property”. Those who violate the decree “will be subject to immediate detention
by CPA security forces and held under the forth Geneva Convention of 1949 (which governs
POW’s)”. The decree has been repeatedly applied to people orga[...]tely necessary. Colonisation is a dirty business. The
CPA is currently in the process of setting up a kind of Vichy government which can further
prostrate the Iraqi economy to the massive privatisation and neo-liberal restructuri[...]meant

programmes already well underway — the aim being to turn Iraq into a virtual fiefdom fo[...]re any ‘democratic’ elections can take place. The neo-cons have an
appropriate name for their plans for the Iraqi economy. It’s called “shock therapy”, the idea
that quick privatisation of state assets and the abrupt liberalisation of trade, prices and
into modern laissez—faire prosperity. After the application of “shock therapy” in the former
Soviet Union plunged 40 percent of the Russian population below the poverty line, most
economists concurred that mayb[...]uch a good idea after all. But now
zealots within the CPA are arguing that its failures were due not to[...]insufficient shock and are getting ready to turn the voltage up on Iraq.
Any vaguely sentient person c[...]py” is nothing more than a doctrinal
excuse for the unrestrained robbery and exploitation of a vulner[...]mething you want, you just blow it up”. In sum, the basis of
any free society, economic autonomy,
whi[...]rces and assets, is
being stripped out from under the
Iraqi people before they even get
a chance to cho[...]equally subservient
pro-US parties hand picked by the
coalition authorities

In September last year Iraq’s
new finance minister called for the
privatisation of all state ministries
within two years. Shortly afterwards
Bremer released the notorious
“Order 39” which privatises 200
Ira[...]ions to remove 100 percent of
their profits from the country. Although a UN resolution in May 2003 had already passed
‘legal’ control of Iraqi oilfields to the coalition, Order 39 excluded privatisation of the oil
industry. With both Russia and Europe jealously coveting Iraqi oil, the Americans have a far
more devious way of keeping their main war'objective all to themselves.

The US is effectively forcing the current Iraqi puppet government to borrow billion[...]cing despotism. They made their primal wealth off the backs of American slaves,
collaborated with the Nazis and are currently under litigation for financing the apartheid
regime in South Africa, helping them expand their police and security apparatus. The
Iraqi Provisional Authority, by borrowing money from the US to rebuild the half of Iraq
bombed into oblivion by the US, are potentially shackling any future Iraqi go[...]own quantity of debt, all controlled by US banks. The oil revenues (as Iraq’s only
viable source of national income) will be used to support the Iraq Trade Bank letters of
credit, and those letters of credit will be ensured by the US Import—Export Bank. Thus the
US stranglehold over both Iraqi oil and Iraqi ban[...]t) both Europe
and Russia are heavily invested in the area. If America can control the Iraqi oil industry
(and succeeds in breaking the OPEC cartel) it will have major economic influence on the
European power bloc, the biggest threat (next to China) to America’s glo[...]ne?

It’s pretty obvious Iraq is still “under the whim of one brutal man”, the nee-cons
simply changed who that man is. The new sheiks of Iraq will be vastly more efficient[...]otism than Saddam ever was. One thing you can bet the farm on,
our own little country’s fictitious n[...]rising to challenge America’s own brief time in the sun, Iraq is an issue with global
consequences few, least of all the warmongers in Washington and London, can comprehend.
Welcome to the Old World Order. It’s going to be an interesting century.

The US is effectively forcing the
current Iraqi puppet government
to borrow[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (13)[...]u who are curious about Japanese universities and the
student lives, here ismy story about what I exper[...]led Kyoto Sangyo University in Kyoto, near Osaka. The first thing that amazed
me when I went on the campus was the commercial facility that the university has. I mean,
how'many universities do[...]have my lunch. There was
so much choice: there is the famous bakery in Kyoto called Shizuya; then there is The
Curry House, which sells curry; plus a western—[...]a Japanese-style diner, and
two restaurants that the staff eat in, but the students can eat there also. The Japanese
students usually buy their lunch on camp[...]most of them still live with their parents)._ I

The university also runs a free bus service to a bus[...]ile you can. Being a poor student myself, besides the free rides (even though it only runs
on school da[...]helpful), my only transportation was my bicycle. The Japanese
students, on the other hand, usually take either the public transportation or their scooter.

I am per[...]riding a bike, but after driving for many years, the sudden
change from a car to a bike, means that th[...]difficult
that I fell off my bike four times in the first two months that I was there, and left thre[...]on my left knee! And no matter how painful I felt the day before, I still had to
ride it the day after I fell off, simply because there was no other transportation for me. The
great thing about it, however, was that I came to[...]home a lot more
after these accidents happened.

The classes I took when I was there ranged from Engli[...]es because I never got to practice fighting like the ones that you see on television. I
also took some Japanese language classes, as it was one of the requirements of being an
exchange student. There[...]l foreigners, but there were surprises in some of the other classes that I had
with other Japanese students. The foremost thing was the fact that you can have a nap
in the class, right in front of the lecturer, while he /she teaches, and they are perfectly fine
with it, The reason why it surprised me was because when I was[...]s a conversation between a student and a teacher, the student would always speak
in the respectful form to show the respect he/ she has for the teacher. I guess words do
not always match with actions. Back home, however, even if you have the desire to do this
- not to'mention the possibility of being embarrassed! - you would want to do it where other
students, or at least the lecturers, cannot see.

But the logic behind their actions is understandable: as[...]ying when they go to university, what do they do? The answer is simple: they
go to university to meet u[...]thing that surprised me a lot was how much energy the Japanese students
at my university, both guys and[...]emselves look good. I am only
going to talk about the stereotypical girls here, because I think it is very interesting to
make a note of. First, the girl does her hair with curling tongs, then she p[...]scara, lipstick and'lip gloss. Then she picks out the top that will
match the pants, the high heels, and the tiny bag, which is only big enough to fit her wa[...]match’ is usually a brand,
some times it can be the colour, but many times it is the brand, like Gucci or Chanel. If you
think about how long this whole process will take, plus the usual two-hour time for many
students to commute to the university, and if their first class starts at 9[...]look perfect?

Before you make a conclusion about the easy life Japanese students have when they
go to[...]om study stress when they enter universities. But the
fun ends when they get to the end of their third year, because they have to sta[...]ughout their final year until they find a job.

The Japanese system is very different from ours. Firstly, they need to take what they



call ‘the job hunting examination’, which comprises quest[...]multaneous equation questions. Then, depending on the marks
they receive, there are presentations run b[...]g thousands of other
students, to see if you have the slightest chance to get an interview. One thing that many of
my Japanese friends complained of was the requirement for them to dress in business wear
ev[...]As you can see, we are still pretty fortunate on the other side of the globe, however we
think our student life may be tough.

Living in the wild north

by Alex Wis-hart

I left for Japan wh[...]g to do. A lot of
foreigners tend to go to one of the big three Tokyo, Osaka or Kyoto, but I decided to head up
to Hokkaido. This is the “wild north” of Japan where people still get eaten by bears (0001!),
and where the last of the wolves used to live (a bit like Alaska I suppose).

After arriving in Sapporo, the biggest city of the island of Hokkaido, I moved in
with this Australi[...]ugh Baha’i contacts, and started walking
around the city trying to find work. All the English teaching companies would only hire me
if I had a degree (one of the reasons I’m here nowll) so that they could spon[...]that ran around thirty créches scattered across
the city.

So that was my job for the next seven or so months, travelling in the morning,
getting mobbed and stomped on by little kids in a kind of ‘us versus the foreigner’ type of
game (I like to think I cont[...]uture Japanese nationalism). Coming back to HQ in
the afternoon, again being mobbed by older, much heav[...]anyway), There was around three metres of snow on the ground over the winter, and
some places had 12 metres of annual snowfall. The other great thing was that the ski fields
were so accessible - the closest to where I was living, Maruyama, was only 10 minutes by
bus and some of the bigger ones such as Teine were only half an hour’s subway trip away.

The thing I loved about the ski fields there were the trees, not pines like those of
America, but ones[...]s, with huge trunks coming out at right angles to the
slope. Ihave all these memories of doing these ma[...], I don’t know, but it did have
walls at least. The other thing it had lots of were rats. With all of[...]ened’ to be a lot of bebe guns
scattered around the place so we used to load them up and sit them on the table so that the
next time a rat ran along the shelves knocking things off, we would all reach for one and
start blazing away. It was like a scene from The Matrix, with bebe pellets ricocheting around
the room and the rat high tailing it out of there like there was no tomorrow.

The other thing that we used to do over the summer was take small rafts out to
the coast and go surfing with them. It was a bloody[...]e taking a surfboard because it seems
that around the east coast of Hokkaido there are plenty of[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (14)[...]Bare amassed rave
reviews, won awards and toured the country. It sold out at
the Edinburgh Fringe in 1999 and smashed box office
records at the Sydney Opera house.

New Zealand laid bare. 23 mo[...]“New Zealand two-hander that really gets under the skin,
plus one of the funniest lovemaking scenes you’ll ever see
in live theatre”. (The Listener)

“Fiery passion, exquisite sadness, s[...]more.

Shane Cortése plays Frankenfurter in:
8PM, Regent on Broadway.
The org*smic rock’n’roll musicai is back t[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (15)THE COVERS

Bridget Jones - The Edge of Reason

by Helen Fielding

I find myself[...]that are real). Luckily Bridget Jones lives on in
the sequel to Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason.

Before I get into the review however, allow me to
go off on a tangent f[...]ff if you rummage
around for long enough, such as the so—tight-it—should—be—
made—illegal sch[...]r a night of naughty
school girl type hi-jinks at the obligatory school uniform
party, and getting back to the point, books. I picked up my
copy of Bridget Jones - The Edge of Reason from a local op
shop. For a dollar[...]f, with Bridget ensconced in her love affair
with the dashing Mark Darcy, and even though she is still
wonied about her weight, the amount of shagging she is
doing is carving off the calories. Her male angst has not
completely disap[...]ter that has been sorted Bridget has to deal with the
ghastly Rebecca. The craziness of Bridget’s life continues in
this b[...]on, and receiving death threats. All told through the
medium of Bridget’s diary, in a seriously hilarious manner.

But, I really don’t want to spoil the plot, so that is
about all I will tell you. Also[...]down, and I read it ever
chance I got, even with the risk of hilariously laughing on
the bus and with people staring at me as if I was loco.

So often sequels just don’t have the same appeal
that their predecessors do, but not t[...]read I often have to fight my peripheral vision. The
text is often brilliant but I can still see my hands holding
the book and from there the distractions multiply. There
are exceptions of course: One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
by Kesey, Microserfs by Coupland,[...]pretty or


Queenie is a WW2 widow. At the time of this
period piece — 1948 — London is[...]ons of this life unravel as soon as she comes off
the ship. Gilbert is asleep when he should be waiting to
greet her. When she makes her own way to the address he
gave her, it gets worse. Their lodging[...]room.
Their toilet is a porcelain bowl kept under the bed. Then,
there are their neighbours who take offence to Queenie’s
tenants, particularly because of the deep hue of their faces.
Their ignorance turns to[...]rt and Hortense
are closer to intimate strangers. The Britain Hortense
arrives in is a cruel selfish g[...]ves Hortense
moments of genuine sadness that keep the book from
slipping into melodrama.

Despite this[...]h like a first. I was never persuaded to believe the
events I read could have come to pass. Her use of[...]er misplaced — felt deliberate, almost dutiful. The
characters spoke and interacted as folk in a movi[...]history was derived
second hand from old films. The whole book reads almost
like a bedtime story, whose dispassionate tone sounds right
to the end. It’s like hearsay — the literary equivalent of the
story you hear from thethe book jutting
out the editor’s forehead as revenge for “Yeah Div, t[...]at straight-line expression on my mouth, I
closed the

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (16)[...]”’3!

Hoto Akoranga

A service of thethe trials
and tribulations, loves and aspirations of four Massey

7 . students as they survive the many varied experiences

' ' ., of a year studying in Palmerston North. Let’s meet the


PADDY MCPHEE: Paddy is 20 and was[...]ts sh*t-faced pretty often. He
works part-time at the SPCA, cleaning kennels.

CLARISSA PEABODY: Affect[...]She decided to go flatting instead of living in the hostels to save
some money. She found out about the flat through Paddy, whose parents are matey with[...]keeping fit, she’s a vegetarian, and she gives the
boys sh*t about their huge meat intake.

SARAH SM[...]lved with Nick, one of her classmates. Nick is at the flat often, and he regularly
horses around with[...]in Taihape and educated at Rathkeale College

in thethe piss, Boyd plays blindside flanker for the Massey Rams. He’s into decorating
his room with[...]iant DB can to his door and nicknamed his room “The Chiller”.

Episode 1: Faces in the window

The sun reached my temples and startled me out of sleep. My cheek and the pillow were
soaked with slumber dribble: a moment[...]s my first morning in my first flat and it’s the first
day of semester, so many firsts, so much[...]hes strewn everywhere. I
gingerly stepped through the mess and padded down to the end of the hallway, turned left,
and reached for the bathroom door handle. The door flew open instantly, and greeting me
with a[...]ng fart, let out a hearty bellow
then sprinted up the hallway.

Farm boys are a different breed, I thought to myself as I entered the bathroom.
Should be an experience flatting with Boyd.

The bathroom floor was saturated with water and there was a myriad of pubes on
the soap, right on! The bathroom floor looked a bit dodgy — you could see right through the
floor to the base of the house. The was fungus all around the taps. Flatting is all about
grotty bathrooms — don’t freak, it’s part of the experience, I told myself. I bathed myself in
the tepid trickles that spurted sporadically from the shower nozzle.

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen...

“All right you boys, tonight is the first shop and after that we organise a Cleaning[...]heir Weetbix.

“Just chill out for a bit Sarah, the first two weeks in a new flat are all about
exploring the wild frontiers of looseness. Let’s wait till it[...]cles of food flying when he spoke.

Sarah dodged the morsels and shot back, “Don’t f*ck with me Bo[...]’re coma’d.”

“Oooohhhh aaaahhhh,” came the reply from thethe kitchen door flew open and
Chrissie ran in, towe[...]eeping Torn outside, he was perving at me through the bathroom
window, it was just so grossl” ‘

Pa[...]make light of any situation, piped up, “It’s the early peeping
Tom who catches the first year.” Boyd and Paddy started pissing th[...]erned.

“Stay right there, Chrissie. I’ll get the bastard.”

She shot down the hallway to the front door. Just as she was about to open it she
heard a loud knock. She stopped in her tracks and ripped the door open. Leaning through
the door frame was the repulsive vision of Barney Boormoister, 2 10 Morr[...]dlord.
Barney started to speak and simultaneously the saliva jetted out in torrents.

“Listen up you kids, it’s time to sign the bond. And I’m not happy about that
hedge. That’s another one of your properties up the road.”

Before Barney could spit out his reply, the hallway shook with Clarissa’s piercing
scream, “That’s him, that’s him! That’s the peeping Torn!"

Next week: the inmatesof 210 Morris Street confront Barne[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (17)The new M P for Mangere, Mr David Lange, faced an attentive
audience of some 300 staff, students and members of the public,

7 when he delivered the fourth of the present series of Winter Lectures
’r' » ' organised by the Faculty of Business Studies.

‘ 2 In his address, Mr Lange was critical of the heavy reliance placed on
legislation as a cure—[...]realise that mere laws are inadequate to provide the kind of
protection we expect of them.

Turning to the area of the encroachment of the state upon the individual, he said that he
would not be happy with anything less than a Justice of the Supreme Court havmg the
power to authorise the interception of communications by the SIS. At the moment, this
authority will, under proposed legislation, be vested in a Minister of the Crown.

He saw a need for a basic reappraisal of the role of politics in New Zealand, saying that no
longer can the public expect 'a political party to create an eco[...]... y...— -“fimw. Wfi.~__._.w=:-wmw . J“

The Morris Street “Riots” of ‘91:

in March 1991 CHAFF reported on the "riot" that had broken out in Morris St the previous

. weekend. Basically some students got drunk and started a fire In the middle of the street. They
then resisted the Fire Services’ attempts to put out the fire. Police were called In and some[...]ce are holding talks with University: staff
. and the Student AsSociation to discuss the Morris Street party on Saturday night. The
Vice—Chancellor, Neil Waters is seeking legal advice to take action against the main
offenders of the incident. Dr Waters is reported as saying Massey[...]us”. Police Minister, John Banks has called for the students involved to
b be thrown out of the University. -

Saturday night brought the national media attention to Palmerston North. The .
media eager for a story over an otherwise sleepy weekend then hyped the incident and ‘
the police response.

The incident began as an advertised street party in Morris Street that thethe street. When the Fire Brigade attended the fire
local police assiSted to protect them from[...]ident Martin Carroll was called m to mediate with the police and ’the
estimated 350 spectators. At approximately 1 1 pm police 1n- riot gear moved m to allow _
the Fire Brigade to extinguish the relit fire. The police retreated till reinforcements from
as far[...]about 1 am police moved in with dogs to disperse
the 150 spectators Half an hour later the police withdrew with 28 arrests mostly for
breach of the peace offenCes The police say six people received dog bites and several.-
police officers received bad bruising. ~ ~ - -

. The morning after, Morris Street looked fairly normal and little remained of the
night’s proceedings. There were some burnt logs[...]hopping [trolleys] and
clumps of burnt bitumen in the gutter in an area ”within 200 metres of thethe bugger in the middle!



CHAFF April 9 1986

Entertainer[...]ple of weeks ago a group of us toddled along to
. the (cringe) Armada Bar [next to the Fitz for you 2004 readers-
News Ed] to see Gary M[...]s ‘politically unsound’ ............... '
But the President, when approached about the

affair, denied McCormick had been banned. Over exposure was
the reason cited for McCormick’s non—appearance on campus
this year. Mind you it transpires neither the Cultural VP nor the Exec were informed of . 5
McCormick’s availability, or given the chance to yay or nay his presence on conco[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (18)[...]ties and
unsurprisingtyimplbded. But surprisingly the sh w

classics such
gardens and,

G[...]er Walken and Al Pacino (yeah, I’m
surprised by the last two as well).

Okay, here it is, by demand of our very own news editor,
the Right Honourable Edmund Kynoch...the most critically
reviled, mercilessly shredded, co[...]i (rhymes with really).

Not to be influenced by the opinions of others
(such as the aforementioned Mr Kynoch), I boldly ventured
fort[...]movie on my own terms, riding open—
minded like the knight of fairness and justice into the
realm where...there is stuff to, um, judge...yeah. And
what did I discover about this movie with the wonderfully
unpronounceable title?

Well, in a word: sh*t. But not for all the reasons
you may think. The first problem is the plot. Larry Gigli
(Affleck - recent movie career best forgotten) is given an
assignment by the Mob to kidnap Brian, the brother of
a federal prosecutor, as a ransom for dropping charges
against some Godfather guy. But here’s the crux of the
matter: Brian is mentally retarded. Okay, so maybe the
Mob would stoop this low (they are after all bad[...]thing didn’t sit right with this premise. While the part
was carried quite well by Justin Bartha, I f[...]of J-lo’s Botox. It really is that
bad, despite the fact that the filmmaker celebrates Brian in
the end.

Where does Jennifer Lopez fit in? Well, sh[...]lly picture J —10 twiddling with her hair after the
producers asked about the script and saying: “Okay, but
I wanna be a lesb[...]r wrists and then is ejected,
quite swiftly, from the plot. Then they make the whole
idea of same sex relationships seem shallow[...]could fit their sex lives
into their work lives. The whole thing is so disingenuous
towards being gay that the lesbian angle becomes a

Punch Drunk Love
asses[...]Drunk Love had finished, I just sat and
watched the credits. I’d normally regard credit—watching[...]estivals, but following Punch Drunk
Love I needed the time to adjust to what I’d just seen. And
the first thing I realized was I really really wante[...]e ‘Adam Sandler
movies.’ All this, and one of the most disturbing pillow talk
scenes ever filmed.[...]on its own vicious intensity, constantly
pushing the viewer away then dragging them back in. The
visuals are open and stark, the soundtrack overpowering
and the plot slips in and out of sheer lunacy.

Sandler p[...]ayed blindingly well by Emily
Watson, she isn’t the most stable individual either and a
courtship rif[...]r sympathise when Barry manages to
fall victim to the exaggeratedly harsh and abstract world he
inhabit[...]very still was an experiment in colour theory and the


worthless part of the story.

Then there’s Lopez doing yoga. Why? Doe[...]ract to be shown in several sexual
positions from the Karma Sutra while giving Ben a lesson
on why a vagin* is more sexy than a penis (apparently
thethe mood of the movie, it just doesn’t

And the genres are about as confused as Clay
Henry at Sub[...]ot two movies and splice
them together? Honestly, the way this thing jumps around
you’d be forgiven for thinking the director had multiple

You may hav[...]ts some guy’s brains into a fish tank.
This is the movie both actors should deny they ever made.
—[...]hero Rohan - Ed]

interplay of light and dark. The camera alternates between
establishing utterly co[...]perfectly composed it could be hung in
a gallery. The actors and settings on occasion actually blur
to[...]nch Drunk Love
begins to feel like an exercise in the sheer aesthetics of the
moving image.

The alienation of the modern world, people hitting
each other with crow[...]crificing any integrity, Punch
Drunk Love seizes the viewer with seething intensity and
then le[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (19)[...]Had an odd experience with this film — I saw the movie,
before seeing the ad for it on TV. I’m sure many of you good
peop[...]hink nothing of this, but for me, I usually
watch the advertisem*nt and form some quick impression
of the movie before going to see it. Anyway, the impression
I got from the ads was quite different from the impression I
got from watching the movie. The ads make the movie seem
as though it is nothing more than a Ho[...]s. But I think it is more than

I felt that the movie was beautifully done, with
spectacular desert views (so refreshing from the grass
plains, waterfalls and cold mountains, don’t you think?);
magnificent horses; and the portrayal of Arabs as not
merely terrorists and villains. In fact, I think the movie
was deliberately trying to expose viewers t[...]culture, which I think is a good thing.

Anyway, the movie starts off with Frank Hopkins,
played by Viggo Mortensen, working for the cavalry as a
dispatch rider. Born to a European father and a Native
American mother, Hopkins not only speaks the Native
American language, he is also able to unde[...]uffalo Bill, Hopkins and his
horse were touted as the best long distance endurance
racers in the World. However, an Arab Sheikh, Sheikh
Riyadh (Om[...]ake part in an ancient desert race against 100
of the best Arabian thoroughbreds, 3,000 miles across the

scorching heat of the Arabian Desert, with no food and very -

L’Auberge Espagnole

(The Spanish Apartment)

Directed by Cedric Klapisc[...]ensive about going to this film, firstly
because the poster was proudly sporting some nominations
for an obscure French award, and secondly because the
website touted some random, unheard of reviewer s[...]retty soon got over myself, however,
after seeing the trailer and realising that to get an Oscar
one ha[...]wouldn’t realise good talent if it bit them in the
butt (LOTR excluded».

So off I ventured to the cosy seats of Cinema Gold,
and as I was luxuriati[...]ndered whether they
would actually give me one of the seats when they got new
ones in twenty years’ time.

But on to the movie — As part of a job that he is
promised, X[...]for a year in order to gain working knowledge of the Spanish
language. He spends three months getting the paperwork
ready for the trip due to frustrating bureaucracy (brilliantly[...]into an apartment
full of international students. Italian, English, a boy from
Denmark, a sheila from Belgium, a German and a girl from
Tarragona all add to the mix as he begins to explore life
away from living[...]sting lessons on how to seduce women gleaned from
the lesbian in his apartment (lessons that he uses quite
comically in the film).

He uses a voice-over at the start and end of
thethe quirkiness 'of the film. The
plot could be simplified by saying “he goes over to- Spain for

little water. And as if the race wasn’t tough enough, the pair
has to contend with stringent rules and enem[...]who has a
soft spot for his only daughter. But at the end of the day, I
think Hidalgo was the one who stole the show. There is a
saying in Hollywood — never work with animals and kids.
They always steal the show.

This is a nicely made movie about friendship
and finding one’s true self. The only thing that I wasn’t
too happy about was the whole “baSed on a true story”
tagline, which seems to be the rage of Hollywood these
days. Apparently, many a[...]ge
trip as well as those who have, you’ll find the film quite
believable. It is quite literally the experiences that Xavier
has and the way that Klapisch portrays it that helps us as
the viewer to feel like he or she has experienced it.

I found the portrayal and the mix of characters
believable and humorous, and found this film highly
enjoyable and a refreshing break from the monotonous,
mass—produced, predictable films o[...]min Sutherland ' a . L ' -



(OF THE mueserEa ,
: THE P5 ' ON or THE , HRlST


CHAFF‘ h‘as‘five double passes to retire away to see the
_ movie of your choice!; \All you have to do is correctly

‘ fWinhers!
.‘Holly Withington

identify the star. below. and go in the draw to WIN}
One entry, per person —. competiti[...]mmock
Julia Aidney

Clairh your prizes from the CHAFF office! (You’ve got
'TWO weeks - from publication date)

The CHAFF letterbox is located outside
CAFE TRA—BACI on the Toritea Campus, alternatively,
drop it in[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (20)[...]hy caught up
with drummer» Stu Young to give you the low-
down before they come to Palmy to party up, playing at The
Stomach on April 3 with a bunch of local acts.[...]ally had to take Ritalin. These days we just like the
sound of the word.

CHAFF: How long have you guys been playing together?
Stu: Well, Niam and I started the band about 6 or 7 years
ago, Kitt and Vanya have[...]years or
so, and we pretty much take it from when the group we are
now was finalised. ‘

CHAFF: Tell us about the other members of

Stu: Niam sings and pl[...]ss
and also sings sometimes

CHAFF: Is playing in the band a full-time job
for you?

because I’m playing too much at the moment.

I play in another band called Blistering[...]urown heads. All of us aren’t exactly happy all the time.

CHAFF: Have you released any albums?

Amsterdam and we sold one to someone in Florida the other

CHAFF: Where have you guys played?

Stu: We’ve played quite a bit around the country in the last
couple of years. We’ve done two nationwide tours; played
the Big Day Out in 2003, played punkfests in Christchurch
and Wellington twice, and toured around the south island
heaps and we also play in Dunedin all the time.

CHAFF: Who have you played with in the past?
Stu: We’ve played with so many bands all[...]t do you think of New Zealand music in
general at the moment?

Stu: It’s got its good points and its really bad points. It’s
great seeing bands like The Datsuns and the D4 touring
the world and getting in the media everywhere, and seeing
a band like Sommerset who we’ve played with often in the
last year touring the world is really inspiring. But then
you’ve got[...]ng warbling on, people singing ‘stop,

times in the same song
and New Zealand Idol
Ewasting hundreds[...]that
could be spent a little
better, plus one of the

wwwwwww -w- -W--W-W.W.WWWWW drop and roll’ abo[...]that could be spent a little better, plus
one of the judges" Is basically the
Ereason Flying Nun had to be sold to an % judges is basically the

EAustralian label. ”
Stu: Yeah, pretty much. I[...]sold to an Australian

CHAFF: What’s the hardest things about taming?
Stu: Just not having[...]es from touring?
Stu: We were playing this gig at the Kings Arms in Auckland
and everyone passed out in the van after the show cos we
were all way too drunk. We woke in the morning to Seamus,
the singer of Missing Teeth, yelling “Where am 1, w[...]spewing
out one window and it was coming back in the other
window, gear was falling all over Vanya who was still half
asleep in the back and our roadie/ fifth member Tom was
still drinking. After Seamus got to work we had to get back
to the Kings Arms, then took turns throwing up all over the
car park. It was one of the worst and best moments of my

CHAFF: Who is[...]got too many.

CHAFF: Who are you listening to at the moment?
Stu: I’m listening to New Zealand ska band The Managers a
lot, Everclear, Choking Victim, Good R[...]or a song but
we’re always pissed off about how the world is run. We all
write songs, not just one person.

CHAFF: What are your plans for the future with this

Stu: Keep going and going[...]man Bitter, no question about it.

CHAFF: What is the most stupid thing you’ve done
when drinking?

S[...]t time we played with Sommerset and
walked around the bar we were playing in, I wouldn’t have
done th[...]so he has to be controversial
just to get back in the limelight. Not that Helen Clark and
Labour are any better. I can’t really see much of a difference
between the two parties.

CHAFF: Do you have any lucky underp[...]ve any pre-gig rituals?
Stu: A few beers, yell at the other guys to hurry up and get

CHAFF: Do you think that playing in a band makes it
easier to get the girls?

Stu: To be honest, not at all. Movies give this impression
that guys in bands get girls all the time, its not really that
true. Plus most of us h[...]nery, safety, its just not as completely crazy as the
rest of the world.

CHAFF: Anything else you would lik[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (21)Pantera

Vulgar Display of Power

When the name Pantera is mentioned, images of drunken
Texa[...]e images are disturbing, they are as
prevalent as the band’s somewhat recent breakup. However,
their[...]ivorous tracks,
Vulgar Display of Power is one of the better Pantera albums.

In true Pantera fashion,[...]r
tracks, “This Love” and “Hollow”. While the screaming is
more minimalist on these tracks, the guitars are as still as
raunchy as ever and Phil[...]s
Basquiat’s cardboard box in tornado weather.

The tornado blown out , Pantera’s love song turns
from a track to seduce the opposite sex with, to a track to
grab a pen and scrawl incoherent poetry to... The track
“Mouth for War” seems to cater to those who have been
done wrong...”Strength the strength of many to crush
[those] who might stop me”. Whilst the next track, “A New
Level” foreshadows a new beginning and anger at the old life

Anger is one of the predominant factors on Vulgar
Display of Power, a[...]ed with, pointed at by lesser men...”

Anger at the system is also a point of Pantera’s
concern, as seen on the tracks “f*cking Hostile”, “No Good
(Attack the Radical)” and “Rise”.

The hardship of depression, suicide and death of
loved ones are other undertones in the album. The hidden
images and meanings can be decoded by the reader if they
wish to obliterate the blatant anger and distortion seen on
this album...

While some of the guitar riffs are a bit out of
date, Vulgar Displa[...]an listen to it when doing
anything, from washing the dishes, “studying”, or enjoying
a bit of time[...]zaVouchm
_ (mammal-menus:
‘ many). New Why.

On The Sun

' Chances are, unless you‘ve been under a rock, or possibly
V 'ust listening to the wrong radio station, you may have
ealised that there has been quite the resurgence in New
‘f Zealand dub and reggae cir[...]tarted

3 out as a covers band in Christchurch in the early 90’s

: and now they are verily a househo[...]than anywhere
else, aside from Jamaica. Where do the Black Seeds fit

in to all this? This band follo[...]lthy dose of melodic, catchy

, songwriting.

On The Sun is the Wellington band’s major label
debut, and the follow-up to 2001’s successful Keep On
Pushing. On the Sun demonstrates the benefits of constant
live performance, coupled w[...]strated by chief recorder/FX man, Dr Lee Prebble.
The songwriting veers from classic reggae jams to dub[...]ts in—between.

Opener “Tuk Tuk” emphasises the traditional
feel, a taut bassline anchoring thethe proceedings, vocalist

: Barnaby Weir turning int[...]er, it would

» seem, something brought right to the fore on the inevitable
pop hit single, “So True”. On The Sun also sees the band

[ incorporating more elements of other styl[...]u Get Me”, it is funk. I’ve always considered
the Black Seeds to be a better live band than on reco[...]ek presents Thorns - A twisted,
modern version of the Sleeping Beauty story. Playing at the
Auditorium in the Old Main Building, Massey University,
Turitea Cam[...]. Entry with a
gold coin.

Evening Performance at The Globe Theatre, 8:00pm. $5
student $10 waged

The Rocky Horror Show, the org*smic rock’n’roll musical

is back to thrill you with its naughty fun. It plays at Thethe album.

manoeuvres, designed for the dance floor. It is good to see _
them embracing[...]fined by a generic ' f

Elsewhere, the line—up of guest musicians and
collaborators include members of Fat Freddy’s Drop and
the Phoenix Foundation. More spacious dub textures
feel. This retro element seems to pervade the album,
particularly on the quite righteous “Fire”, with its fantastic
backing vocals. “On the Sun” closes the album with a slice ,
of upbeat reggae that metamo[...]Overall, On the Sun is a fine follow-up to Keep On I
Pushing. Tracks like “’I‘uk ’I‘uk”, “Fire” and “On the Sun" i
really stand out, and “So True" can be awarded the “Most
Likely to be Big Pop Single” prize. The emphasis on the ,
more funky side of their sound was a gambit tha[...]sic, so hopefully you headed down and saw them at the
Coliseum last week. New Zealand’s strong dub and reggae
scene is something to be proud of, and the Black Seeds
are pushing things in the right direction.
- Michael Harvey

The Hendersons: Palmy World Tour Thursday, April 1: a[...]3rd: an all ages gig with Ritalin from
Dunedin at The Stomach. 8:30pm start.

Nirvana Tribute Concert at the Globe Theatre, April 10 at
7pm. This is to mark the 10‘h anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s
death. Band[...]Absent Minded. Tickets $10 from Mango Music.

At the Mac Bar each week you can check out live music on[...]Friday nights.
Musicians interested in playing at the Mao Bar can ring
Pierre on 3540559.

You can hear the Radio Control Gig Guide 8:30am,
12:30pm, 5:30pm,[...]s team and help with their way to
Otago to defend the shield!

Buy a ticket for your chance to win priz[...]za Haven Pizzas



530 lar a book of
1 0 tickets

All proceeds to go towards the
accommodafion costs of Team
Massey at the 200‘ NZ University

Lottery Clem:

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (22)[...]by mike ushau

In many ways, learning about how the world is screwed (environmental and social
degrad[...]challenged”, they don’t know f*ck—all
about the bigger picture.

Whether you realise it or not, there is a cognitive war which is now bigger than
ever. The goodies are people that are trying to save us and the baddies are all those evil
bastards who f*ck over other people and the environment in pursuit of profit. The majority
of the people involved don’t even realise that it is happening. Unfortunately the baddies
have very large corporations and governments on their side. They have the best lawyers
money can buy and every minute they[...]is dead. It is up to you whether you acknowledge
the war and fight to regain freedom or if you choose[...]e is an effective

5 Global Capitalism! ; f 1. at the expense of the
5 ’. world's humanity helps
" keeps me fresh![...]one of their little underlings jumps in front of the camera and stops the

Think about the saying “stupid people talk mostly about other people, smarter
people talk a lot about events and the most ‘on to it’ people talk about ideas”. A lot of people
don’t think enough, or they think about the wrong kind of stuff. It is possible that they
act[...]hey may just be ignorant. It’s not their fault, the system teaches us
to think inside the square, it teaches us to conform to the norms of society. In our society
that is consume,[...]pression spiral that does them no
good. Some take the easy way out and lcill themselves...pause to stea[...]urther from society, especially
once they know of the impacts suicide has on friends and family. This i[...]Another consequence of this awakening of ideas or the realisation that humans
(in our society) are f*cked is drug abuse. Many people realise that the future is not looking
so good and drink heaps to[...]in order to cope
with their life. This may not be the case for everyone and you may even take heaps of[...]s don’t really help fix our situation. Weed is
the exception as it isn’t a drug, it is a herb. It[...]itive
ability and help you to think more clearly. The only downside is that you think so much,
so quickly that you forget most of the sh*t soon after. Drug abuse seems to happen over
Anyway, if the world is to be changed for the better, the only ones who can change all of society weather r[...]u‘ s c
«gaggavg'o’de a 0‘. o o

it are the people of our good fortune. The rich elite certainly won’t jeopardise their financial depression.
control of the world and the poor are in no position to do anything to change[...]ssed so much
perhaps pick up an AK and let rip on the rich landowners. now when I learn about various u[...]tions suing

Also you need to care enough to save the world, and have the knowledge and people who they have f*cked over and the effects of depleted uranium. Nowadays I tend
unde[...]es who stand against everything right and just in the world. Either they are just don’t care about wh[...]hich case you may be able to persuade them to see the error of their ways, or like Rodney Hyde (who I d[...]t one
they know what’s really going on but have the evil heart of a money hungry capitalist and stage[...]ake some deep breaths or else I could have beaten the bastard to
wish to destroy everything on earth. F[...]death with my chair.

You may realise by now that the world is well and truly stuffed. It is, and you m[...]of throwing mud at some arseholes face, slashing the tyres of logging companies
the rest of your life doing the best you can to stop it getting even more f*cked.[...]ea into a multinational corporate HQ. Make use of thethe world then by all means read on. The first step is attacking you personally, or when one of their little underlings jumps in front of the camera
realisation. In order to change anything for the better you need to realise why and how it and stops the interview.
is thethe best things you can do to help gain understanding[...]don’t
are very intelligent and seek to not f*ck the world up in the pursuit of profit. Reading books know sh*t. A BB[...]understanding. Read
(Chomsky, Klein, Pilger etc). The best thing you can do to obtain your cognitive fr[...]El Barrio, about sweatshops, corporations ruling the earth,
stop watching sh*t f*cken television, watc[...]r mind like pesticides causing mutations or about the similarities between Nazi Germany and the
documentaries. current situation in the US. Get real education for god’s sake”.

As I[...]t a sh*t piece of paper that says you have earned the right to a sh*t
around and contemplate sh*t. Hopefully there are others out there who think working job for the rest of your life. You may even find changing to[...]rock of sh*t too and would rather be sittin’ on the back porch eating peaches and did.
contemplating their existence. The other alternative is busting your arse working for some Peace out.
company that you probably hate, like the majority of poor wage slaves trapped in the PS. Isn’t it funny how the spell checker suggests Rodney should be ch[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (23)[...]e then your cold will
have completely disappeared the next day, guaranteed, if
you are still sick you may have been dropped in the palsy
pot during infancy, hard luck.

The first step is grabbing a few lemons, often these[...]ay you
should pay for bin lemons, let’s face it the shop should be
paying you for the service you are doing for the youth of this
nation. Once you have lemons, squee[...]er and mix in one jar of manuka honey.
Stir until the thick porous liquid is mixed sufficiently for
yo[...]twenty-percent alcohol in it. I wouldn’t water
the garden with that percentage of alcohol let alone drink it.
The vodka has to have an alcohol content of forty per[...]Once you have these two core ingredients you get the
person of Russian descent to rub you from head to toe with
the vodka, leave no spot untouched and leave the vodka on
for four hours or until your skin ignite[...]spade and
look for an area of grass or dirt. Take the spade and dig
for half an hour whilst being careful not to injure your
naked extremities. To sweat out the sniff you should work
frenetically and without stopping for the entire 30 minutes.

Step four is to set your heater on full and your
electric blanket likewise in the smallest room of your house
with curtains closed[...]hour of frying yourself is probably sufficient.

The fifth step is to smoke cigarettes, what kind of
a[...]ll drain clear
after approximately four hours and the twelve hours
following will be sufficient to ease the bodily strains caused
by that nasty flu.[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (24)[...]nd Chrysler this week, Sharyu?
Have they got over the chicken pox yet?

Sharyn: Oh yeah, they’re much[...]y. I did catch Brittinee smoking some

of my weed the other day! I think nine years old is a
bit young[...]that would have been hard cos she would’ve
had the munchies something chronic by then.

Karyn: Oh, t[...]ek?

Sharyn: Yeah, we did actually. I went to see the editor
chick and she passed it on to me. I’ll r[...]problems here that I can see: firstly,
there’s the race thing, and secondly, there’s the whole
slag thing.

mum 3313.:

A LIFE COACH. FiNN[...]that’s a real shame.

Karyn: But Steve is also the father of Shaz’s boys, Jedi
and Chrysler. You k[...]her
dad is Wayne, and I’m kind of seeing him at the moment.
I’m also kind of seeing Trev as we —-

Karyn: But he’s not the father of any of our kids.

Sharyn: Me and Kaz ar[...]: Yeah, it’s really nice because it keeps it in the
family. J-Lo gets on really well with Jedi and Ch[...]’s quite convenient too because we all

live in the same house, and Wayne’s around quite a lot
beca[...]your sisters scoring
this guy first. ’

Sharyn: The only thing that could be an issue is if you’re all
scoring him at the same time. It does depend on the lady,
really. Some ladies are a bit particular ab[...]we sorted that problem out,
so we can move on to the next one.

Sharyn: The guy in question is a different race from you.

Ka[...]ama or Rangi.
They’re our Maori friends from up the coast --

Sharyn: They are really wicked guys, an[...]ia, and he has a really choice time.

Sharyn: And the thing is, our mum and dad are pretty
traditional, and they did things the old-fashioned way.
Like when our mum was pregnant[...]she got married straight away, and she was 16 at
the time. The thing with parents is that you have to push
them[...]knows that.
Karyn: Whatever.

Sharyn: Pass us‘ the lighter, slag.



Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (25)m


Forest and Bird Society

The Manawatu Branch of the Forest and Bird Society has
meetings regularly, a[...]t on (06) 353 1199.

Manawatu Estuary Trust Inc.

The Manawatu River Estuary (near Foxton) is an
intern[...]here migrating
and New Zealand native birds enjoy the mudflats and
wetlands. The Manawatu Estuary provides refuge for
hundreds of[...]gration, such as
godwits, red knots and wrybills. The Manawatu Estuary
Trust promotes conservation, education and research

in the estuary area, while hoping to provide facilities[...]with other local and international
organisations. The Trust plans to have the Manawatu
Estuary internationally recognised as a[...]der
to achieve conservation and ‘wise use’ of the area. They
have the approval of the Department of Conservation to go
ahead with the application.

Contact Secretary: Judith Tyler, ph[...]BandJ.


Environment Network Manawatu

The Environment Network Manawatu is an umbrella
organ[...]ncourage and support environmental initiatives
in the Manawatu area that benefit the wider community,
and to provide a network for col[...]y, amenities
and sustainable living. Adie Leng is the Environmental
Coordinator for ENM, and she is based in the Palmerston
North City Council.

Postal Address: A[...]Web site: www. environmentnetwork. org. nz


The Massey Environmental Group provides an opportunit[...]cVeagh - ‘omcvea arsi, or

Jase Blair at the MUSA office




Cycle Awareness Palmerston North is the local branch of
the national Cycling Advocates Network. CAPN lobbies[...]



The Greenbike Trust is a fantastic Palmy initiative. Old
bikes are collected by the Trust and taken to the workshop
on the campus Ring Road. The bikes are then repaired,
painted GREEN, and then[...]equally green
helmet, at public bike racks around the city. Anyone can
then use a bike, as long as they[...]meone else to use. Sharing, caring and recycling!
The Greenbike Trust also has bikes available to rent to
students for the academic year which works really well for



The Bicycle Users Group is a staff and student lobby[...]Palmerston North. Sporadic meetings are held,
and the best way to find out about these is to get on the e-
mail list. The next BUG meeting will be held at 12 noon on
Wedne[...]e Cheyne


The City Council is responsible for the majority of cycling
facilities around the city. If you have problems with these
facilities, such as glass or rubbish on the cycle paths, tree
roots or branches in the way, or problems with grates or
kerbs, let them k[...]best if you can tell them exactly what and where the
problem is (eg, the street and closest house number).

To report a pr[...]d coin donation), a constitution (Jo’s finding the old
one and ‘recycling’ it), an AGM (this Sunday will serve the
purpose). When the boxes are ticked we will have more
access to reso[...]with SAFE and will come and talk
to a meeting in the next few weeks.


Jeanette Fitzsimons[...]ights will run
in Marsden lecture theatre showing The Lorax (Dr. Seuss),
Microcosmos, and Baraka, a cou[...]d anything else you guys wanna see and can find. The
Hitch hiker Party Zone is all go, and will run al[...]a is looking into Forest and Bird’s campaign on the
proposed cable car in Fiordland. More details to[...]continues, Jo and Duncan are going to write
about the beach clean-up to be published after the holidays.
Anyone with ideas come along to a meeti[...]piggery discharging
effluent into a tributary of the Kahuterawa stream. Looks
promising, we’ll keep[...]ouch with Jase

(environmentwusaorgnz, or drop by the MUSA office).

Things are all go with the council keen to cooperate, we just
need some cont[...]watu

We are looking into affiliating to ENM for the purpose of
networking and improving workin[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (26)the week by pissing off everyone who wanders into you[...]ro-
active this week, which will pay dividends in the future.
However, whatever you do, stay away from[...]is week, it has only brought other people pain in the past!
Relationships: For a start, staying away fr[...]ll only increase your deliciousness level
to both the same and opposite sex. Also, being more open
abou[...]If it were up to me your sign would be
wiped from the zodiac. What more can I say.

Relationships: If y[...]brator — you’re going to need it!


As the name suggests you are an unwanted ailment. Stay
a[...]don’t know how you lot manage to score, but
as the saying goes: stupid is as stupid does.

Lucky sex[...]l need to use them.


Who’s been eating all the flat cheese, you fat bastard? And
where’s that[...]always need an
hour long shower immediately after the deed is done. It’s like
Jim Carrey in Ace Ventu[...]y free of any debacles. Just keep that anxiety in the
front of your mind though, as your luck may run o[...]are always sadly under—appreciated, yet one
of the sexiest star signs of the zodiac! Lay back and let other
people take care o[...]a later time.

Relationships: Damn, everyone bar the cat looks good this
week, but please try and keep[...]like an outside job and you
will be sweet! Now is the time to also try and get rid of that
unsightly un[...].


Build a bridge and get over it. All the hurdles that have
been in your path in the last few weeks will be mysteriously
relocated to[...]than evident this week; just
remember to keep up the good work. And for single crappies,
that special[...]rough that tough
exterior this week and yearn for the real you underneath.
Lucky sex toy: Candle wax.


You will have the irresistible urge to involve yourself in some
you are finally contributing something back to the society
that has given you so much! About bloody[...]or
misunderstandings this week. Not everyone has the same
sense of humour as yourself, although, some[...]sex toy: Feather.

Pop: a love-hate relationship

The time has come for me to share my terrible secret.[...]es, clinging tightly to my shroud of indie cred,

the time has come to break free of this lie I have be[...]modern dance / house / techno would not exist had
the gay clubbing scene not moulded it out of the charred
remains of disco when it fell out of favour and was driven
underground at the close of the seventies. With the pink
pound in ascendance, artists such as Kylie a[...]p... does it love us?

I still recall where l was the first time I heard a
certain song by a certain m[...]i'camir , c one night. I was sweatin'
at. my JOB, the soul dz’ailini \ of endless routine
making me w[...]saviour’s voice came a—calling over the radio like a ray of
amphetamined sunshine.

Like[...]l women I, somewhat
unconsciously, lost myself in the lyrics, letting his
professions of eternal devotion wash away the dreariness
of my situation. All was going swimmin[...]ed one
despicable little word: “wife”. One of the unfortunate
downfalls of being a minority in a world where the
majority rules is that the culture is not designed with you
in mind; and while you can try as you might to search out
the most compatible examples and stretch your way int[...]o—chop my moment of joyous escapism
and deny me thethe culture for ourselves. Next time
a song st[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (27)[...]s document
which outlines what students
think are the most important
elements in a “quality” paper.[...]t’s worth doing though,
because, as declared by
the government, this is the
Academic “Year of Quality”,
and the University is focussing on reviewing the SECAT
system, as well as introducing other review[...]nt based “Quality Standards
Checklist”. '

At the moment it’s still at an early stage, I’m tryi[...]down
into a trim fighting machine to present to the University.

I’m lcinda maldng this up on the spot, but it’s been
pretty busy up here with class reps popping in to present
problems, and the AGM still to come. Anyway, this is how
I work. If you want to be involved, or you reckon I’ve lost
the plot, feel free to get in touch. I’ll probably[...]eams underway!
. . , - . m 539 86

Hey everyone,

The year is well underway

_ .3 now and most of the clubs

' ‘ are up and running and have
.. retur[...]!

Congrats to all those
people who made the top
team in their chosen sport;
also to everyone[...]o big congrats
must go to all those who
completed the Special K
Women’s Triathalon a couple of weeken[...]a huge number of people competing and
thankfully the weather held out for the day. It was an
awesome event and we encourage all[...]rtin Brady from
Sport Manawatu and Stu Baker from the Arena for their
time in coming to Massey Clubs ab[...]for teams is underway so for those of you
making the trip down south, good luck.
Go Team Massey, let’s retain the shield!

Mieke Wieneke and Rachel Dominick,
recre[...]hello to everybody. We are nearly halfway
through the semester and the first week of the semester just
seems like yesterday to us. Once ag[...]10am-12pm.

We hope that you guys are coping with the
pressure of assignments. Hakuna matata, no need t[...]ur time. This is an idea

that was put forward by the

expert which says, “To be
successful in your s[...]space, Fale Pasifika (or PI
Space), is located in the ICC building, Rehab Road, near
Colombo Hall. You will have the chance to meet other
students from other islands[...]end. You could also meet Rebecca Tuiletoa, who is the
Pacific Islands consultant. This is handy for new students
who usually find the first year to be a difficult time.
Rebecca’s office is on the same building as the PI space or
contact her on ext 7186.

If you are[...]njoyable holiday, and may
you experience and feel the true meaning of Easter.

God bless you all.
— T[...]

What’s happening
at Hokowhitu?

The feasibility study carried out on the possible move of the
College of Education from Hokowhitu campus to the Turitea
site has now been carried out and is with the powers

that be. Apparently the next move is for 6-10 weeks of
consultation with those it will affect.

Apparently one of the reasons for the possible
move is because of falling numbers (the numbers only
started falling when we became Masse[...]ve us
here and move another faculty down to share the campus.
We were told none of the faculties at Turitea want to come
down here. We find this hard to believe as the Accounts
section from Turitea who were relocated[...]on stream of cars
to contend with. No hold ups at the bridge (especially in
the winter). No parking problems (well not compared with
Turitea). We could go on and on about the desirability of
the Hokowhitu campus but then we get the feeling that
perhaps that’s what this is all about.

We have been assured that the University has
absolutely no intention of selling[...]It wouldn’t surprise us if we were
replaced by the powers that be, plus all their support staff.
Tha[...]nd! Have you heard it said: “If it
wasn’t for the students I could get some work done”?

To bring up the grubby subject of money, we
would like to know if the move goes ahead will Hokowhitu
students be reimbursed for the money this Association has
put into this campus over the years?

— Money put towards the building of the gym in the 60’s
— $27,000 in the late 70’s put towards the building of the

And will the art works in the quad, purchased
by the Students Association, be relocated with us? These
works include pieces by Paul Dibble (one work purchased
the other donated by Paul), Warren Viscoe, Jeff Thomp[...]a big thanks to those

of you all who filled in

the Campus Arts survey
about Orientation and your
sug[...]m that was
returned and I am already
looking into the options that
were suggested. I really
appreciated the feedback.
Remember, if you do have any
suggestions throughout the
year e—mail me at:§

Campus Arts is in
the middle of organisinga one
off MUSA Talent Competi[...]te will also be dedicated for this event with
all the information you need. ‘

Also there will be entertainment on alternative
Wednesdays in the two hour breaks so tune in and listen to
some gre[...]a list of contacts.

I hope that you all enjoyed the Blackseeds concert
last week. It was definitely[...]metime soon!

I hope you all went and checked out the Festival of
Cultures in the Square. They had some great stalls and a
vibrant atmosphere. Well worth having a look.

Well that is all the news I have for this week.
Enjoy your week[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (28)[...]and
rankings including international comparisons. The PBRF
seeks to rank New Zealand tertiary instituti[...]e completions and external
research income. While the University of Auckland and
VictOria University have received an injunction from

the High Court, others are apparently already planning
marketing strategies based on the ranking they receive.

There are a number of area[...]students from all this, which are getting lost in the
courtroom battle, not least of all the effect that focussing
on research will have on te[...]his research needs to be
presented to students in the form of high quality teaching
that challenges, stimulates and motivates students. The
last thing that students need is researchers who[...]atories and offices to get a better PBRF score.

The government is financially rewarding
institutions for the amount of external research income
they are able to get with little analysis of the affect that
this will have on academic freedom. Academic freedom
includes the freedom of academic staff and students to
engage[...]od motive. If
universities are really going to be the critic and conscience
of society they need to be[...]Why can’t we for once
get our priorities right?
The government’s taldng
a cast of thousands

to prop up its own
publicity machine when
the Prime Minister
swans off to Monte
Cassino, but qu[...]ow many World
War Two Veterans to
include. Yet at the
same time the Mayor

of Christchurch, Gary
Moore, applauds the
fact that the taxpayers
forked out thousands
of dollars to send[...]a hip-
hop history tour.

. I don’t care where the diggers want to go, whether
it’s Italy or Honolulu for a fling in the sun, we should
shout them. There are only about 1[...]in such a bloody
terrible war, I wouldn’t have the freedom to write this
column. Whatever we do, in[...]have to be so mean—

spirited about it?

. But the main question troubling the minds of
political journos these past couple of weeks has been

the Leader of the Opposition’s admission he committed

j: adulter[...]ased research funding

Academic staff have become the meat in the
government and institution sandwich through the PBRF.
Academic staff in New Zealand are already underpaid and
overworked and the PBRF forces even more bureaucratic
compliance on[...]student contact and unless this is factored into
the PBRF and institutions are funded for it students will

Students have been the losers from a competitive
tertiary education syst[...]itutions all over New Zealand, not a system where the
so-called fivinners’ are rewarded and the rest are left to
flounder. _

Anyway, there are[...]ide where to study based on which
institution has the best childcare facilities. Students do not
have a[...]ny
external factors that affect this decision. If the government
insists on going down a path of specia[...]muffin incognito.

I couldn’t help smiling at the double standards
— male vs female - that still[...]it
sexual behaviour. Usually it’s restricted to the touchy
subject of prostitution - latterly under-age prostitutes. The
morally outraged want the police to clean up the streets,
and arrest these girls. Well, hang on. U[...]l even when prostitutes are involved - who should the
police be arresting here? What about going after the sickos
who get their jollies by taking advantage[...]Shipley, when she was
Prime Minister or Leader of the Opposition, had admitted
she’d committed adulte[...]that. She quite possibly would not have survived
the onslaught. Don Brash, on the other hand, will not be
damaged at all by this error of judgement.

His mistake, of course, was criticising the Prime
Minister’s marriage. He walked right into the sh*ttiness

of personal politics and there was no[...], left a marriage for another
man, then later had the tables turned on me, such
betrayal is extremely p[...]never become
an acceptable way of life, and lose the gasp factor, the way

solo motherhood has. When civil society chuc[...]— Deborah Coddington



Exploding the myths

Myth # 3: Aren’t Maori the privileged ones, with scholarships
and all?

One of the many issues that have come sharply to the
forefront, after the infamous speech at the Orewa Rotary
Club last January, concerned the funding of Maori
development, or what Brash has claimed to be ‘separatist
policies’. Despite the colonial history which clearly
highlights the rapid and sweeping alienation of Maori from
their primary economic capital, namely land, the notion
that Maori are ‘privileged’ is highly prevalent and growing as
the media and public eye turn their attention to ‘r[...]opment funding — to contest that reality
is not the purpose of this article. What this article seeks to
address is the many, often ridiculously unfounded, myths
that ha[...]red .
it into what is now commonly referred to as the Treaty
industry’, or more recently within the Massey environment
as the ‘Entrepreneurs of Ethnicity’, or ‘How Maui tried to rip
New Zealand’.

The more extreme myths that place Maori in
a social p[...]d and therefore a better chance for
employment in the workforce; Maori do not even have to
apply for the scholarships, a cheque just comes in the mail.
The fact is however, that the facts , both historical and
contemporary, speak f[...]ed for 0.72 percent of
all government spending in the social sector.

- Maori specific education accou[...]ll mainstream health funding (a service which, by the way,
is not exclusive to Maori but available and widely accessed
by non—Maori).

If these are examples of the government’s
‘privileging’ of Maori, in lig[...]cifically at privileging non— .
Maori (such as the pre—194OS funding policy which dictated
that Ma[...]this is nothing new.
Unacceptable, but common in the government dictated
policy arenas that Maori have[...]when perceived within its historical context, is the
myth that Maori are economically privileged. What[...]’ of opportunity, while simultaneously
ignoring the social positionality of extreme disadvantage
hist[...]olonisation, a
reality in which Maori merely seek the measures needed
in recognition of the same aim in outcomes. And, as
highlighted in a recent article in The Listener (March 20
— 26, 2004. Moving On Up.p.1[...]grievance”, have in
fact contributed along with the Maori cultural renaissance
to profound change in[...]tiatives as ‘racial
separatism’, Brash states the National Government will
continue to fund Kohanga Reo Kura Kaupapa and Wananga
under the neo liberal principle of ‘freedom of choice’.[...]d ultimately dehumanising
at it renders invisible the Maori experience, which must be
acknowledged and addressed in facing the future. As stated
by Dr Jane Kelsey, (a self iden[...]n’t happen.

You make that transition by facing the demons of the past
You take responsibility for its enduring legacy,

You recognise the mana and rangatiratanga of those you
have disposs[...]tructive and


Next week: Myth #4 “Surely the Treaty is no longer
— Te[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (29)u

The week of March 15 was a sad one for KAOS. A good n[...]ts were found brutally murdered, one by one, over the
course of the week. At this point, the evil—doers responsible have not
been identifie[...]iends and
families. They were an integral part of the community and will be
sorely missed.

Below is a list of those whose lives have been prematurely
ended, and the way they died. Hopefully this will bring closure[...]04, 4:50pm

Agent Hey You! was found collapsed on the ground, brains splayed
across the walls. The cause of death was positively identified as a 50
caliber to the noggin.

15/3/04, 6:15pm

Despite attempts to pro[...]ter. Sounds of squealdng
alerted investigators to the scene. An attractive Russian spy was
seen nearby.[...]unidentified body was found with stab wounds to the back was
found near the cafeteria. We think he is one of ours. No one else has
reported him missing, anyway.

16/3/04, 12 noon

The Anonymous Crow was found CHAFFed in the Kiwitea Lounge.
Somehow no witnesses have come forward.

16/3/04, 12:50pm

A trail of blood led to the finding of a body in the bushes.

Seemingly unrelated to thethe Kiwitea Lounge and an agent dropped

17/3/0[...]e lost

17/3/04, 12:40pm

Another poisoning. The victim was found clutching a knife covered
in whi[...]re playing cards. After noticing a funny smell
on the cards, Vash the Stampede, the One—Headed Man, the Floozy,
an off-duty agent and myself lost consciousness. When we came to,
we realised that the One-Headed Man was still unconscious. Efforts
to resuscitate him failed.

Thank you to those who attended the funerals. But do
cheer up. We managed to recruit[...]ead of grieving,
it is best to work on forgetting the massacre, replacing the deceased
agents with the new recruits (in our minds), and filling the holes in
our hearts with booze.
—El Prez of KAO[...]ringe every time I read, hear, or

even say it.)

The Bullring

It was what can only be described as[...]efner’s
bedroom, others might say. But whatever the argument, the young
farmer’s annual “bus ride from hell’1 was massive.
The event took place on Friday evening of the 19*,
after an earlier postponement (much to the disappointment ,of the
excited locals), leaving the Albert in the late afternoon. The bus was
occupied by a young group of budding acad[...]dents and a couple of business students.
Throw in the essential Dip Ag students and a confused American[...]riendly bus driver (who was very understanding
to the needs of drunken Ag students), soon had us on our way
to Ashhurst for the first stop. The local patrons were initially
bewildered with the influx of students, but Dick soon had them
enter[...]stop at Bunnythorpe
(where it is speculated that the young farmers are still banned from
after an occurrence on the bus trip 5 years ago) for a “speed round”.
We manoeuvered our way through the bogan capital of Manawatu
and after negotiating an unplanned detour with the help of our local
tracker: Peter “you owe me three crates” Fitzherbert. We arrived at
the mighty Cheltenham pub.
The “Chelty” quickly became everyone’s favourit[...]s, we were forced to be on
our way again, much to the disappointment of the locals. In fact the

Today CHAFF talks to Th hemist hop Palmerston No[...]ongoing professional and retail relationship with the student market.

Chaff: Firstly where are you located and what are your trading hours?
The Chemist Shop: We are close to the city centre, next to The Doctors, in the Pak ‘11 Save carpark, across the road from the
Fitz, at 27 Linton Street. We are open 8am to 9pm EVERYDAY of the year.

Chaff: How many staff do you employ and what specialty roles do they perform at The Chemist Shop?

The Chemist Shop: Over 30 staff are employed in the delivery of a comprehensive, extended hours pharm[...]iption medicines, diabetic
services and of course the retail product and advise for customers intereste[...]ere any services of special interest to students?
The Chemist Shop: During term time, students on campu[...]m.

Chafi': Are there any in-store promotions at The Chemist Shop? .

The Chemist Shop: There is always something happening promotionally at The Chemist Shop. For instance just now
we have a fab[...]f great value every time they visit!

Chaff: Does The Chemist Shop provide phone support for all queries - eg, prescription charges, health advice etc?
The Chemist Shop: Yes, our Pharmacists are always ava[...]you have any advice for our readers when visiting The Chemist Shop regarding medical prescriptions?
The Chemist Shop: Be prepared to help us help you. Du[...]confidentiality constraints you need to tell us the
information that might affect your care such as a[...]Additionally, we
aim to assist you in navigating the government subsidies for your health — it is pa[...]ecial Authority letters etc. Then we can save you the most money!

Chaff: What brands of cosmetics and fragrances are we likely to find at The Chemist Shop?

The Chemist Shop: We stock Elizabeth Arden as our pre[...]at are interested in fashion can afford to access the latest colour cosmetics.

We also love fragrances and stock many of the leading premier NZ brands including Opium, Paris,[...]ed Door,

Green Tea and many others.

Chaff: Does The Chemist Shop conduct any type of product launch and or product workshops?

The Chemist Shop: We usually have something new on co[...]o see us go, she generously donated
some beer for the cause. The locals were sad, the sheep were shaken
(but unhurt) and the bus trip confinued to speed its way to the next

Then we hit Fielding, and mate, things got a bit pear—
shapedl In the bus driver’s excitement of having an abundant of
quality young females on the bus, he forgot that the bus was not a
high performance racing car, and that the clutch was not designed _
for burn outs. Thus the clutch became useless, and the drunken '
group was stuck in the budding metropolis of Feilding.

There we stayed, consumed in vigorous debate over
the species of a wayward shrub, claimed by our “token” tracker,
under the Native Rights Act 1843. “Corky', our (beloved)[...]to us flustered, but with a new bus! We were on the road .
again, on to the Awahuri.

Due to an alarming lack in patron numbers at the
Awahuri pub, we were forced to entertain ourselve[...]quite convinced must have added more blisters to the end of his
knob! (You should probably get those o[...]ers tested, mate).

We eventually made it back to the safety of the Albert and
the majority of the team was home in bed by midnight.

Coming up on the night of Thursday April 1, is the much-
anticipated Ag/hort happy hour. This will take place in the St Johns
Hall in Cuba St (next to the bowling ally) from 6 till late. The beer
will be cheap and the entertainment will be even cheaper, so do not
mis[...]s to give away, I

located at 27 Linton Streel in the Pak’n’Save carpark.

I Simply cut-out this coupon and bring it into The Chemist Shop PN.|


Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (30)[...]ome to a free
video viewing: 2040: A message from the
future (20min) and Street Reclaiming — How
to get your street back (20min) Showings
are at the Palmerston North City Council
Chambers, Wednesday[...]le to sing. Influences include A Perfect
Circle, The Mars Volta, Tool, Refused,
System of a Down etc.[...]clean licence (class 1) to work a few
shifts over the Easter break. He or she
would be transporting extramural students
from the airport, bus and train station

to Massey. The service operates during
semester breaks (ie Easte[...]rest in
developing their lmowledge' and skills in
the rehabilitation of youth addicted to
drugs and/ or alcohol, including those
already working in the area. One or more
scholarships shall be awarded to students
studying at tertiary level. The current
value of each scholarship is up to $5,000
per annum. Applications close March 31
with the Scholarships Office University of
Canterbury and[...].

Pathways to Wellbeing Educational
Scholarship: The purpose of this
scholarship is to support a perso[...]ntal illness who is in their final
year of study. The value of the scholarship
is $1,000 and is open to any New Zeal[...]ajor mental health ilh'iess

who resides in the Mid Central Health
area. Applications close April[...]ey

Post-graduate Research Scholarships:
The Post-Graduate Antarctic Research
Scholarship Prog[...]s, to pursue research
interests in Antarctica and the Southern
Ocean. Successful applicants will receiv[...]el and
incidental research costs) incurred during
the year of research. Applications close
April 22 2004. For further information
please see the website mm

Postgraduate Research Assistantship: A
position is available at the MS level in

the Soil, Plant 85 Ecological Sciences
Division at Li[...]study
environmental physiology of avocado trees.
The project will involve the study of light,
temperature, and water status effects on
leaf and canopy photosynthetic rates. The
project is a collaborative undertaking with
the University of California, Riverside, '
and is funded by the California Avocado
Commission. The long-term goal is the
development of a model of canopy-level
Preference will be given to students in
the final year of their tertiary study. The

' Scholarships will be available to students

CL[...]hing to obtain qualifications in any

field and the successful candidates will be
required to complete a paper on a subject
relevant to the Maori Soldier’s Trust, e.g.
economics, business[...]n (O4) 922 9226.



SOCIAL SCIENCES LECTURE BL[...]sifieds to chaff.ed@musa., or them off at the CHAFF mailbox
outside Cafe Tra Baci or at the CHAFF
office. Deadline for classifieds i[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (31)VODZ118


Get Ur Freak On
The Muppets
Hot in Herre
Rock Your Body
The Anthem

Sex and The City
My Immortal

Angels Brought Me Here
I Wanna[...]vanescence
Guy Sebastian
Whitney Houston

The Strokes




Haka Pokarekare Ana
Bump Bump Bump
The Muppets

Get Smart

Shut Up


Beyonce ft Sean Paul
Men At Work

The Strokes

The Datsuns

Avril Lavigne


Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (32)[...]• _....._ _ _ __

The episode of Runny Babbit reprinted above was originally published in 1979. At that time, AFS did not hold the contract for the provision
of meals on campus, therefore, this cartoon is in no way intended to reflect on the value or quality of AFS food. It has been[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (33)[...]05 Spot the Difference
Happy birthday to us, provoked the entire catering staff to go on strike,
Happy birt[...]leaving the University to try and .feed 800 hungry
Happy birt[...]hostel students. The consequence of this event was[...]that the CHAFF staff was "asked" to resign.[...]archives we discovered that the issue featuring 10 Sport
On March 28, 1934, the first issue[...]bbit" had been removed. However, our
of CHAFF hit the stands and we've intrepid News Editor managed to track down the
been going strong ever since.[...]F the "Phantom Fartoonist' unfortunately), so, for[...]the first time since 1979 CHAFF brings you "The
then CHAFF took the form of a few[...]ver the opposite page. Let's hope we're not "asked" to happen today. Why then, is the execution of
and stapled together. It was sold[...]Thursday, April 1, from 6pm, at the Woolshed. One year on from the March bombing Matt
agricultural college back then[...]Come along, enjoy some cheap drinks, and meet the Russell hopes there is one thing we[...]eme, Ed, William and me, agree on: the US and British invasion of Iraq
gossip - who danced with who at the A[...]optimistic word).
back in the sixties when student[...]13 My Big OE in The Land of
Vietnam War protests and the like made their way into New chaff.[...]PS. I am pleased to report that Squishy the CHAFF Cow has been[...]ose of you who are curious about
One of the most memorable episodes in CHAFF's history[...]oughly Japanese universities and the student way
took place in 1979, and involved the publication of a certain beaten for his[...]& Film Society
write up what I actually did over the week rather than the normal
dribble that I've been submitting.
First off, I started the week by meeting with MUSA's[...]16 Happy Birthday to us!
lawyers. We discussed the legal implications of the refund of the[...]begins • first published .
emails and contacted the New Zealand Universities Students
Association abo[...]lving through our
also caught up with a couple of the Executive and discussed the[...]After that I met with Sandi Shillington, the Massey (PN)
Regional Registrar. She looks after all the student services that
Massey provides such as Learning Support, the Medical Centre,[...]THIS WEEK: We start off with Runny Babbit,
the International Student Support Office plus a lot m[...]• to name but a couple...
meeting we discussed the Recl'eation Centre. Through MUSA,
students put a large amount of money towards the Recreation
Centre, so MUSA ensures that the Recreation Centre uses these[...]Television & Video reviews
monies appropriately. The outcome of this meeting was that business and the city council looked at students in Palmerston
the MUSA and the University are now performing a review of[...]attracting more students to Palmerston North and
the current management structure in order to make it more the importance of students to the city. The summit itself was[...]held at the end of the week and proved pretty successful and
Also at this meeting Sandi presented the proposed plans consolidated several proposals such as free ouses and a central
for the new Halls development and asked for feedback. The[...]alls represent an important concern for students. The first The rest of the afternoon I spent working on the draft
year experience for students is vital; it i[...]dents. see more accountability between the two associations and ensure 22 Be C[...]So MUSA also that students studying on the Hokowhitu campus receive an M[...]capitalism,
takes an active interest in not only the buildings themselves equitable level of service to those studying on the Turitea campus. globalisation) and what is done not only as a
but the implications of the construction (noise, parking during As well as this I worked on consolidating the Students'
construction, access to the site etc), how environmental friendly Assoc[...]t of "higher" education.
these halls would be and the social aspects such as lounges and repres[...]ing which had eaten up much of my day I on the various college boards.[...]ur
returned to my office and contacted several of the local students As I've now run out of room for this week's column, I'll
associations about the upcoming Student-City summit. This have to save the rest of the week for another time.
summit between students, t[...]Earth Space

Perhaps the most infamous episode in whilst the exec organised buses which[...]t
CHAFF's history was the publication were paid for by the University.
in 1979 o[...]aturing a rabbit This incident cost the CHAFF
by the name of "Runny Babbit". The staff their jobs. MUSA President at the[...]toon showed Runny Babbit eating time and the event sparked the biggest
hostel food a[...]ossword & Classifieds
the cartoon was published the entire concourse. It was decided that the
catering staff of the University went executive would not interfere with the
on strike. MUSA and the University editorial independence of CHA[...]ad to arrange for 800 would apologise for the issue.
students to be taken into the city to
be fed[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (34)[...]only help MUSA move forward in the way it,..
1. If there was a movie of your life[...]represents you. ·
2. Where are you going for the holidays? Once again some mutant has attacked the
person and not the issue. Take a step back[...]time to complete the debate on the building
3. What's your best pick-up line?[...]ed method of transport to Massey? the rest of us "racist" because we critique pla[...]spoilt bitch from Charlie and the Chocolate being an active part of your asso[...]Let's not even look at the stand-off up ticket. I was listening to[...]north involving intimidation tactics to keep the morning and they were advertising they[...]away one Incubus ticket to the Wellington
6. Can't sa[...]rong, but I guarantee I'll have to pay show. The question was to name the song[...]lass males Having been obsessed with The
are the only demographic you can attack Beatles[...]that it was their song Blackbird as the first note
Ben, blue[...]and was greatly praised by the two DJs
1. Steve O fro[...]Smell the urine it? I answered "John Lennon and Paul
2. To the pub.[...](cheers). The guy started telling me how
3. What was the one I used the other In response to Nick Holm's letter[...]? Cos for proving my own argument, that the Lennon had nothing to do with it. Being the[...]0 times more
you're the best a man can get. dangerous than Bush's own 'honest' McCartney wrote the song as he sings it,[...]is zero difference but I also know that when The Beatles were
4. Achick, preferably blonde. between them on the fundamentals foreign formed Lennon and M[...]agreement that all songs the two of them
5. Motorbike. policy. Every one of the 'differences' you[...]with the U.N and America's "natural allies" . tune in elsewhere to hear my favourite The
At the same time he fully supports the Bush Strokes songs (cheers).[...]PS: I'm sure the Incubus show was great[...]the fundamentals of the 'war on terror'. The (cheers).
1. What[...]ct me to be - a U.S relationship with the U.N has always With all my love,[...]been one of total domination, the U.N either
movie buff? obeys the U.S or is ignored, Kerry's not[...]N approval" Steve Asplin here, I was the one who[...]ridiculed you on the radio. It was an
3. Yo[...]that goes. that anyone at all recognised the song that[...]when you said Lennon and McCartney the
Contrary to myth it was the liberals who
say "I don't wanna use yours in the killed the plan in the first place. Kerry has sheer tragedy of your[...]." institutions the power to harm the U.S phone and if you received the message you[...]got yourself two tickets to The Black Seeds.
4. Depend[...]you as some measure of recompense for the[...]It's great to hear you like the station and[...]ppoint an envoy hopefully you don't switch the dial to hear
to Israel, "to the quality of someone like Bill The Strokes on other radio stations otherwise[...]repeatedly stated "the cause of Israel is the fuzz as I believe we are the only station that[...]cause of America". He supports the ruthless plays them currently.[...]5. As far as his stance on the defence
3. I don't rea[...]of the republican's increases since Bush[...]Kerry Maori have been sold a lemon in the so-[...]called "Partnership" Treaty principle. The
5. Walking.[...]I doubt it! Iraq. The defence and intelligence budget What the left offers Maori in[...]makes up something like 40% of the "partnership" is insincere consult[...]onstant government affairs in return for the right of[...]government to meddle in the every-day lives[...]pproach to U.S democracy. contrary to the Spirit of the Treaty.[...]on your leg and telling you What the centre-right offers
1.[...]it's raining Nick, wake up and smell the Maori is the democratic right to vote and
2. The Gold Coast. urine.[...]their own decisions
4. The chick who's being the biggest[...]ock-teaser. To all the people who attended the AGM[...]ny fast method available, along. The issues that were raised were Yours fait[...]6. No man, f*ck off! of the student body was represented. It[...]bate and that can Unfortunately, this is the only piece of[...]
Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (35)[...]you. - Ed]. I would like to lay a complaint
about the number of suicidal bicycle riders[...]ake "pedestrian crossing" as "go full
tit* across the white lines and hope you
don't get nailed".
I feel the only solution to this
problem is perhaps to press my accelerator
to the floor, but fear the police may become
Any other[...]ler" problem.
K. Hendy
PS. Also, could the sports writer kindly
shine a light on some FEMALE[...]ches! I'm back, after two whole
low-down weeks in the pad of that low-
down cattle-rustling mf the MUSA Design
Ed. Ugh, I feel dirty.
- Squishy the CHAFF cow[...]2) What is the traditional gift to given[...]band called "_ _ and The Chipmunks"
name the 3 chipmunks in the band.
Beautiful Hayley[...]d to give you a memory that
will last forever. As the other people who 7) What creature of the Zodiac represent
photographed you have. this star sign? (BTW it is also the first sign
From the Year 2 vet nurse clan. of the Zodiac).

8) The Zodiac Killer is a famous serial killer,
Note to[...]e we will publish your letters. 9) What is the name of the hollow paper
mache animal filled with sweets that the[...]an sign
your letters with a pseudonym but we
need the real info for legal reasons. This
information wil[...]t, sexist, hom*ophobic
bullsh*t. We define this as the
discrimination or abuse of such groups
through bl[...]aterial. All this will earn
you is a fast trip to the rubbish bin.

5. Spelling will be corrected in le[...]r 300 words will have priority
to be printed.

7. The Editor reserves the right to censor
or abridge letters received in wh[...]be deemed inappropriate, or simply too

8. The Editor reserves the right not to
publish letters. If this happens feel free to
come up to the CHAFF office and discuss it.

9 . The Editor reserves the right to offer Chaff loves mail! Here's[...]online).
10. All letters become the property of CHAFF
upon submission.[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (36)[...]emphasised the commission was dealing with incidents where
The first meeting of the Commission of Inquiry into police rape complaints had been made to the police.
allegations was held at the Wellington Town hall last week. It[...]lation matters where they say they were the subject of inappropriate[...]behaviour, but there was no reference to the police in any form . Those[...]Margaret Bazley will outline how the inquiry will run, and By this week the commission expected to have offices opened
the estimated 15 lawyers who are predicted to attend[...]questions. The hearings are expected to start in May and go would include a person or people who would hear the stories of those[...]Margaret will report who had contacted the commission and appeared to fall within the
back to the Cabinet in November.[...]Blanket secrecy provisions in the law governing the Meanwhile, the police issued a statement today denying[...]re threatening to hamper reports that the police investigation file into Mrs Nicholas' alle[...]the work of the Commission. At the meeting John Upton QC had been los[...]bit of an anus. representing the PCA, said his client wished to cooperate as fully[...]"Police are satisfied that they have secured the relevant[...]historical documentation required for the current investigation,"
Chaff· Volume 70 Issue[...]this legislative blanket," he said. "I'm sorry the statement said. According to a police document obtained by the
the official newspaper of the Massey Univerity to be so negative early in t[...]e Sunday current affairs television programme, the police investigation
Students' Association[...]By law neither the PCA nor its office holders can be since 1997. The document, dated June 1997, says extensive inquiri[...]or any proceedings of a failed to find the original investigation file . Police spokesman Jo[...]thing coming to their knowledge Neilson told The Dominion Post last week that h e could not comment
POSTAL: Private Bag 11-222 in the exercise of their PCA functions. on the Sunday programme , but did not dispute its claims[...]a legal difficulty over the exten t to which the PCA could provid e However, the Sunday programme's revelation raises further[...]Anne-Marie Emerson m aterial to the commission. He expects to h ave finish ed an[...]0 4500 ext 7134 assessment of the secrecy provisions by this week and to then be[...]in position to take instructions from the PCA. wa s assigned to investigate Mrs Nicholas' complaint against the[...]three policem en. Mr Dewar was criticised after the trials of a fourth
Robertson said the PCA secrecy provision was one of two issues[...]of r a ping Mrs Nich olas wh en she was aged 14. The
that could affect the commission's ability to achieve its timetable.[...]A possibility might be for the commission to receive what evidence at critical points of the Crown case. Th e p oliceman was acquitted after[...]nd anyone who felt constrained could find the third trial.[...]PH: 350 4507 The second issue that could affect the commission's recording Mrs Nicholas ' p[...]0274 811 492 timetable was the fact inquiries were under way into whether[...]some present and former members of the police could or should has sworn a d et[...]ble attention to Dewar, which he said was the only record of a formal interview with[...]The commission had a deadline of November 1, which On the Sunday programme, Margaret Craig, a Rotorua[...]attitudes. That train wasn't inaccessible, the train manager's attitude
Jess[...]ter train on his hands and knees after being told the made it inaccessible."[...]nees to clamber on to investigation into the incid ent had begun. "If this is the way he was
Yichen Chuang[...]a crowded carriage at Sturges Rd station in the West Auckland treated, it is totally un[...]Mr Ashton said the company had trained staff in dealing[...]But Mr Dempsey said the Tranz Metro train manager with custom[...]ris told him he could not use the ramp because the train was recruits in the past 18 months had probably left a gap in "knowle[...]running late, by five minutes, and the ramp was for people in and competency t[...]m wheelchairs. He recalled the manager saying: "The ramp is for Dempsey said the need for extra training was reinforced in a secon[...]which a wheelchair ramp was put down for him, but the
Tessa Lyons "I was stunned," said Mr Dempsey, who is the Muscular wrong way round.[...]nths short notice, blaming publicity and the Auckland Regional Council's
Sam Macey earlier when the train was running 30 minutes late.[...]Mr Dempsey said that when the train arrived a t services. He said[...]n Prince Britomart Station, the ramp was put down in about 30 seconds rescheduled the meeting.
Mae Pullar[...]with a baby in a After the meeting Mr Dempsey said the company had made
Tish Rogers[...]pushchair. Two train staff who had seen the earlier incident a commitment towards[...]apologised to him. Mr Dempsey said: "The important thing for with customers wit[...]ain and let's make through Mr Ashton from the train manager.
Sandi ShiHington[...]He said it was totally unacceptable and basically the train
Ross Stevenson not always physical in the sense of a ramp, often it's people's mana[...]come out in defence of injury of the after-effects of their injury."[...]irrigation, humming and yoga. The programmes were highlighted
Mi[...]choice about the components and could opt out.[...]forced to go through the s ch emes or face losing their payments.[...]"(One scheme) in the Waikato requires accident victims[...]ith their thumbs in their ears humming to the workforce," Dr Rankin said. "Humming is very much[...]to stand in a paddock and laugh at each the process of relaxation and we believe that it is a[...]other," Mr Peters said. The technique known as nasal irrigation component to the programme. The nasal irrigation was offered to
The YiewS and OpiniOOS expressed within CHAFF are[...]olves pouring salted water in one nostril and out the other.
not necessarilly those of CHAFF staff, MUS[...]It was volunt ary to participate. It goes beyond the[...]requirements of the programme and gets into medical treatment which[...]included watching the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest on[...]propriate in this situation."
CHAFF is printed at The Print Place in Wanganul and[...]The psychologist coordinating the Waikato programme[...]o by Mr Peters had discussed a t some length with the nine[...]but it was voluntary and he understood two of the members ch ose
that go into the programme are back in the workforce or actively not to participate,[...]r,e time we11 have about 200 to 250 the participants had been offered a nasal irrig~tion[...]people, ACC claimants or_ the programme, and as part of that the programme.
psychologist offering the programme will develop a syllabus that[...]
Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (37)[...]Rising demand for
The MUSA AGM was held last Wednesday, March 24. The
meeting managed to get a quorum, but only just. In fact as
the meeting progressed some people left and one had t[...]student foodbanks
asked to remain in order that the quorum was not lost.[...]ry Students' Association (UCSA) president
Search. The question was whether or not these deserved[...]Pete Martin said today the association had to review the
the funds allocated to them. The amount spent on MUSA[...]increasing demand. The foodbank often ran out of stock
received $15,002. The amount spent on the parking was and the association was working with other universities
j[...]to gain the attention of big food suppliers, he said. No one[...]was entirely living off the food bank, but many occasionally
providing them w[...]needed it to get by.
way to redressing the balance.[...]often when people may have had a killer
The amount of money spent on SJS was explained[...]ricity bill or their text books come through."
by the fact that the only sources of income that SJS has[...]UCSA spokeswoman Bridie Harding said the need
are the government and the student associations. The[...]student income was
government only funds SJS over the summer break and[...]not keeping up with the cost of living. Ms Harding said
the associations are responsible for funding it durin[...]foodbanks.
The budget surplus for 2003 was $444,159. Amodel of the proposed extension of the Student Centre "It seems a sma[...]ut it's
Approxiamately $300,000 of this came from the sale of four[...]at all," she said. She had led the February formation of
this money would hopefully be spent on the maintenance of Centre. This attracted plenty of debate, with some saying the National Association of Tertiary Foodbanks, in a bid to
the remaining MUSA properties. The additional $144,000 that it is a simple decision to refund the money. Others appeal to corporates to donate goods.
from the surplus was intended for fitting out the new pointed out the expense necessary to refund the money. Universities also provi[...]assey University provided MUSA with a estimate of the students suffering because of "desperate and unanticipated"
Also the Beerfest came under scrutiny, with some costs involved in the refund. The estimated total was circ*mstances. Chris[...]since it was poorly $40,454 which is 36% of the $112,500 that needs to be Barry Corbett said few students had fronted up at the
attended and ran at a loss of $905. It was decided that the refunded.[...]his year. But staff often noticed
Exec would take the Beerfest under review and decide on[...]an increase in winter months.
its future. The $60,000 budgeted for Manawatahi (Maori no legal obligation to refund the money, but that there may Debby Green is the Foodbank Kai Awhina for
Students Association) was also queried but the members be an ethical obligation. Since the money was collected for Methodist Social Services in Palmerston North. Ms Green
were satisfied with the explanation for the amount provided the purposes of building an extension of the Student Centre said that very few of the clients identified themselves as
by Adam Maynard.[...]students, but that there were a number who used the
The budget was then accepted with no changes. refunded. Also some members said that since some of the foodbank who were studying while also on s[...]It was pointed out that there was still room for the Exec to students who paid the levy in 2003 would not get any value benefit. Unlike UCSA, MUSA does not run a foodbank
move within the budget if called for. Also it was decided to from it then they should be refunded. Some of the members themselves but refer all inquiries t[...]felt that this would happen regardless of when the money Services.
of MUSA. was collected and the $112,500 should just be kept till
The next item for discussion was the proposed building eventually started. It was finally decided that the
Building Levy refund. The Building levy was collected in matter had t[...]properly discussed at a SGM
2003 in order to fund the proposed extension of the Student that will be called later in the year.[...]THE
• MedJcines " Elizabeth A[...]a,
The Chemist Shop[...]m
in the Pak'n'Save C ~ Palmerston North[...]
Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (38)[...]Approximately 300 people took part in the anti-[...]war protest in Christchurch. The protest included a march[...]from the Museum to the Cathedral, several speakers and a[...]Queen Street as part of the global march. Calls were made[...]for New Zealand to withdraw military support for the[...]in the Middle East and for an end to oppression against[...]On Iraq, Green Party MP Keith Locke said: ""In the[...]for the assault has proven to be built on lies. There are[...]eapons of mass destruction' - other than those in the US[...]Campaigners around the globe also protested[...]in In dia. The example s et by Spain's anti-war m ovemen t

Army[...]m et at the railway land last Saturday to travel to Wellingto[...]inspired marchers in Italy. Two million filled the streets of[...]Rome chanting "Berlusconi's next!" The demonstration was[...]vernment wh ich has
Some students m ay have s een the army vehicle that was for the internation al d ay of a ction agains t war. Abou[...]t troops to Ira q.
on con course last Thurs day . The vehicle was brought in four carloa d s t[...]everal thousand people protested in
to publicise the Army Open Day held at Linton Camp last more carload s already in Wellin gton - all in all the Pamly both Melbourne, and Sydney . A thousand[...]Perth, and smaller protests in Canberra
The vehicle was an Armoured Personnel Carrier. grea t as the m a s sive February 2 003 rallies against war,[...]A mass of anti-war protesters packed the streets of
horsepower turbo diesel engine and is[...]anti-war protests and peace marches to mark the first London. Exactly one year after the invasion oflraq, 100,000
It has a combat weight of 20 tonnes and carries three crew anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Hundreds gathered in people came to tell Tony Blair that the movement is here
and seven troops when fully loaded. the Wellington's civic s quare where a short rally wa[...]songs before the rally set off to the cenotaph war memorial. Some 100,[...]At the memorial the crowd heard Jill Ovens, long time[...]that it filled 45 blocks through Manhattan and the start[...]of the march almost merged with the people at the end of
MUSA is holding a Drag Race this Wednesday[...]demonstration. Sue Niederer, whose son was one of the
on concourse. No, not the huge powerful cars, but rather Iraq to make the wor ld safer. Safer for whom? Safer for US soldiers killed in Iraq, told the New York rally, "What
students in their best cross-dressing outfits running the Iraqis? Chaos reigns in occupied Iraq. While US f[...]untry that hates us, that doesn't
like mad around the campus. There will be prizes for the swagger about in a "green " belt in Ba ghdad, Iraqis daily want us there. We should bring the troops home and
winners and this is the opportunity for all you closet queens run the gauntlet of bombers, insurgents and bandits. Safe[...]strut your stuff. You know you want to! for the rest of Europe? 2 00 dea d in Madrid because the Francisco, 2 0,000 in Los Angeles and 10[...]cago
There is a two dollar entry fee for the Drag Race Spanish Government, the former Spanish Government, in the regional demonstrations. Half a million marched i[...]arbeque, cans of "V", mini Moro supported the US-led occupation of Iraq -- against the will cities across Spain, in the wake of the anti-war vote that
and Crunchie chocolate bars, and all other manner of of the Spanish people." drove out Aznar from government. The marches included
fun and frivolity . All funds raised are going to the relief The protest continued its way through Wellington's[...]Madrid. In Latin
fund established for victims of the February floods , so streets to the Australian, and British embassies and then[...]g and give their joined a vigil out side the US embassy. Speakers and including A[...]marchers alike denounced the role these countries had Japan around[...]played in the war on Iraq and the war on terrorism in protests in Canada, Greece, Ger many, India, and across the[...]f Aviation's future is settled - at planes at the Palmerston North Airport flight centre. The
Only one nomination has been received for the position Palmerston North. It was earlier feared the internationally target is still to graduate[...]year, along
of MUSA Graduates Students' Officer. The nominee is promoted school would be[...]professional fields.
Nandu Goswami. According to the MUSA Constitution this the school is in transition to base all flying at Pal[...]Palmerston North's advantages are that the
means that there will not be a by-election for the position North Airport and, with a few exceptions in aviation operation is compact, the flying at Milson just minutes from
and Mr Goswami will be automatically appointed to the management and maintenance, all aviation courses at the the campus, Palmerston North Airport has all the air traffic
position. The only way that a by-election will be held is if[...]control systems for international traffic, the school will be
ten students submit a petition, calling for an election, to the The move has come about because growth plans[...]-based Flightline College, "The decison to open up there (Auckland), at the
Administration, said that the lack of nominations for this failed to mat[...]n't quite work out,"
position was a reflection of the low level of active student consolidating the opera tion on the Turitea campus and the Dr Toulson said. "I suspect the main reason is that Ardmore
participation in the running of the Association. The AGM Flight Systems Centre a t Palmerston North Airport. That is some distance from the university, and in some respects
held last week o[...]bare fifty recommendation was taken up by the university council maybe we grew too big, too quickly."
out of the over 8000 who are currently enrolled as internal[...]When the Auckland move was made, the prospect
students. Also last year there were 919 votes cast in the Paul Toulson, human relations chief at Massey's of Palmerston North losing the school was raised. Then-vice
MUSA elections out o[...]ege of Business and now acting general manager of the chancellor James McWha said the move was market-driven,
of approximately 10%.[...]restructured School of Aviation, said the Ardmore operation and the school would go where the demand was. The[...]s. It will then be closed. All staff have when the consultant recommendation was revealed.
Easter break the opportunity to move to Palmerston North, he said,[...]"The university has put a lot of resource into[...]this plan, and is very committed to improving the school's[...]success," Dr Toulson said. "I think the future looks really
Students are reminded that cl[...]ral manager. good for the school and I'm confident it's going to work
The Easter break is two weeks long with classes resum[...]afe and there will be no sudden leap in the number of Massey
and happy Easter. Squishy says,[...]leader s (MUSA) and Residential The concept provided for common r ooms with[...]Advisors, the n ew Halls developm ent propos al wa s
sex with d[...]t ch arge after being incorporated into the con cep t designs prepared by the as stud ents were concerned a bout unne[...]days last It is anticipated that the new Halls proposal would in the development process and raised questions a bout
week after a young boy spotted him with the animal in an be presented to Council shortly and that, if approved, the student safety and noise during the construction period.
abandoned house in the southeastern town of Gardez. first[...]on in February Students were advised that the current Food and
"The man insisted he had no other choice but the donkey 2005.[...]Accommodation Committee would constitute the user's
because he could not afford to pay a dowry to get married," Of particular note was the intent to build the group to allow students input during the development of
a local police officer told Reuters. The man had since been new Halls on a central site, close to the Campus Heart. the project. Any concerns raised by students would be[...]A pedestrian boulevard would link the Halls to the new considered as part of the process. MUSA representatives
In many p[...]ipate in this process.
least $3,000 ($NZ4,600) to the parents of their prospective had been identified for preservation and the potential for Dr Sandi Shilling[...]Services declared that she was excited by the prospect of
where the average annual income is only a few hundred considered. The design aligned the Halls in such a way that being ab,le to pro[...]day that the sun shone.[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (39)[...]Former US terror
Staff at the Hokowhitu campus express their opposition to the latest pay offer from Massey. University staff na[...]eeking a national employment agreement to replace the current campus based A former White House security expert has charged the
agreements. Staff will be meeting next week to[...]said that in the first eight months of office, the government[...]issue". And he said the invasion of Iraq had "undermined"[...]the US-led war on terror.
National MP Nick Smith has[...]confidentiality rules, could not amount to the serious offence Mr Clarke was testifying before the US co=ission
of court after co=enting on a case which was before the of contempt of court. However, it was an extreme case that examining the 2001 attacks on New York and Washington.
Family C[...]He began his evidence with an apology to the relatives of
Justices Wild and MacKenzie found Dr[...]the roughly 3,000 victims of the 11 September attacks. The
Radio New Zealand to be in contempt of court after a five- "Dr Smith's conduct was the antithesis of contempt. US government had fai[...]ges over his alleged Not only did he dissuade the parents from not going to court, Mr Clarke,[...]that there was an urgent terror threat
The charges were 1aid by Solicitor-General Terrence[...]ear contempt after reporting details of the case. For TV3, "There was a process under way to address al-
about the case, which related to a custody battle over a ch[...]nfidential. curtail freedom of speech and the freedom of the media. problem, I don't think it was ever treated that way," he said.
The conviction raised the prospect that Dr Smith In broadcasting its[...]riticism
could lose his seat in Parliament. Under the Electoral Act, exceptional case in the public interest, she said. It had from the White House over his claims - said Iraq was the
MPs must automatically resign from Parliament if found ensured the individuals involved could not be identified. RNZ[...]f two or more had already broadcast details of the case so TV3 thought that[...]"By invading Iraq, the president of the United
years. There are no limits on the jail terms or fines which can opened the way for its coverage. There was no evidence that[...]States has greatly undermined the war on terrorism," he
be imposed for contempt of court. the TV3 programme had influenced the Family Court or that[...]told the panel.
Clerk of the House David McGee said he had no it had deterred people from taking their cases to the court,[...]Mr Clarke also criticised the FBI for not passing on
comment when approached ab[...]For RNZ, lawyer John Tizard earlier told the information that two known al-Qaeda operatives were in the
Jonathan Hunt also had no co=ent, his spokeswoman[...]court it was legitimate for the broadcaster to raise public US weeks before the 11 September attacks.
said. The justices said the issues of penalties and costs were
"for further s[...]ision". concerns about the case. There would have been no contempt "I had been saying to the FBI... that because of
Dr Smith's invo[...]appen, they
absconding with his child and ensured the case was heard appearing for RNZ, lawyer Sandra Moran said during the trial should lower their threshold of reporting - that they should
by the Family Court, his lawyer, John Upton QC, had told the fact that Principal Family Court Judge Patrick Mahony tell us anything that looked the slightest bit unusual," he
the High Court in Wellington in his closing submissions last chose to be interviewed showed the case raised significant told the panel. "I would like to think even without benefi[...]ted those dots."
Mr Upton also said at the time that Dr Smith's broadcasts had any influence on the participants in the case, Mr Clarke served as head of counter-terrorism
co=ents on the case, even if they breached Family Court[...]to George W Bush. He denied claims made by the White[...]House that he was working for Mr Bush's rival in the
Research comparison with UK universities[...]"The White House has said that my book is an[...]audition for a high-level position in the Kerry campaign," Mr
'unlawful and flawed'
The authors of a report who used data collected from New provided the information if it had known that it would be[...]I will not accept any position in the Kerry administration[...]George Tenet said that,
Britain acted unlawfully, the High Court in Auckland was that the methodology adopted for the British comparison was despite intense eff[...]awed" and produced fundamentally flawed the CIA had no prior warning of the 11 September plot.
are seeking an injunction against the publication in full of a results.[...]"We didn't steal the secret that told us what the
Tertiary Education Co=ission (TEC) report on a ne[...]It did not compare like with like and the outcome plot was," he said. "We didn't recruit the right people or...
ranking tertiary institutions by the number of advanced was likely to cause[...]collect the data, notwithstanding enormous efforts to do
research degrees completed, and the amount of external the institutions that had provided the data. University[...]f Auckland Vice-Chancellor Dr John Hood said that the[...]Asked by the panel why the CIA had failed to
The rankings will be used to allocate research universities had no problem with the publication of the report[...]prevent the attacks, Mr Tenet said:
money to universities. The new formula is called as long as the international comparisons were withdrawn.[...]"We didn't integrate all the data we had properly,
performance-based research funding (PBRF). The TEC's "We are only taking this action to challenge the appendix[...]23, but has been held up by legal action taken by the flawed international comparisons," he said.[...]Later, the US Deputy Secretary of State Richard
QC, told the court hearing that the case was not about the Professor Stuart Mccutcheon, Vi[...]ctoria University of Wellington, said it was with the greatest the government had envisaged planes being used for a
others, or freedom of speech. It was about the TEC acting reluctance that both universities had decided to take the domestic attack, he told the panel:
unlawfully in a public law sense, and the offending material extreme step of initiat'i[...]ors "I just don't think we had the imagination required
was an appendix in its report that used the data provided have objected strongly to the inclusion of this information to envisage[...]itutions to compare them with those in in the report since we were notified by the Commission of Also testifying[...]Sandy Berger. He said he
Mr Miles said the TEC implemented a three-year removal.[...]warned his successor in the Bush team, Condoleezza Rice,
exercise after extensive consultation. The aim was to measure Massey Vice-Chancellor, Judith Kinnear, says the that she would spend more time on terror than anything
the quality of research by individual academics in New university is keen to see the PBRF funding results released else. "I did my best to emphasise the urgency I felt," Mr
Zealand so government funding could be allocated based on by the Tertiary Education Commission as soon as possible. Berger said.
the outcome of that process. However, at a "very late stage" Prof Kinnear says the primary purpose of the assessment is This is the eighth public hearing held by the bi-
- earlier this month - Auckland University wa[...]tablished in 2002 . In a preliminary
be told that the large amount of sensitive data it had provided[...]"It is an report on its findings so far, the commission said the
to the TEC would also be used for "a completely differen[...]The court has reserved its decision. The Tertiary away from diplomatic pressure to[...]Mr Miles said it was "unlawful to use the data for Education Commission has postponed the full release of the way of dealing with the al-Qaeda leadership.
a different enterprise" and the university would not have report until the court's decision is known.[...]
Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (40)[...]The Inside Oil
Black Caps:[...]aland, Malaysia played host to the second round of the
but it was by NINE wickets! Christ Martin emerged from Fl Championship. After the rather pedestrian start to the
nowhere to claim career-best figures of 11-180, whilst the season in Australia, it was hoped that th[...]ovided bit more excitement at Sepang. After the first qualifying
the backbone for the lop-sided victory. A barrage of sixes ses[...]ngs,
by Cairns and Jacob Oram was my highlight of the game. setting the two fastest times in the session. Unfortunately
Cairns is now officially in the upper echelon of all-time for them the first session counts for very little. The second
great all-rounders. qualifying was more towards the normal status quo, with[...]Schumacher snatching pole once again. However the
Bulls:[...]r of Mark Webber was in hot form, earning himself
The feel-good story of the season. The Bulls' bruising a spot on the front row. It was not Alonso's day though,
forwar[...]mission, and their having to start from the back of the grid due to a little
last victory over NSW proved they are legit. It's a pity their excursion onto the grass. Under the new rules he was
PA announcer is a nonce.[...]With such a good qualifying effort Webber must
The French rugby team:[...]poor start, with almost every car passing him by the first
- the Frogs are playing at their exciting best to sit at the top corner. Surprisingly everyone got around the first corner
of the Six Nations· ladder, on 8 points from 4 matches. The without any incidents. Then the rain came, and then
big test is this week though,[...]sending him to the back. This then was followed by a spin
New Zealan[...]It turned out that karma was not on Ralf
and the 5-1 dorking of Ireland showed their intentions of[...]er, with an engine failure forcing
qualifying for the Olympics were not to be taken lightly. h[...]6 laps to go Kimi Raikkonen was The V8 Supercar season finally got properly
A win over the Ukraine leaves them needing a draw with[...]at was soon put to a underway in Adelaide with the Clipsal 500. Marcos
Germany to definitely make it[...]stop though with transmission problems. The Ice Man then Amborse was in dominating fo[...]s cool, giving a track marshal a shove as he left the In the first race Greg Murphy was the best placed Kiwi
Manawatu Jets:[...]status quo at coming home in fourth place. The race wasn't so good for
Whether it be coach Wayne Brown's game plan, on-court the front of the field . Michael Schumacher was well ahead, P[...]their name. Radisich had a better second race,
or the speed and athleticism of Jonathon Southey, the Jets Barrichello and Juan Pablo Montoya.[...]ht behind him in seventh and eighth respectively.
the NBL.[...]Schumacher easily took the win, with Montoya in second. over, collecting another DNF in the second race. The 'Mr[...]rd, his first ever Consistent' award for the weekend would have to go to

CRAP![...]The IRL headed out to Phoenix for the second
round of the season. Scott Dixon was back in good form[...]behind the other 'Mr Consistent' Marcos Ambrose.[...]joining team mate Darren Manning on the third row of the in the European Formula 3000 series. Reid will race for
A very disappointing start to the season, as if the early Joss grid. The excitement level of the race was right on par with British based Village Motorsports. Reid won both the
of Monty Betham wasn't bad enough. This week they once an 8 o'clock lecture on a Friday. The benefit of recording New Zealand Grand Prix[...]ly to be overtaken and shut down by a the race to watch afterwards is that the fast forward button in 2002. Formula 3000 is certainly a step in the right
weaker St George side.[...]y worked his way up name F3000 is probably the second strongest open wheel
Hurricanes:[...]to second place as the race drew to a close, having a few series in Europe, behind Formula 1.
Same sh*t, different year. The Sharks are proving to be no opportunities[...]r Tony Kanaan. However During the semester break there's a host of racing
easy beats on the road with wins over the Highlanders, and Dixon had to settle for second, behind the dominating action. This includes the Propecia Rally of New Zealand,
now a one-pointer over the Canes. The semis from last year Kanaan, who pretty much Jed from start to finish. Next the debut of Fl in Bahrain and V8's at Eastern Creek.[...]month the IRL heads to Motegi, Japan, the last race before Until next time[...]the Indy 500 in May. - Alister Lang
Andrew Mulligan:
Who? He's the annoying dimwit who doesn't know sh*t
from clay w[...]Wanna go to the snow?
understand it. Mulligan is like an annoying[...]Join the Massey
lookalike who doesn't know he should remai[...]s The Massey
South Africa on home soil and fewer people[...]b is
at a Celine Dion concert. To be fair though, the "gestapo" giving all new and existing
on the gates stopped a blind man from taking his cane in, members the chance to win a season pass at Mt Ruapehu.
and a[...]If you're not already a member come up to the MUSA office
(above the dining hall) and pick up a membership form.
Gary[...]ou will need to have joined by April 2 to go into the draw.
He scored two more runs than I did versus the Black Caps, Winners wil[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (41)[...]Firstly, the crucifixion of Jesus actually happened. It[...]Secondly, at the superficial level the crucifixion of Jesus[...]was the torture and murder of an innocent human being. At[...]deeper level, the crucifixion of Jesus represents the culmination
of the battle between good and evil. The players were Jesus (the
onl[...]Every battle has a winner and loser. At the crucifixion of Jesus,
evil appeared to be the winner as a good man died. (Satan[...]with his trident!). However, being blind to the forces of goodness,
Satan did not realise he had just handed the full and final victory[...]This is best understood at the level of the need to
balance both love and justice - the governing principals behind
the laws of life (and New Zealand). Love without just[...]and those receiving love alone will not receive the discipline human kind, allowing him to freely give his life to achieve this end.
resources for the sake of other people. required to achieve i[...]are never held This is summarised in the quotation "For God loved the world so
In contrast, God was willing to make an[...]not die but have eternal life" which is found in the Bible in
order to benefit all humankind. Jesus[...]nished for their every and inevitable the Book of John, chapter 3.
Christ the Son of God, when crucified, mistakes. Imag[...]rns or All Black In summary, the execution of Jesus by crucifixion, allowed
was actually bearing the wickedness of the team without utilising practical expressions o[...]good to finally defeat evil while satisfying the twin demands of both
world on His shoulders. Although innocent How could any team beat the opposition, if they are not required love and justice. Through the death of one man, all of mankind could
of wrongdo[...]- Nathanael Harris
choose to be released from the weight of Love and justice need to be balanc[...]on could satisfy
Consider for a moment the the requirements of justice for all of human kind. Because the
enormity of this act of sacrifice. God,
the all-powerful and purely good creator
of the universe, had to endure the pain
of knowing that His own Son bore the
Sto[...]isciples went to an area expectantly, on the lookout for the kingdom of God. He went to Pilate
forced to turn[...]and asked for Jesus' body. Assured by the captain that Jesus was
Son - and for a while this[...]up, and with him a gang of ruffians, sent by the high priests, dead, Pilot let Joseph t[...]roud, placed him in a tomb that had been cut into the rock, and
to be amazed at the agony endured by the Chief Priest, where the high priests, religious leaders, and rolled a large stone across the opening.
God and His Son on our behalf. Nor can scholars had gathered together. The high priests, conspiring Very early on Sunday morning (three days after the
1 begin to comprehend the selfless love with the Jewish Council, looked high and low for evidence[...]crucifixion}, some of Jesus companions went to the tomb. They saw
that characterised their actions.[...]ould sentence him to death. Plenty that the huge stone had been rolled back; a young man was[...]id. I know you're looking for Jesus,
own life for the benefit of other people. Later Pilate asked, "So what do I do with this man the One they nailed on the cross. He's been raised up; he's here no[...]age any sceptic you call King of ilie Jews?" The crowd yelled, "Nail him to a longer. You can see for yourselves that the place is empty. Now go on
who rejects the death and resurrection cross!" Pilate obje[...]ay.
of Jesus Christ to recognise that such a the louder, "Nail him to a cross!" Pilate gave the crowd what it The eleven disciples were eating supper; Jesus appear[...], refusing
is definitely worthy of consideration. The In the morning the soldiers brought Jesus to a place to b[...]raised up. Then he said, "Go into
implications of the original Easter events known as Skull Hill and nailed him to the cross. When he had the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God's good
being true are too importan[...]hung there for some time, Jesus groaned out of the depths, news to one and all. Then[...]eph, a highly respected (Abridged from "The Message")
member of the Jewish Council, came. He was one who lived[...]rested in What are the odds ... one in 10 billion? It's not something I[...]jumping up and down about the fact that he was alive again. These[...]down-time. But the frequency of an event is not always related to the point where observers thought they had been drink[...]its probability. Especially when the Almighty is in the equation.
That's right, we're talking about the resurrection of[...]nine in the morning.[...]Jesus. Surely the most unbelievable, yet foundational proposition[...]Massey University Christian Fellowship of the Christian faith. In fact, one biblical writer sai[...]right on this point, then we may as shut up about the rest of the religious authorities, membership of this new cul[...]him though, because than they could produce the stones, and now we have this thing[...]in his day you could go next door and talk to the people who called the church.
along to a local church this Easter? Or actually saw Jesus alive and kicking after the crucifixion. They'd So is that i[...]replete with executions, and public stoning, (the sedimentary type,
last Thursday." And this guy, Paul, had the benefit of a full on, not herbal) . What[...]sus himself, which blinded The new life of Jesus Christ meant so much more than[...]or a good day or two. It happened while he was on the way able to see him again for one last yarn. It was the final proof that[...]he was indeed who he had said he was, the Son of God. Of all the
identified as threatening the peace of the religious establishment. founders of the major world religions, it was only him who claime[...]What an unlikely person, to carry the very message he was trying to be one with God. He was also the only one who didn't stay dead![...]off as the pioneer of executing Christians, then met the risen profound teaching, but following the living Teacher. He is passionate[...]about giving us new life, the same life that brought him up from the
The changed lives of Paul and the early disciples dead. If only we wo[...]Jerusalem. It must have confused the residents of that city to see
the disciples, who had just had their leader k[...]
Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (42)[...]1

One year on from the March bombing I hope there is one
thing we can all agree on : the US and British invasion of
Iraq had about as much[...]ld be both shocked and awed if anyone (other than the media) is still dignifying
Bush and Blair's pitia[...]gence failure" excuses with any credibility. Even the neo-
conservatives are embarrassed (that takes a lot). As for "democratising" the Middle East,
well, the only way you can believe that is through wilful ignorance. And yet, on this 12-
month anniversary of the "war for liberation" the global media is still gibbering on about the
move to 'democracy', the 'mistakes' made by the CIA and MIS, the strategic brilliance of the
initial campaign and t&e fall of Saddam. In other words, everything and anything except the
real plight of the Iraqi people.
I'm writing this article[...]events. What
is currently eventuating in Iraq is the brutal suppression of the civilian population while the
US military dictatorship transforms the nation into an American client state. So let's ta[...]nd see if Iraq is any freer now
than it was under the Hitler of Baghdad .
The March invasion was executed through a strategy of complete domination
aimed primarily at the Iraqi civilians, and was predictably brutal and indiscriminating.
The euphemism "shock and awe" was coined by 'defence intellectuals' inside the Bush
administration, but as a terror tactic - the idea being to totally demoralise your adversary
t[...]programmes already well underway - the aim being to turn Iraq into a virtual fiefdom for[...]vasion of China. His own version was to slaughter the foreign ownership before any 'democratic' elections can take place. The neo-cons have an
entire population of cities that opposed him, wh ile merely enslaving the cities which were appropriate name for their plans for the Iraqi economy. It's called "shock therapy", the idea
sufficiently 'awed' to capitulate peacefully[...]that quick privatisation of state assets and the abrupt liberalisation of trade, prices and
and 'awed' the whole world by incinerating two densely populated[...]tagnation and chronic insolvency
weapons, 'awing' the Japanese Emperor and the High Command so much that they realised into modern laissez-faire prosperity. After the application of "shock therapy" in the former
even suicidal resistance was futile.[...]Soviet Union plunged 40 percent of the Russian population below the poverty line, most
During the March bombing 240,000 cluster bombs were dropped[...]herapy wasn't such a good idea after all. But now
the first two days of the war Baghdad alone was smashed with approximately 1000 cruise zealots within the CPA are arguing that its failures were due not to[...]insufficient shock and are getting ready to turn the voltage up on Iraq.
least one third of the bombs dropped on Baghdad were 'dumb weapons', des[...]ck therapy" is nothing more than a doctrinal
from the white house that 90 percent of all munitions would be precision guided. Over excuse for the unrestrained robbery and exploitation of a vulnerable economy by foreign
10,000 civilians were killed during the initial phase, at least another 8,000 wounded in investors.
Baghdad alone. Civilian infrastructure was a main target of the bombings. Bridges, power[...]ble, with expectedly devastating consequences for the sewerage systems, port facilitie[...]s. Ben Barber said it well: "War makes
The ground campaign was equally virulent. One example from many is the now privatisation easy. You see something you want, you just blow it up". In sum, the basis of
infamous battle along Highway One on the western bank of the Tigris where Saddam's any[...]fought off an American tank column for 36 hours, the US tanks spraying which starts with public ownership
shellfire down the motorway until every vehicle, civilian and milita[...]bert Fisk, an independent correspondent described the scene. "I walked the being stripped out from under the "The US is effectively forcing the
highway as the last shots were still being fired by snipers, pee[...]t current Iraqi puppet government
the blackened corpses of men, women and children. Car[...]hance to choose between two
over several piles of the dead. In the back of one car lay a young, naked woman, her per[...]d by fire, her husband or father still sitting at the steering wheel, his legs pro-US parties hand picked by the 'reconstruction' by mortgaging
severed below the knees .. . It was a massacre" . The latest conservative estimates on total[...]from 22,000 to 55,000. Speculations on maimed and wounded go In September[...]new finance minister called for the
Similarities between Hiroshima and Ira[...]Morgan Chase."
also to send a message of power to the allies, Britain and Russia. In the same way, the Bremer released the notorious
hammering of Iraq was a message to other potentially recalcitrant powers in the Middle "Order 39" which privatises 200
East, and indeed, the whole world. This is imperial communication: let[...]hat foreign
they want, as long as they know who's the meanest, toughest son of a bitch on the global corporations can own 100[...]shock and awe" was a strategy aimed at shattering the Iraqis' will of their profits from the country. Although a UN resolution in May 2003 had already passed
resistance, allowing the subsequent colonisation to progress more efficien[...]e 'legal' control of Iraqi oilfields to the coalition, Order 39 excluded privatisation of the oil
Saddam's capture resistance has been intensifying, as has the coalition forces' brutality indus[...]h Russia and Europe jealously coveting Iraqi oil, the Americans have a far
of suppression. Human Rights Watch recently described the occupying forces as "out of m[...]itted taking inspiration The US is effectively forcing the current Iraqi puppet government to borrow billion[...]cing despotism. They made their primal wealth off the backs of American slaves,
They have arrested peop[...]harge or access to collaborated with the Nazis and are currently under litigation for financing the apartheid
a lawyer. They have shot Iraqis dead du[...]them expand their police and security apparatus. The
and other property in acts of revenge or collecti[...]qi Provisional Authority, by borrowing money from the US to rebuild the half of Iraq
framework of total impunity. Iraq must be starting to look a lot like the Gaza Strip. bombed into oblivion by the US, are potentially shackling any future Iraqi government to
At present the CIA is carrying out a kind of re-Nazification ofl[...]own quantity of debt, all controlled by US banks. The oil revenues (as Iraq's only
rehiring and retrain[...]ource of national income) will be used to support the Iraq Trade Bank letters of
they did under the Baath regime. The Iraqi police force is composed mostly of Saddam's[...]t, and those letters of credit will be ensured by the US Import-Export Bank. Thus the
monkeys, as well as ordinary Iraqis desperate for work in the face of massive unemployment US st[...]tighter and tighter. While
(about 70 percent of the population is without work). With typical GI blun[...]and Russia are heavily invested in the area. If America can control the Iraqi oil industry
for projects, I think we can c[...](and succeeds in breaking the OPEC cartel) it will have major economic influence on the
Meanwhile, head of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) Paul Bremer is acting European power bloc, the biggest threat (next to China) to America's globa[...]Global domination anyone?
replaced the old Iraqi Ministry of Information with the newly named Iraqi Media Network It's pretty obvious Iraq is still "under the whim of one brutal man", the neo-cons
(IMN). The CPA "administers" the network and Bremer "reserves the power to advise" the simply changed who that man is. The new sheiks of Iraq will be vastly more efficient[...]otism than Saddam ever was. One thing you can bet the farm on,
down restrictions on publications simil[...]tly false and calculated to provoke opposition" . The CPA has also blocs rising to challenge America's own brief time in the sun, Iraq is an issue with global
issued a decre[...]ut consequences few, least of all the warmongers in Washington and London, can comprehe[...]l disorder, rioting or Welcome to the Old World Order. It's going to be an interesting century.
damage to property". Those who violate the decree "will be subject to immediate detention
by CPA security forces and held under the forth Geneva Convention of 1949 (which governs[...]
POW's)". The decree has been repeatedly applied to people orga[...]tely necessary. Colonisation is a dirty business. The
CPA is currently in the process of setting up a kind of Vichy government which can further
prostrate the Iraqi economy to the massive privatisation and neo-liberal rest[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (43)[...]in the land[...]u who are curious about Japanese universities and the
student lives, here is·my story about what I exp[...]ad programme at Massey's sister call 'the job hunting examination', which comprises questio[...]led Kyoto Sangyo University in Kyoto, near Osaka. The first thing that amazed future jo[...]multaneous equation questions. Then, depending on the marks
me when I went on the campus was the commercial facility that the university has. I mean, they receiv[...]wn students, to see if you have the slightest chance to get an interview. One thing t[...]my Japanese friends complained of was the requirement for them to dress in business wear
it[...]going to a presentation.
so much choice: there is the famous bakery in Kyoto called Shizuya; then there is The As you can see, we are still pretty fortunate on the other side of the globe, however we
Curry House, which sells curry;[...]r student life may be tough.
two restaurants that the staff eat in, but the students can eat there also. The Japanese
students usually buy their lunch on camp[...]f them still live with their parents).
The university also runs a free bus service to a bus[...]Living in the wild north
Now, there are not many things, especi[...]ile you can. Being a poor student myself, besides the free rides (even though it only runs b[...]helpful), my only transportation was my bicycle. The Japanese
students, on the other hand, usually take either the public transportation or their scooter.[...]riding a bike, but after driving for many years, the sudden was basically to get to Japan,[...]fficult foreigners tend to go to one of the big three Tokyo, Osaka or Kyoto, but I decided to head up
that I fell off my bike four times in the first two months that I was there, and left three to Hokkaido. This is the "wild north" of Japan where people still get eate[...]on my left knee! And no matter how painful I felt the day before, I still had to and where the last of the wolves used to live (a bit like Alaska I suppose).
ride it the day after I fell off, simply because there was nc, other transportation for me. The After arriving in Sapporo, the biggest city of the island of Hokkaido, I moved in
great thing about[...]around the city trying to find work. All the English teaching companies would only hire me
The classes I took when I was there ranged from Engli[...]lasses, to if I had a degree (one of the reasons I'm here now!!) so that they could sponso[...]ses because I never got to practice fighting like the ones that you see on television. I the city.
also took some Japanese language classes, as it was one of the requirements of being an So that was my job for the next seven or so months, travelling in the morning,
exchange student. There was nothing unus[...]stomped on by little kids in a kind of 'us versus the foreigner' type of
as we were all foreigners, but there were surprises in some of the other classes that I had game (I like[...]oming back to HQ in
with other Japanese students. The foremost thing was the fact that you can have a nap the afternoon, again being mobbed by older, much heavier children, and then limping home
in the class, right in front of the lecturer, while he/ she teaches, and they are perfectly fine at night.
with it. The reason why it surprised me was because when I was[...]s a conversation between a student and a teacher, the student would always speak Kiwi anyway), There was around three metres of snow on the ground over the winter, and
in the respectful form to show the respect he/she has for the teacher. I guess words do some places had 12 metres of annual snowfall. The other great thing was that the ski fields
not always match with actions. Back home, however, even if you have the desire to do this were so accessible - the closest to where I was living, Maruyama, was only 10 minutes by
- not to mention the possibility of being embarrassed! - you would want to do it where other bus and some of the bigger ones such as Teine were only half an hour's subway trip away.
students, or at least the lecturers, cannot see. The thing I loved about the ski fields there were the trees, not pines like those of
But the logic behind their actions is understandable: as[...]s, with huge trunks coming out at right angles to the
class attendances, with some study on their final[...]ying when they go to university, what do they do? The answer is simple: they throwing th[...]thing that surprised me a lot was how much energy the Japanese students walls at least. The other thing it had lots of were rats. With all of[...]ned' to be a lot of bebe guns
going to talk about the stereotypical girls here, because I think it is very interesting to scattered around the place so we used to load them up and sit them on the table so that the
make a note of. First, the girl does her hair with curling tongs, then she puts on her make next time a rat ran along the shelves knocking things off, we would all reach f[...]start blazing away. It was like a scene from The Matrix, with bebe pellets ricocheting around
eye[...]scara, lipstick and lip gloss. Then she picks out the top that will the room and the rat high tailing it out of there like there was no tomorrow.
match the pants, the high heels, and the tiny bag, which is only big enough to fit her wallet, The other thing that we used to do over the summer was take small rafts out to
her make-up ki[...]by 'match' is usually a brand, the coast and go surfing with them. It was a bloody c[...]but definitely worth a laugh
some times it can be the colour, but many times it is the brand, like Gucci or Chanel. If you aft[...]about how Jong this whole process will take, plus the usual two-hour time for many that around the east coast of Hokkaido there are plenty of undiscovered breaks and empty
students to commute to the university, and if their first class starts at 9,[...]erfect?
Before you make a conclusion about the easy life Japanese students have when they
go to[...]om study stress when they enter universities. But the
fun ends when they get to the end of their third year, because they have to sta[...]ut their final year until they find a job.
The Japanese system is very different from our[...]
Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (44)[...]3 APRIL - 1 MAY
up Nazis. Games like this include the highly popular Medal
of Honour series, as well as Battlefield: 1942 and the
subsequent add-ons. While Medal of Honour was ori[...], explosively funny and heartrendingly poignant".
the joys of online multi-player bliss. Choosing from a range of
specialities, people could choose the side that they identified After its[...]1998 Bare amassed rave
most with politically (or the side with the cooler guns) and reviews, won awards and toured the country. It sold out at
take on both A.xis and Allied forces alike in what soon turned the Edinburgh Fringe in 1999 and smashed box office
i[...]ling team-mate because records at the Sydney Opera house.
there wasn't anybody around t[...]this hilarious and moving searchFor
blowing away the opposition, then a great way to make more[...]d be to provide Mother game
that involved exactly the same strategy, that of blowing away
Nazis. EA and[...]"New Zealand two-hander that really gets under the skin,
a "winning formula": If something ain't broke, then don't fix plus one of the funniest lovemaking scenes you'll ever see
it. Instead, do exactly the same thing again, but only make it in live theatre". (The Listener)
wholly a multi-player game. And that's what the Battlefield
series is.[...]y, erotically
Battlefield: Vietnam is the latest in the Battlefield delicate ... Marvellous"[...]to be installed). This is markedly different from the BF1942
series, because it is an entirely differen[...]Directed by Alison Quigan
dancing. So when I saw the advertising for this new game, I
was more than a[...]or more.
got one, and now I can play.
The first thing that gets to you about this game
isn't the graphics, it's the music. Battlefield is equipped with
the good half of the Forest Gump soundtrack, with favourite
wartime ba[...]iously
groovy soundtrack while you're waiting for the game to load. A
little strange having anti-war songs playing during the loading
sequence of a game that is all about enjoying war, that you
willingly entered into - though I think the irony might be lost
a bit on this one.
Taking place (obviously) in the Vietnam War, players
choose whether they want to[...]rces. When
playing single player, l always select the easy option as I
like to stand a chance against n[...]characters), and also gives me a chance
to review the game fairly. Players have a variety of maps
and s[...]dvantage (Napalm being a fairly decisive ally for the US) with
technology or special abilities.
The weapons here are far cooler as well - I have
already mentioned the air strike capability with napalm.
You can use mortar cannons; M16 guns; rocket launchers;
and the always trusty knife are but a few of the wonderful
weapons available for gamers. Also each[...]One thing I really like about this game though is the
vehicle action. You get to drive jeeps and tanks;[...]et boats and other such niceties brought to
us by the war effort. lt's great to know that if you're run[...]ealth, just chuck a couple of claymore mines into the
back of a jeep, drive into the enemy camp and kamikaze for
the team.
I got into a debate with a friend of mine the other
day about games like this. Obviously making a profit at the
expense of thousands, even millions of war affect[...]nd so much when we talk about Nazis and such, but
the Vietnam War was agreed upon by most people as a h[...]en.Youngblood.

Every care is taken in the production of this guide - however[...]Rock Opera set in and around the Trojan War written and directe[...]h Boys' High
Rock Opera set in and around the Trojan War and
Part of the UCOL Tuesday Lunchbox programme,[...]en Richards 354 5176 ext 713
focussing on the story of Helen, Queen of Sparta, and[...]Featuring the Downtown Strutters.
MORE INFO:: Ka[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (45)[...]UNDER THE COVERS

Bridget Jones - The Edge of Reason
by Helen Fielding
I find myself be[...]that are real). Luckily Bridget Jones lives on in
the sequel to Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason.
Before I get into the review however, allow me to
go off on a tangent f[...]ff if you rummage
around for long enough, such as the so-tight-it-should-be-
made-illegal school unifor[...]r a night of naughty
school girl type hi-jinks at the obligatory school uniform
party, and getting back to the point, books. I picked up my
copy of Bridget Jones - The Edge of Reason from a local op
shop . For a dolla[...]The.Edge of[...]f, with Bridget ensconced in her love affair
with the dashing Mark Darcy, and even though she is still
worried about her weight, the amount of shagging she is
doing is carving off the calories. Her male angst has not
completely disap[...]ter that has been sorted Bridget has to deal with the
ghastly Rebecca. The craziness of Bridget's life continues in
this boo[...]on, and receiving death threats. All told through the
medium of Bridget's diary, in a seriously hilarious manner.
But, I really don't want to spoil the plot, so that is
about all I will tell you. Also[...]down, and I read it ever
chance I got, even with the risk of hilariously laughing on
the bus and with people staring at me as if I was loco.
So often sequels just don't have the same appeal
that their predecessors do, but not t[...]read I often have to fight my peripheral vision. The
text is often brilliant but I can still see my hands holding
the book and from there the distractions multiply. There[...]are closer to intimate strangers. The Britain Hortense[...]minutes)
are exceptions of course: One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest moments of genuine sadness that keep the book from[...]ch like a first. I was never persuaded to believe the Chicago, 1916. Fleeing the industrial inferno where he
Unfortunately, Small[...]ever misplaced - felt deliberate, almost dutiful. The south with his kid sister Linda and his girl Abby, whom
Queenie is a WW2 widow. At the time of this[...]e of their history was derived In the Texas panhandle, they are hired for
house. She re[...]the wheat harvest along with other migrant workers;
h[...]ife as a black second hand from old films. The whole book reads almost[...]one sounds right and Bill soon realises that the wealthy young farmer,
man. Gilbert is married to[...]London to start a better life. But her to the end. It's like hearsay - the literary equivalent of the
story you hear from the friend of a friend. Hearing that the farmer bas no more than a year to live,
expectati[...]rges Abby to rriarry him so that they can inherit
the ship. Gilbert is asleep when he should be waiting[...]review seems to be leading to an image of the book jutting when he dies. Abby reluctantly agrees to the farmer's
greet her. When she makes her own way to the address he[...]uggestion that she continue working for him after the
gave her, it gets worse. Their lodgings are a small room. out the editor's forehe_ad as revenge for "Yeah Div, that[...]too.
Their toilet is a porcelain bowl kept under the bed. Then, After the marriage, things rapidly become complicated
there[...]out of control.
tenants, particularly because of the deep hue of their faces.[...]closed the book.[...]film for 20 years, coming out of his hiatus with The Thin
pieces of th eir ch ildhoods and other momen[...]a definite connection in the way they look.[...]as one of the most beautiful films ever made. The[...]cinematography gained awards at Cannes and the
PARIS::[...]Oscars for Nestor Almendros. One of the reasons for[...]chards 354 5176 ext 713 this is that the film was shot almost entirely during the
Speirs Centre - Palmerston Noth Boys' Hig[...]tural light.
Rock Opera set in and around the Trojan War[...]There is debate as to the overall effect of
MORE INFO: : Karen Richards 354 5176 ext 713 THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW: :8PM the film. The look has been praised but the story has[...]those that argue that it's a masterpiece
THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW: :SPM[...]n is that this is a film that needs to be seen on the big
The org*smic rock'n'roll musical is back to thrill yo[...]Membership available at the door before each[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (46)[...]Welcome to CHAFF's weekly soap opera. Share the trials
and tribul[...]students as they survive the many varied experiences
of a year studying in Palmerston North. Let's meet the
flatmates![...]it-faced pretty often. He
works part-time at the SPCA, cleaning kennels.

CLARISSA PEABODY: A[...]. She decided to go flatting instead of living in the hostels to save
some money. She found out about the flat through Paddy, whose parents are matey with[...]nd keeping fit, she's a vegetarian, and she gives the
boys sh*t about their huge meat intake.[...]lved with Nick, one of her classmates. Nick is at the flat often, and he regularly
horses around w[...]Taihape and educated at Rathkeale College
in the Wairarapa. He's 21 and in his last year of a BBS[...]r's Paradise. A self-confessed "hard
man" on the piss, Boyd plays blindside flanker for the Massey Rams. He's into decorating
his room w[...]giant DB can to his door and nicknamed his room "The Chiller".

Episode 1: Faces in the window
The sun reached my temples and startled me out of sleep . My cheek and the pillow were
soaked with slumber dribble: a m[...]his is my first morning in my first flat and it's the first
day of semester, so many firsts, so mu[...]trewn everywhere. I
gingerly stepped through the mess and padded down to the end of the hallway, turned left,
and reached for the bathroom door handle. The door flew open instantly, and greeting me
wi[...]rt, let out a hearty bellow
then sprinted up the hallway.
Farm boys are a different breed, I thought to myself as I entered the bathroom.
Should be an experience flatting with Boyd.
The bathroom floor was saturated with water and there was a myriad of pubes on
the soap, right on! The bathroom floor looked a bit dodgy - you could see right through the
floor to the b ase of the house. The was fungus all around the taps. Flatting is all about
grotty bathrooms - don't freak, it's part of the experience, I told myself. I bathed myself in
the tepid trickles that spurted sporadically from the shower nozzle.

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen ...
"All right you boys, tonight is the first shop and after that we organise a cleaning[...]"Just chill out for a bit Sarah, the first two weeks in a new flat are all about
exploring the wild frontiers of looseness. Let's wait till it g[...]lying when he spoke.
Sarah dodged the morsels and shot back, "Don't f*ck with me Boyd o[...]lla'd."
"Oooohhhh aaaahhhh," came the reply from the boys. "That would feel soooo good
Sarah, com[...]Boyd was warming up for a free-form rant when the kitchen door flew open and
Chrissie ran in,[...]peeping Tom outside, he was perving at me through the bathroom
window, it was just so gross!"[...]e to make light of any situation, piped up, "It's the early peeping
Tom who catches the first year." Boyd and Paddy started pissing thems[...]"Stay right there, Chrissie. I'll get the bastard."
She shot down the hallway to the front door. Just as she was about to open it she[...]loud knock. She stopped in her tracks and ripped the door open. Leaning through
the door frame was the repulsive vision of Barney Boormoister, 210 Morri[...].
Barney started to speak and simultaneously the saliva jetted out in torrents.
"Listen up you kids, it's time to sign the bond. And I'm not happy about that
hedge. That's another one of your properties up the road."
Before Barney could spit out his reply, the hallway shook with Clarissa's piercing
scream, "That's him, that's him! That's the peeping Tom!"

Next week: the inmates of 21 OMorris Street confront Barn[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (47)[...]dience of some 300 staff, students and members of the public,
r-:~:, when he delivered the fourth of the present series of Winter Lectures
organised by the Faculty of Business Studies.
In his address, Mr Lange was critical of the heavy reliance placed on[...]realise that mere laws are inadequate to provide the kind of
protection we expect of them.•
Turning to the area of the encroachment of the state upon the individual, he said that he
would not be happy with anything less than a Justice of the Supreme Court having the
power to authorise the interception of communications by the SIS. At the moment, this
authority will, under proposed legislation, be vested in a Minister of the Crown.
He saw a need for a basic reappraisal of the role of politics in New Zealand, saying that no
longer can the public expect a political party to create an econ[...]The Morris Street "Riots" of '91 :[...]·In March 1991 CHAFF reported on the "riot" that had broken out in Morris St the previous[...]lly some students got drunk and started a fire in the middle of the street. They[...]then resisted the Fire Services' attempts to put out the fire. Police were called in and some[...]ad officers and police dogs were used to disperse the students. Four students were[...]and the Student Association to discuss the Morris Street party on Saturday night. The[...]rs is seeking legal advice to take action against the main[...]offenders of the incident. Dr Waters is reported as saying Massey[...]h us". Police Minister, John Banks has called for the students involved to[...]be thrown out of the University.[...]Saturday night brought the national media attention to Palmerston North. The[...]story over an otherwise sleepy weekend then hyped the incident and[...]the police response.[...]The incident began as an advertised street party in Morris Street that the[...]party a group of people lit a fire in the street. When the Fire Brigade attended the fire[...]dent Martin Carroll was called in to mediate with the police and the[...]the Fire Brigade to extinguish the relit fire. The police retreated till reinforcements from[...]the 150 spectators. Half an hour later the police withdrew with 28 arrests mostly for[...]breach of the peace offences. The police say six people received dog bites and seve[...]The morning after, Morris Street looked fairly normal and little remained of the[...]clumps of burnt bitumen in the gutter in an area within 200 metres of the main flats[...]light yet.

CHAFF April 9 1986[...]of us toddled along to
the (cringe) Armada Bar [next to the Fitz for you 2004 readers-[...].... .
But the President, when approached about the
affair, denied McCormick had been banned. Over exposure was On the site of the event - the 1991 MUSA Exec pose for the association's annual photograph.
the reason cited for McCormick's non-appearance on campus
this year. Mind you it transpires neither the Cultural VP nor the Exec were informed of
McCormick's availability, or given the chance to yay or nay his presence on conco[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (48)[...]surprised by the last two as well).[...]the Right Honourable Edmund Kynoch ... the most critically[...]Not to be influenced by the opinions of others
(such as the aforementioned Mr Kynoch) , I boldly ventured[...]minded like the knight of fairness and justice into the[...]what did I discover about this movie with the wonderfully[...]Well, in a word: sh*t. But not for all the reasons
you may think. The first problem is the plot. Larry Gigli[...]assignment by the Mob to kidnap Brian, the brother of[...]for dropping charges worthless part of the story.[...]against some Godfather guy. But here's the crux of the Then there's Lopez doing yo[...]atter: Brian is mentally retarded. Okay, so maybe the have it in her contract to be shown in[...]are after all bad guys) but positions from the Karma Sutra while giving Ben a lesson[...]mething didn't sit right with this premise. While the part on why a vagin* is more sexy than a pen[...]e well by Justin Bartha, I felt this movie the mouth and vagin* are cousins - go figure). It's l[...]bad, despite the fact that the filmmaker celebrates Brian in sometimes and with the mood of the movie, itjust doesn't
the end.[...]Lopez fit in? Well, she's been And the genres are about as confused as Clay[...]han to show how them together? Honestly, the way this thing jumps around[...]ter) are. You you'd be forgiven for thinking the director had multiple[...]tually picture J-lo twiddling with her hair after the personalities.

Strange and[...]producers asked about the script and saying: "Okay, but[...]quite swiftly, from the plot. Then they make the whole[...]This is the movie both actors should deny they ever made.[...]t swallowed two hours of my
to have not only The Simpson.s every day of the week,[...]as well? We must into their work lives. The whole thing is so disingenuous
surely give t[...]towards being gay that the lesbian angle becomes a
Of course[...]foolhardy enough to have caught an episode of the first
series will surely attest, it is best[...]Punch Drunk Love
as memories. Be it the baby-sitter bandit or the barely
disguised moral at the end of each episode the first ~~~[(~
series carries grim reminders of the television world pre-
Simpson.s. These were times when the world could get[...]starring Adam Sandler and Emily Watson.
when the idea of Ned Flanders running for a charity to[...]watched the credits. I'd normally regard credit-watching
But as The Simpsons continued, it blossomed. as a past-time reserved for pretentious wankers trying to
The lines became more confident, Homer shut up about[...]epeating his easily· Love I needed the time to adjust to what I'd just seen. And
marketable catch phrases. The Simpsons managed to the first thing I realized was I really really wanted to see it
outpace its own selling-out, in one of the most bizarre again. A romantic comedy for[...]Meg Ryan.
occurrences of television history. The market for crap An Adam Sandler movie fo[...]ties and movies.' All this, and one of the most disturbing pillow talk
unsurprisingly imploded. But surprisingly the show scenes ever filmed. What more c[...]on. Anderson has crafted
just got better. In the wake of 'Do the Bartman,' came
classics such as Lisa's substitute teacher, the trip to Duff a film that thrives on its own vicious intensity, constantly
gardens and the genius of the Bobo episode. lfyou don't pushing the viewer away then dragging them back in. The
understand what the hell these things are, it's okay. It visuals are open and stark, the soundtrack overpowering
just means there's something wrong with you. All you and the plot slips in and out of sheer lunacy.
need is a DVD player and a trip to the local video store. Sandler plays[...]young man with a
And then we have the new series. Thank god, ferocious temper[...]ry hardly seems a traditional romantic hero.
the writers were trying to push on a particular week.[...]nd getting in a large
were that bleak. Leave the outright surreal to Family Guy deal of trou[...]ny, Barry
or Futurama, shows that emerged in The Simpson.s'wake, manages to meet a girl.[...]dingly well by Emily
and were more suited to the less coherent side of the Watson, she isn't the most stable individual either and a
human brain. The show began to eat itself, referencing co[...]u're probably interplay of light and dark. The camera alternates between
take heart, things[...]le haunted by a mysterious tiny a gallery. The actors and settings on occasion actually blur[...]ur planes, and Punch Drunk Love
a loss as to the lack of dancing in the streets, but it most Love is reminiscent of Am[...]simple begins to feel like an exercise in the sheer aesthetics of the
likely has something to do with classic Mass[...]is often a puzzle whether moving image.
The Simpsons has been with us for 10 years now, and[...]ise when Barry manages to The alienation of the modern world, people hitting
its success is solely responsible for the golden age of fall victim to the exaggeratedly harsh and abstract world he ea[...]now what is, entertaining and
this good, can the end to all the suffering of mankind be Abstract[...]ously creative aesthetic Drunk Love seizes the viewer with seething intensity and
-Nick Hol[...]ery still was an- experiment in eolour theory and the - Nick Holm[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (49)[...]ALGO
Had an odd experience with this film - I saw the movie,[...]MONSTER
before seeing the ad for it on TV. I'm sure many of you good
watch the advertisem*nt and form some quick impression[...]OUT OF TIME
of the movie before going to see it. Anyway, the impression[...]PAYCHECK
I got from the ads was quite different from the impression I THE PERFECT SCORE
got from watching the movie. The ads make the movie seem
as though it is nothing more than a Ho[...]IN THE CUT
action flick. Yes, there are heart-pounding r[...]THE MISSING
action-packed fight scenes; corny one-lin[...]THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING
I felt that the movie was beautifully done, with[...]THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST
spectacular desert views (so refreshing from the grass
plains, waterfalls and cold mountains, don'[...]COMING SOON
magnificent horses; and the portrayal of Arabs as not
merely terrorists and villains. In fact, I think the movie[...]which I think is a good thing.
Anyway, the movie starts off with Frank Hopkins, little water. And as if the race wasn't tough enough, the pair VAN HELSING
played by Viggo Mortensen, working for the cavalry as a has to contend with stringe[...]ME POLLY
American mother, Hopkins not only speaks the Native It is hard to see[...]kie, who has a THE PUNISHER
death with his last dispatch, this troub[...]ged soft spot for his only daughter. But at the end of the day, I CHRONICLES OF RID[...]think Hidalgo was the one who stole the show. There is a
We next see Hopkins w[...]man he once was. Even They always steal the show.
his horse, Hidalgo senses that something is[...]-operate with and finding one's true self. The only thing that I wasn't
Hopkins.[...]too happy about was the whole "based on a true story"
While wo[...]Hopkins and his tagline, which seems to be the rage of Hollywood these
horse were touted as the best long distance endurance days. App[...]CHAFF has five double passes to give away to see the
racers in the World. However, an Arab Sheikh, Sheikh[...]man. Who knows? I really identify the star below and go in the draw to WIN!
and Hidalgo take part in an ancient[...]entry per person - competition closes WED 5pm
of the best Arabian thoroughbreds, 3,000 miles across the good.
scorching heat of the Arabian Desert, with no food and very - Edrei Valath

L' Auberge Espagnole·
(The Spanish Apartment)
Directed by Cedric Klapi[...]hensive about going to this film, firstly
because the poster was proudly sporting some nominations
for an obscure French award, and secondly because the
website touted some random, unheard of reviewer s[...]retty soon got over myself, however,
after seeing the trailer and realising that to get an Oscar
one ha[...]od wouldn't realise good talent if it bit them in the
butt (LOTR excluded)).
So off I ventured to the cosy seats of Cinema Gold,[...]ndered whether they
would actually give me one of the seats when they got new
ones in twenty years' time.
But on to the movie - As part of a job that he is
promised, Xav[...]for a year in order to gain working knowledge of the Spanish
language. He spends three months getting the paperwork
ready for the trip due to frustrating bureaucracy (brilliantly[...]ureen Chimwayange
full of international students. Italian, English, a boy from[...]Leigh Camrnock
Tarragona all add to the mix as he begins to explore life[...]basically what Claim your prizes from the CHAFF office! (You've got
to deal with issues of[...]trip as well as those who have, you'll find the film quite
interesting lessons on how to seduce w[...]d from believable. It is quite literally the experiences that Xavier
the lesbian in his apartment (lessons that he uses quite has and the way that Klapisch portrays it that helps us as The CHAFF letterbox is located outside
comically in the film). the viewer to feel like he or she has experienced it. CAFE TRA-BACI on the Turitea Campus, alternatively,
He uses a voice-over at the start and end of I found the portrayal and the mix of characters drop it in to us at MUSA, or email your answer to
the film, a convention quite often used in foreign fi[...]ng enjoyable and a refreshing break from the monotonous,
American voic;e) it.adds to the quirkiness uf the film. The mass.produced, predictable films of H[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (50)[...]with drummer Stu Young to give you the low-
down before they come to Palmy to party up, playing at The
Stu: We've played quite a bit around the country in the last[...]the Big Day Out in 2003, played punkfests in Christch[...]and Wellington twice, and toured around the south island[...]heaps and we also play in Dunedin all the time.[...]we're always pissed off about how the world is run. We all[...]CHAFF: What are your plans for the future with this[...]CHAFF: Who have you played with in the past?[...]ally had to take Ritalin. These days we just like the CHAFF: What do you think of New Zealand m[...]CHAFF: Favourite drink?
sound of the word. general at the moment?[...]ng together? great seeing bands like The Datsuns and the D4 touring[...]CHAFF: What is the most stupid thing you've done
Stu: Well, Niam and I started the band about 6 or 7 years the world and getting in the media everywhere, and seeing[...]and like Sommerset who we've played with often in the[...]and
so, and we pretty much take it from when the group we are last year touring the world is really inspiring. But then[...]walked around the bar we were playing in, I wouldn't have
now w[...]drop and roll' about 60
CHAFF: Tell us about the other members of "You've got New Zealand Idol wasting : times in the same song CHAFF: What do you thi[...]thousands of dollars that just to get back in the limelight. Not that Helen Clark and
and also[...]one Of the JU ges IS as1ca Yt e I better, plus one of the[...]between the two parties.
; CHAFF: Is playing in the band a full-time job reason Flying Nun had to be sold to an judges is basically the
for you?[...]u: No, sorry.
because I'm playing too much at the moment.[...]ecause I'm pretty poor, but CHAFF: What's the hardest things about touring?[...]Stu: A few beers, yell at the other guys to hurry up and get
I love doing t[...]easier to get the girls?
liken it to other bands?[...]Stu: We were playing this gig at the Kings Arms in Auckland[...]say we're too and everyone passed out in the van after the show cos we[...]that guys in bands get girls all the time, its not really that
loud. We're basical[...]here were all way too drunk. We woke in the morning to Seamus,[...]erent types of punk it's hard to pin down the singer of Missing Teeth, yelling "Where am I, who[...]out one window and it was coming back in the other[...], girlfriends, people we really don't asleep in the back and our roadie/fifth member Tom was[...]nery, safety, its just not as completely crazy as the
our own heads. All ofus aren't exactly happy all the time. to the Kings Arms, then took turns throwing up all over the[...]rest of the world.
car park. It was one of the worst and best moments of my
CHAFF: Have you[...]ionwide CHAFF: Who are you listening to at the moment?
by Inmusic. We've got copies floating[...]Stu: I'm listening to New Zealand ska band The Managers a
Amsterdam and we sold one to someone in Florida the other lot, Everclear, Choking Vict[...]
Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (51)[...]The Black Seeds[...]On The Sun[...]just listening to the wrong radio station, you may have[...]realised that there has been quite the resurgence in New[...]out as a covers band in Christchurch in the early 90's[...]else, aside from Jamaica. Where do the Black Seeds fit[...]manoeuvres, designed for the dance floor. It is good to see[...]On The Sun is the Wellington band's major label[...]debut, and the follow-up to 2001's successful Keep On[...]Pushing. On the Sun demonstrates the benefits of constant Elsewhere, the line-up of guest musicians and[...]Dr Lee Prebble. the Phoenix Foundation. More spacious dub textures[...]The songwriting veers from classic reggae jams to dub[...]feel. This retro element seems to pervade the album,

[0) f!~!!f.~-[...]Opener "Tuk Tuk" emphasises the traditional[...]feel, a taut bassline anchoring the song, with martial[...]a decidedly more pop edge to the proceedings, vocalist[...]particularly on the quite righteous "Fire", with its fantastic[...]backing vocals. "On the Sun" closes the album with a slice[...]jam that concludes the album.[...]Overall, On the Sun is a fine follow-up to Keep On
When the name Pantera is mentioned, images of drunken[...]seem, something brought right to the fore on the inevitable Pushing. Tracks like "Tuk Tuk", "Fire" and "On the Sun"
Texans, pink goatee-d guitarists and severe[...]pop hit single, "So True". On The Sun also sees the band really stand out, and "So True" can be awarded the "Most
concocted. Whilst these images are disturbi[...]Likely to be Big Pop Single" prize. The emphasis on the
prevalent as the band's somewhat recent breakup. However,[...]rous tracks, • the Black Seeds to be a better live band than on reco[...]sic, so hopefully you headed down and saw them at the
Vulgar Display of Power is one of the better Pantera albums.[...]scene is something to be proud of, and the Black Seeds
tracks, "This Love" and "Hollow". While the screaming is[...]are pushing things in the right direction.
more minimalist on these tracks, the guitars are as still as[...]at's cardboard box in tornado weather.
The tornado blown out , Pantera's love song turns
from a track to seduce the opposite sex with, to a track to
grab a pen and scrawl incoherent poetry to .. . The track
"Mouth for War" seems to cater to those who[...]!3!3.Lf Fm
done wrong .. ."Strength the strength of many to crush[...]The Hendersons: Palmy World Tour Thursday, April 1: an
[those] who might stop me". Whilst the next track, "A New[...]'
Level" foreshadows a new beginning and anger at the old life
Anger is one of the predominant factors on Vulgar[...]Dunedin at The Stomach. 8:30pm start.
Display of Power, and Pant[...]Nirvana Tribute Concert at the Globe Theatre, April 10 at
on, f*cked with, point[...]moder n version of the Sleeping Beauty story. Playing at the 7pm. This is to mark the 10 th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's
Anger at the sys tem is also a point of Panter a 's Auditorium in the Old Main Building, Massey University,[...]is 64, Purple Disease, Mojak,
concern, as seen on the tracks "f*cking Hostile", "No Good[...]ent Minded. Tickets $10 from Mango Music.
(Attack the Radical)" and "Rise". gold coin.
The hardship of depression, suicide and dea th of Evening Performance at The Globe Theatre, 8:00pm. $5 At the Mao Bar each week you can check out live music on
loved ones are other undertones in the album. The hidden studen[...]ay nights.
images and meanings can b e decoded by the reader if they[...]Musicians interested in playing at the Mao Bar can ring
wish to obliterate the blatant anger and distortion seen on The Rocky Horror Show, the org*smic rock'n'roll musical[...]to thrill you with its naughty fun . It plays at The
While some of the guitar riffs are a bit out of[...]rt at You can hear the Radio Control Gig Guide 8:30am,
date, Vulgar Disp[...]for free call 3504526, fax
anything, from washing the dishes, "studying" , or enjoying[...]Otago to defend the shield![...]All proceeds to go towards the[...]Massey at the 20/U NZ University[...]001 FROM THE MUSA OFFICE, REC

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (52)[...]by mike ushau
In many ways, learning about how the world is screwed (environmental and social
degrad[...]ually challenged", they don't know f*ck-all
about the bigger picture.
Whether you realise it[...]is a cognitive war which is now bigger than
ever. The goodies are people that are trying to save us and the baddies are all those evil
bastards who f*ck over other people and the environment in pursuit of profit. The majority
of the people involved don 't even realise that it is happening. Unfortunately the baddies
have very large corporations and governments on their side. They have the best lawyers
money can buy and every minute they[...]is dead. It is up to you whether you acknowledge
the war and fight to regain freedom or if you choose[...]one of their little underlings jumps in front of the camera and stops the
... . ...... ·~~·".,/ ~..··.[...]Think about the saying "stupid people talk mostly about other peo[...]people talk a lot about events and the most 'on to it' people talk about ideas". A lot o[...]don't think enough, or they think about the wrong kind of stuff. It is possible that they[...]they may just be ignorant. It's not their fault, the system teaches us[...]to think inside the square, it teaches us to conform to the norms of society. In our society[...]good. Some take the easy way out and kill themselves ... pause to ste[...]once they know of the impacts suicide has on friends and family. This i[...]Another consequence of this awakening of ideas or the realisation that humans[...]re f*cked is drug abuse. Many people realise that the future is not looking[...]with their life. This may not be the case for everyone and you may even take heaps of[...]the exception as it isn't a drug, it is a herb. It ca[...]ability and help you to think more clearly. The only downside is that you think so much,[...]so quickly that you forget most of the sh*t soon after. Drug abuse seems to happen over
Anyway, if the world is to be changed for the better, the only ones who can change[...]ntelligent. It also goes hand in hand with
it are the people of our good fortune. The rich elite certainly won't jeopardise their finan[...]depression.
control of the world and the poor are in no position to do anything to change[...]ssed so much
perhaps pick up an AK and let rip on the rich landowners.[...]ng
Also you need to care enough to save the world, and have the knowledge and[...]people who they have f*cked over and the effects of depleted uranium. Nowadays I tend
unde[...]es who stand against everything right and just in the world. Either they are just[...]hich case you may be able to persuade them to see the error of their ways, or[...]At one
they know what's really going on but have the evil heart of a money hungry capitalist and[...]ake some deep breaths or else I could have beaten the bastard to
wish to destroy everything on earth. F[...]h my chair.
You may realise by now that the world is well and truly stuffed. It is, and you m[...]of throwing mud at some arseholes face, slashing the tyres of logging companies
the rest of your life doing the best you can to stop it getting even more f*cked.[...]ea into a multinational corporate HQ. Make use of the life you were[...]they start
If you do give a sh*t about the world then by all means read on. The first step is[...]one of their little underlings jumps in front of the camera
realisation. In order to change anything for the better you need to realise why and how it[...]and stops the interview.
is the way it is. Education helps a great deal but isn't[...]u off instead of pulling out your
probably one of the best things you can do to help gain understanding[...]u don't
are very intelligent and seek to not f*ck the world up in the pursuit of profit. Reading books[...]understanding. Read
(Chomsky, Klein, Pilger etc). The best thing you can do to obtain your cognitive fr[...]El Barrio, about sweatshops, corporations ruling the earth,
stop watching sh*t f*cken television, watc[...]pesticides causing mutations or about the similarities between Nazi Germany and the
documentaries.[...]current situation in the US . Get real education for god's sake".[...]t a sh*t piece of paper that says you have earned the right to a sh*t
around and contemplate sh*t. Hope[...]job for the rest of your life. You may even find changing to[...]crock of sh*t too and would rather be sittin' on the back porch eating peaches and[...]did.
contemplating their existence. The other alternative is busting your arse working fo[...]Peace out.
company that you probably hate, like the majority of poor wage slaves trapped in the[...]PS. Isn't it funny how the spell checker suggests Rodney should be ch[...]
Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (53)[...]your cold will
have completely disappeared the next day, guaranteed, if
you are still sick you may have been dropped in the palsy
pot during infancy, hard luck.
The first step is grabbing a few lemons, often these[...]ou
should pay for bin lemons, let's face it the shop should be
paying you for the service you are doing for the youth of this
nation. Once you have lemons,[...]mix in one jar of manuka honey.
Stir until the thick porous liquid is mixed sufficiently for[...]nty-percent alcohol in it. I wouldn't water
the garden with that percentage of alcohol let alone drink it.
The vodka has to have an alcohol content of forty per[...]Once you have these two core ingredients you get the
person of Russian descent to rub you from head to toe with
the vodka, leave no spot untouched and leave the vodka on
for four hours or until your skin[...]and
look for an area of grass or dirt. Take the spade and dig
for half an hour whilst being[...]injure your
naked extremities. To sweat out the sniff you should work
frenetically and without stopping for the entire 30 minutes.
Step four is[...]full and your
electric blanket likewise in the smallest room of your house
with curtains c[...]yourself is probably sufficient.
The fifth step is to smoke cigarettes, what kind of[...]tonhole,
after approximately four hours and the twelve hours[...]like?
following will be sufficient to ease the bodily strains caused
by that nasty[...]
Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (54)[...]could just invite him and your
Have they got over the chicken pox yet? sisters[...]of subtle floss, as we discussed last
of my weed the other day! I think nine years old is a[...]so we can move on to the next one.
matter so much. But I smacked her bum and she went Karyn: But Steve is also the father of Shaz's boys, Jedi
to bed without her di[...]that's never been a problem. Sharyn: The guy in question is a different race from you .
le[...]dad is Wayne, and I'm kind of seeing him at the moment. this subject.
had the munchies something chronic by then.[...]that. Karyn: But he's not the father of any of our kids.[...]whether They're our Maori friends from up the coast --
Karyn: Cheers, Shaz. So did we get any l[...]ace.
Sharyn: Yeah, we did actually. I went to see the editor that week. So we always got our mo[...]yn: Yeah, it's really nice because it keeps it in the them in Ruatoria, and he has a really cho[...]e not only her cousins, they're Sharyn: And the thing is, our mum and dad are pretty
Dear Sharyn[...]d, traditional, and they did things the old-fashioned way.
I have a problem. I[...]live in the same house, and Wayne's around quite a lot[...]s honking him, and he's also Brittinee's the time. The thing with parents is that you have to push
r hen[...]agittarian Sharyn: The only thing that could be an issue is if you're al[...]ready pulled him. If I scoring him at the same time. It does depend on the lady,[...]Karyn: Whatever.
there's the race thing, and secondly, there's the whole
slag thing.[...]Sharyn: Pass us the lighter, slag.[...]
Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (55)[...]gold coin donation), a constitution (Jo's finding the old[...]d 'recycling' it), an AGM (this Sunday will serve the[...]purpose). When the boxes are ticked we will have more[...]to a meeting in the next few weeks.[...]in Marsden lecture theatre showing The Lorax (Dr. Seuss),[...]and anything else you guys wanna see and can fmd. The[...]sha is looking into Forest and Bird's campaign on the[...]going to write
Forest and Bird Society
The Manawatu Branch of the Forest and Bird Society has[...]about the beach clean-up to be published after the holidays.[...]places Cycle Awareness Palmerston North is the local branch of
like Keebles Bush. the national Cycling Advocates Network. CAPN lobbies[...]a submission regarding a piggery discharging
The Manawatu River Estuary (near Foxton) is an[...]effluent into a tributary of the Kahuterawa stream. Looks
internationally rec[...]u posted.
and New Zealand native birds enjoy the mudflats and Phone: 06-350 5799 x2816
wetlands. The Manawatu Estuary provides refuge for[...]
godwits, red knots and wrybills. The Manawatu Estuary[...]ng program running get in touch with Jase
in the estuary area, while hoping to provide facilities The Greenbike Trust is a fantastic Palmy initiative. Old (, or drop by the MUSA office).
such as a Visitors Centre, and encouraging eco-tourism bikes are collected by the Trust and taken to the workshop Things are all go with the council keen to cooperate, we just
and cooperation with other local and international on the campus Ring Road. The bikes are then repaired, need some contact points for promotion and feedback.
organisations. The Trust plans to have the Manawatu painted GREEN, and then drop[...]e in order helmet, at public bike racks around the city. Anyone can Environment Network Manawatu
to achieve conservation and 'wise use' of the area. They then use a bike, as long as they r!:!turn it to a public bike
have the approval of the Department of Conservation to go rack for s[...]ng! We are looking into affiliating to ENM for the purpose of
ahead with the application. The Greenbike Trust also has bikes available to rent[...]yler, ph 06 368-1489, BandJ. students for the academic year which works really well for lo[...]Phone: (06) 354 7520
The Environment Network Manawatu is an umbrella[...]tives E-mail:
in the Manawatu area that benefit the wider community, Website: www.greenbikes[...]BUG
and sustainable living. Adie Leng is the Environmental The Bicycle Users Group is a staff and student lobby group
Coordinator for ENM, and she is based in the Palmerston working to promote cyclists' i[...]ie Leng, Environmental Coordinator, and the best way to find out about these is to get on the e-
Environment Network Manawatu, c/- City Future Unit, mail list. The next BUG meeting will be held at 12 noon on[...]The City Council is responsible for the majority of cycling
The Massey Environmental Group provides an opportunity facilities around the city. If you have problems with these
r- for st[...]active facilities, such as glass or rubbish on the cycle paths, tree
and make a difference to their environment. MEG has been roots or branches in the way, or problems with grates or
involved in[...]best if you can tell them exactly what and where the
ups, information stalls, petitions, and pr otest marches. problem is (eg, the street and closest house number).
Whatever y[...]-, or
Jase Blair at the MUSA office[...]
Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (56)[...]you've done it again, you've managed to start off
the week by pissing off everyone who wanders into you[...]ou.
active this week, which will pay dividends in the future. Lucky sex toy: Double-ended[...]is week, it has only brought other people pain in the past! Scorpio
Relationships: For a start[...]that into some housework and you shall be
to both the same and opposite sex. Also, being more open[...]e can Relationships: Damn, everyone bar the cat looks good this
only be beneficial this week.[...]ur sign would be Sagittarius
wiped from the zodiac. What more can I say.[...]e able to satisfy will be sweet! Now is the time to also try and get rid of that
someone else[...]information.
As the name suggests you are an unwanted ailment. Stay[...]u lot manage to score, but Capricorn
as the saying goes: stupid is as stupid does. Build a bridge and get over it. All the hurdles that have
Lucky sex toy: Handcuffs - you[...]o use them. been in your path in the last few weeks will be mysteriously "11 wou[...]fancy blokes that would be
Who's been eating all the flat cheese, you fat bastard? And Rela[...]nd of behaviour up, remember to keep up the good work. And for single crappies,
you might wan[...]exterior this week and yearn for the real you underneath.
Relationships: No, you have[...]always need an
hour long shower immediately after the deed is done. It's like Aquarius
Jim Carr[...]ctive - unclean, unclean! You will have the irresistible urge to involve yourself in some
Luc[...]you are finally contributing something back to the society
Virgo[...]y free of any debacles. Just keep that anxiety in the misunderstandings this week. Not everyone has the same
front of your mind though, as your luck may[...]thusiastic as you may mooch off your benefits.
of the sexiest star signs of the zodiac! Lay back and let other Relationshi[...]ex toy: Feather.

Pop: a love-hate relationship
The time has come for me to share my terrible secret. I like ... saviour's voice came a-calling over the radio like a ray of
I like ... I like pop music![...]e cred, unconsciously, lost myself in the lyrics, letting his
the time has come to break free of this lie I have been living professions of eternal devotion wash away the dreariness
and embrace my true nature. Viva Pop![...]despicable little word: "wife". One of the unfortunate
We young gay males have[...]downfalls of being a minority in a world where the
reputation for loving throwaway pop songs: it is said that majority rules is that the culture is not designed with you
much of modern d[...]and while you can try as you might to search out
the gay clubbing scene not moulded it out of the charred the most compatible examples and stretch your way int[...]too small - they never quite fit.
underground at the close of the seventies. With the pink In my case something as simple[...]an-bases. But while we may and deny me the same humble pleasure that many of my
love pop ...[...]granted.
I still recall where I was the fir st time I heard a In light of[...]your head. Award yourself extra points
at my JOB, the &o ...l dra.nm 5 ..i.6on:r of endless rout[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (57)[...]that was put forward by the[...]e
think are the most important[...]utiful day!
the government, this is the Budget your study time. Spend 12.5 hou[...]ut don't just study study study - that's
and the University is focussing on reviewing the SECAT not healthy. And too much[...]you peace (Philippians 4:6-7).
At the moment it's still at an early stage, I'm trying[...]ideas. Maybe I'll Space), is located in the ICC building, Rehab Road, near
have some sor[...], then I'll get Colombo Hall. You will have the chance to meet other
together with my collea[...]r
into a trim fighting machine to present to the University. friend. You could also meet Rebecca Tuiletoa, who is the
I'm kinda making this up on the spot, but it's been Pacific Islands consulta[...]s popping in to present who usually find the first year to be a difficult time.
problems, and the AGM still to come. Anyway, this is how Rebecca's office is on the same building as the PI space or
I work. If you want to be involv[...]on I've lost contact her on ext 7186.
the plot, feel free to get in touch. I'll probably ha[...]iday, and may
The year is well underway you experience and feel the true meaning of Easter. ,.,. w[...]now and most of the clubs God bless you all.[...]the Campus Arts survey[...]people who made the top at Hokowhitu?[...]looking into the options that[...]appreciated the feedback.
als[...]suggestions throughout the
managing. The feasibility study carried out on the possible move of the year e-mail m[...]College of Education from Hokowhitu campus to the Turitea c[...]site has now been carried out and is with the powers[...]in
completed the Special K that be. Apparently the next move is for 6-10 weeks of the middle of organising a one
Women's Triathalo[...]e giving it Apparently one of the reasons for the possible on Massey Campus, although it wi[...]move is because of falling numbers (the numbers only other students' associations. So keep your ears and eyes
thankfully the weather held out for the day. It was an started falling when w[...]here and move another faculty down to share the campus. all the information you need.
A big thanks[...]Martin Brady from We were told none of the faculties at Turitea want to come[...]lternative
Sport Manawatu and Stu Baker from the Arena for their down here. We find this hard to believe as the Accounts Wednesdays in the two hour breaks so tune in and listen to
tim[...]to contend with. No hold ups at the bridge (especially in I hope that you all enjoyed the Blackseeds concert
Last but not least Uni Games! It's not far away the winter) . No parking problems (well not compared[...]to Turitea). We could go on and on about the desirability of we hope to have them back[...]the Hokowhitu campus but then we get the feeling that sometime soon!
Frida[...]I hope you all went and checked out the Festival of
Thursday April 8 - Uniform distr[...]We have been assured that the University has Cultures in the Square. They had some great stalls and a
Mon[...]teams is underway so for those of you
making the trip down south, good luck.[...]replaced by the powers that be, plus all their support staff.[...]Well that is all the news I have for this week.[...]njoy your week.
Go Team Massey, let's retain the shield! That way they w[...]inick, wasn't for the students I could get some work done"?
recrea[...]To bring up the grubby subject of money, we[...]would like to know if the move goes ahead will Hokowhitu

Kiorana and[...]students be reimbursed for the money this Association has[...]put into this campus over the years?
- Money put towards the building of the gym in the 60's
- $27,000 in the late 70's put towards the building of the[...]We are nearly halfway And will the art works in the quad, purchased
through the semester and the first week of the semester just by the Students Association, be relocated with us? These[...]act us at 7127 during these office hours: the other donated by Paul), Warren Viscoe, Jeff Thomp[...]We hope that you guys are coping with the this year's MUSA Executive[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (58)[...]Exploding the myths[...]Myth# 3: Aren't Maori the privileged ones, with scholarships[...]One of the many issues that have come sharply to the[...]forefront, after the infamous speech at the Orewa Rotary[...]Club last January, concerned the funding of Maori[...]policies'. Despite the colonial history which clearly[...]highlights the rapid and sweeping alienation of Maori from[...]their primary economic capital, namely land, the notion[...]the media and public eye turn their attention to 'rac[...]is not the purpose of this article. What this article seeks[...]address is the many, often ridiculously unfounded, myths
Perform[...]it into what is now commonly referred to as the 'Treaty[...]industry', or more recently within the Massey environment[...]as the 'Entrepreneurs of Ethnicity', or 'How Maui tried[...]their Academic staff have become the meat in the New Zealand'.
performance based resea[...]government and institution sandwich through the PBRF. The more extreme myths that place Maori in
rankings including international comparisons. The PBRF Academic staff in New Zealand ar[...]ry institutions based on overworked and the PBRF forces even more bureaucratic all[...]ity essay and exam markers
research income. While the University of Auckland and and other[...]ty have received an injunction from the PBRF and institutions are funded for it students[...]egree conferred and therefore a better chance for
the High Court, others are apparently already plannin[...]employment in the workforce; Maori do not even have to
marketing strategies based on the ranking they receive. Students have been the losers from a competitive apply for the scholarships, a cheque just comes in the mail.
There are a number of areas of co[...]ion system; it has meant higher fees, more The fact is however, that the facts , both historical and
students from all this, which are getting lost in the money wasted on marketing and promot[...]r example 2003
courtroom battle, not least of all the effect that focussing focus on public good,[...]d tertiary all government spending in the social sector.
presented to students in the form of high quality teaching institutions all over New Zealand, not a system where the - Maori specific education accounted for 3[...]at challenges, stimulates and motivates students. The so-called 'winners' are rewarded and the rest are left to Vote: Education.
last thi[...]ll mainstream health funding (a service which, by the way,
The government is financially rewarding[...]ut available and widely accessed
institutions for the amount of external research income inc[...]...
they are able to get with little analysis of the affect that and advice from friends and fam[...]If these are examples of the government's
this will have on academic freedom.[...]i, in light of past 'race based funding'
includes the freedom of academic staff and students to institution has the best childcare facilities. Students do not poli[...]to study; there are many Maori (such as the pre-1940s funding policy which dictated
and to st[...]external factors that affect this decision. If the government that Maori were paid lower benefits[...]nothing new.
universities are really going to be the critic and conscience - Fleur Fizsimons[...]Unacceptable, but common in the government dictated
of society they need to be as[...]when perceived within its historical context, is the[...]I couldn't help smiling at the double standards[...]still persist when it comes to illicit ignoring the social positionality of extreme disadvantage[...]sexual behaviour. Usually it's restricted to the tpuchy historically imposed on Maori thr[...]of prostitution - latterly under-age prostitutes. The reality in which Maori merely seek the measures needed
Why can't we for once morally outraged want the police to clean up the streets,
g[...]in recognition of the same aim in outcomes. And, as[...]x is highlighted in a recent article in The Listener (March 20
The government's taking illegal even when prostitutes are involved - who should the
a cast of[...]police be arresting here? What about going after the sickos policies, which National claims have[...]n she was fact contributed along with the Maori cultural renaissance
the Prime Minister Prime Minister or Leader of the Opposition, had admitted[...]t have survived separatism', Brash states the National Government will
War Two Veterans to the onslaught. Don Brash, on the other hand, will not be
include. Yet at the[...]s error of judgement. under the neo liberal principle of 'freedom of choice'. What
same time the Mayor His mistake, of course, was criticising the Prime
of C[...]Minister's marriage. He walked right into the sh*ttiness is used to rationalise resourc[...]Moore, applauds the of personal politics and there was nothin[...]fact that the taxpayers[...]at it renders invisible the Maori experience, which must be[...]hen acknowledged and addressed in facing the future. As stated[...]by pretending that
I don't care where the diggers want to go, whether still considered[...]ng to pass
it's Italy or Honolulu for a fling in the sun, we should[...]ws, You make that transition by facing the demons of the past
shout them. There are only about 100 left.[...]sons - to protect those You recognise the mana and rangatiratanga of those you
hadn't volu[...]peaking as someone
terrible war, I wouldn't have the freedom to write this[...]will never be enough man, then later had the tables turned on me, such
to repay these guys. W[...]illicit affairs will never become
But the main question troubling the minds of[...]Next week: Myth #4 "Surely the Treaty is no longer[...]an acceptable way of life, and lose the gasp factor, the way relevant ... "
political journos these p[...]herhood has. When civil society chucks out mores
the Leader of the Opposition's admission he committed[...]
Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (59)[...]on the cards, Vash the Stampede, the One-Headed Mao., the Floozy,
The week of March 15 was a sad one for KAOS. A good n[...]ts were found brutally murdered, one by one, over the
we realised that the One-Headed Man was still unconscious. Efforts
course of the week. At this point, the evil-doers responsible have not[...]Thank you to those who attended the funerals . But do
families . They were an integral part of the community and will be[...]it is best to work on forgetting the massacre, replacing the deceased
ended, and the way they died. Hopefully this will bring closure[...]agents with the new recruits (in our minds), and filling the holes in
those who knew them best, and every[...]ar, or
Agent Hey You! was found collapsed on the ground, brains splayed
across the walls. The cause of death was positively identified as a 50 even say it.)
caliber to the noggin.
15/3/04, 6:15pm
Despite attempt[...]The Bullring[...]some beer for the cause. The locals were sad, the sheep were shaken
16/3/04, 11:50am[...](but unhurt) and the bus trip continued to speed its way to the next
Agent Honey Puff and Lord Vort lmperius[...]ngs got a bit pear-
alerted investigators to the scene. An attractive Russian spy was bedroom, others might say. But whatever the argument, the young shaped! 1n the bus driver's excitement of having an abundant of[...]. quality young females on the bus, he forgot that the bus was not a
16/3/04, 11:55am The event took place on Friday evening of the 19th , high performance racing car, and that the clutch was not designed
An unidentified body was found with stab wounds to the back was after an earlier postponement (much to the disappointment .of the for burn outs. Thus the clutch became useless, and the drunken
found near the cafeteria. We think he is one of ours. No one else has excited locals), leaving the Albert in the late afternoon. The bus was group was stuck in the budding metropolis of Feilding.
reported him[...]e students and a couple of business students. the species of a wayward shrub, claimed by our "token" tracker,
The Anonymous Crow was found CHAFFed in the Kiwitea Lounge. Throw in the essential Dip Ag students and a confused American under the Native Rights Act 1843. "Corley", our (beloved) b[...]d to us flustered, but with a new bus! We were on the road
16/3/04, 12:50pm[...](who was very understanding again, on to the Awahuri.
A trail of blood led to the finding of a body in the bushes. to the needs of drunken Ag students), soon had us on our[...]Due to an alarming lack in patron numbers at the
16/3/04, 1:10pm to Ashhurst for the first stop. The local patrons were initially Awahuri pub,[...]ourselves. I was once
Seemingly unrelated to the string of killings, Gengis choked to death bewildered with the influx of students, but Dick soo_n had them[...]quite convinced must have added more blisters to the end of his
A gunshot was heard in the Kiwitea Lounge and an agent dropped[...](where it is speculated that the young farmers are still banned from We eventually made it back to the safety of the Albert and
17/3/04, 9:17 am[...]after an occurrence on the bus trip 5 years ago) for a "speed round". the majority of the team was home in bed by midnight.
A poor age[...]sted into a We manoeuvered our way through the hogan capital of Manawatu Coming up on the night of Thursday April 1, is the much-
pretzel with pain. Unfortunately no an[...]and after negotiating an unplanned detour with the help of our local anticipated Ag/hort happy hour. This will take place in the St Johns
him.[...]bert. We arrived at Hall in Cuba St (next to the bowling ally) from 6 till late. The beer
17 /3/04, 12:40pm the mighty Cheltenham pub. will be cheap and the entertainment will be even cheaper, so do not
Another poisoning. The victim was found clutching a knife covered The "Chelty" quickly became everyone's favourite, and[...]our way again, much to the disappointment of the locals. 1n fact the -Agboy.

Today CHAFF talks to The Chemist Shop Palmerston North, and highlights its ongoing professional and retail relationship with the student market.
Chaff: Firstly where are you located and what are your trading hours?
The Chemist Shop: We are close to the city centre, next to The Doctors, in the Pak 'n Save carpark, across the road from the
Fitz, at 27 Linton Street. We are open 8am to 9pm EVERYDAY of the year.

Chaff: How many staff do you employ and what specialty roles do they perform at The Chemist Shop?
The Chemist Shop: Over 30 staff are employed in the delivery of a comprehensive, extended hours pharm[...]n medicines, diabetic
services and of course the retail product and advise for customers intereste[...]ny services of special interest to students?
The Chemist Shop: During term time, students on campu[...]Chaff: Are there any in-store promotions at The Chemist Shop?
The Chemist Shop: There is always something happening promotionally at The Chemist Shop. For instance just now
we have[...]at value every time they visit!

Chaff: Does The Chemist Shop provide phone support for all queries - eg, prescription charges, health advice etc?
The Chemist Shop: Yes, our Pharmacists are always ava[...]you have any advice for our readers when visiting The Chemist Shop regarding medical prescriptions?
The Chemist Shop: Be prepared to help us help you. Du[...]confidentia].ity constraints you need to tell us the
information that might affect your care such[...]tionally, we
aim to assist you in navigating the government subsidies for your health - it is part[...]ecial Authority letters etc. Then we can save you the most money!

Chaff: What brands of cosmetics and fragrances are we likely to f"md at The Chemist Shop?
The Chemist Shop: We stock Elizabeth Arden as our pre[...]at are interested in fashion can afford to access the latest colour cosmetics.[...]I
We also love fragrances and stock many of the leading premier NZ brands including Opium, Paris,[...]Simply cut-out this coupon and bring it into The Chemist Shop PN.
Chaff: Does The Chemist Shop conduct any type of product launch a[...]1
The Chemist Shop: We usually have something new on co[...]I located at 27 Linton Street in the Pak'n'Save carpark. I
fragrance. These are a[...]~
The Chemist Shop Palmerston North is a conveni[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (60)[...]h a large yard, vege who resides in the Mid Central Health · Scholarships[...]tions in any
video viewing: 2040 : A message from the feel. $45/pw + exp. 15 minutes from[...]5010 Palmerston North. field and the successful candidates will be
future (20min) and[...]relevant to the Maori Soldier's Trust, e .g.
are at the Palmerston North City Council charlotteminso[...]atmate wanted - to share with four vet The Post-Graduate Antarctic Research[...]interests in Antarctica and the Southern NOTICEBOARDS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE
For sale - big queen-size bed, very[...]e keen to play on April 13-16 in Dunedin, the year of research. Applications close[...], or e-mail recreation@musa. please see the website http: //www.
able to sing. lnfluences inc[...]CHAFF classifieds are a free service to
Circle, The Mars Volta, Tool, Refused,[...]to chaff.ed@musa.
Thomas on 0274167071 or e-mail the SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS position is available at the MS level in, or them off at the CHAFF mailbox
velvetine[...]the Soil, Plant & Ecological Sciences outside Cafe Tra Baci or at the CHAFF[...]email The project will involve the study of light,
somewhere on campus last Tuesday.[...]leaf and canopy photosynthetic rates. The
350-5799 extn 4570, o~ 0211609372. The[...]ose persons who have an interest in the University of California, Riverside,[...]wledge· and skills in and is funded by the California Avocado
Drivers wanted - Students 25 years or over the rehabilitation of youth addicted to Commission. The long-term goal is the
who is are competent, safe drivers with a dru[...]ence (class 1) to work a few already working in the area. One or more productivity in this species. Interested
shifts over the Easter break. He or she scholarships shall[...]tramural students studying at tertiary level. The current backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
from the airport, bus and train station value of eac[...]ilable March 1 2004 or later. Contact:
to Massey. The service operates during per annum. Applica[...]emester breaks (ie Easter, mid year, Sept) with the Scholarships Office University of Physio[...], website http:// Scholarship: The purpose of this scholarships,[...]nted - One flatmate wanted to year of study. The value of the scholarship Polytechnic, University or Wa[...]tizen with a major mental health illness the final year of their tertiary study. The[...]
Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (61)[...]e ft Sean Paul - ER or AL65567
The Muppets Theme[...]- The Strokes ER or AL65693[...]Rock Your Body
The Anthem[...]The Datsuns[...]ER or AL65499
Sex and The City Theme[...]The Muppets[...]12 51 The Strokes N061484[...]


<p><em>Chaff</em> existed from 1934 to 2012 and&nbsp;was the student newspaper of the Massey Agricultural College Students&#39; Associa[...]r university status was attained in 1964, that of the Massey University Students&#39; Association on the Manawatū campus. It was replaced in 2012&[...]

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29. Massey University Library, accessed 05/09/2024,

Chaff, 70(6), 2004-03-29 (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

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Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.